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Everything posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. Reading the Black Betty story makes me wonder if you're plotting an Alt Carlos already
  2. I think there is some fluff hooks that might lead to more Neverborn Lucius. Firstly, the new Governor General appears to not be a fan of him, if it becomes harder to manipulate the guild, he will need to dip into neverborn resources to continue his plots. Secondly, Titania hints she knows exactly what type of neverborn he is. This to me implies that he is something different from what we have explicitly seen. This could lead to more neverborn of that type that work well with him .
  3. Particularly frustrated to report that I just got the replacement order in from the first round of incorrect cards. These cards are STILL the pre-errata versions
  4. Hmm, his name rhymes with Ryle, you'd best just go ahead and turn him into a cyborg abomination
  5. Regen does, both the Conflux ability and Regen would trigger at same time, you get to choose the order, so resolve conflux then resolve regen.
  6. I was looking forward to this and it was very helpful to put it in perspective. I would liek to see a continuance however, a bit of faction by faction model ratings, which models stock has gone up to help with GG17 overall, which staples might need a bit of a rest, etc.
  7. More Tyrant Fluff?!?!?!? -Makes grabby hand gestures at screen- very curious to know estimated cost and estimated release window.
  8. the Under Quarantine Through the Breach book mentions a temple under malifaux dedicated to some sort of water god. This might be a side reference to Meridion. As for Factions, I find myself torn. I like Gibbering Hordes a lot story and aesthetically, though its not my usual play stye. However, KE keeps drawing my attention too, Play style looks fun, but I'm not as excited about the look of the models. Then suddenly it turns out nearly everyone local is also looking towards GH, like 2.5 to 1 ratio. Not sure what to go with now.
  9. I had been thinking of posting a different thread but this is probably close enough. I'm a bit worried about Rasputina in GG17, so much focus on scheming and she is definitely more murder prone. With Snow Storm always eating into the points pool I do often feel a bit hard pressed to fit in enough schemeyness too, so I was curious what people were thinking about Tina in GG17
  10. You could, potentially, stagnant them to grant a bunch of glory, next turn Endless Numbers a clutch back anywhere on the field, Hatch it, and next turn wail to make up for the lost walk in the long term.
  11. I'm definitely thinking I'd want multiple to start, plus 3 to summon with the karkinoi, that way you'd bet a lot of your army going to glory turn one. I could see owning like 5, though kickstarter wise i'll probably grab 1 and proxy test for the full number to get.
  12. absolutely true, I just know a number of people who missed that bit, so wanted to make sure, if only for potential future readers.
  13. I agree my first thought was a Kumiho or Kitsune as well. Though at least the former tends to be always female.
  14. I'm wondering what they do on their own. Right now just seems like a cheap way to go to Glory
  15. Karkinoi and Yarazi feel like they might be their proper names, like what Stormsiren would call them. Barbed Creepers and Spotted Skulkers and the like seem like they are what the British soldiers dubbed them.
  16. For clarification's sake, I want to point out that Acolytes cannot drop scheme markers turn 1. Personally, I'm curious to try some more oddball crews with Tina. Maybe use Howard, since he really needs to be Armor 3. Maybe use Carlos Vasquez, because who doesn't like more pillars for control?
  17. Yeah, finding the points has always been my struggle with Tina, and I even tend to play Armor of December instead of Shattered Heart. Snow Storm being basically auto include while also expensive, and usually wanting another big model. She has a lot of good mid cost options at least.
  18. Personally the early cult of burning man stuff reminded me of the hungering darkness and illuminated. Perhaps take a look at Jakob Lynch's crew
  19. Quick initial reactions: - I absolutely hate that Show of Force still exists - I never particularly liked Mark for Death, too fiddly, so sad that that survived without edit - Recover Evidence: Am I right that you cannot take this interaction while engaged? seems a pita, but also could be interesting - Last Stand: I really don't trust this one, I could see this being a guaranteed 3 points for some crews always. - Love that carver is now an official proxy for something
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