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About Yardeg

  • Birthday 03/03/1980

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  1. That's exactly the reason why i opted to receive all my pledge stuff in one package. Still waiting though, haven't even received a shipping notice. Guess i'll send them an email on monday.
  2. Seeing as there are almost limitless possibilitys to expand the malifaux universe i'm just gonna leave a few short bulettpoints as inspiration: - Big Game Hunters: Like in africa, basically rich bored dudes who want to hang a 10feet crocodile head over their fireblace back home in their mansion. Of course they hire local guides and carriers (gremlins). - Mining companies that want all OTHER resources that are available in malifaux (gold, silver, rare wood, etc.) - Slavers kidnapping gremlins to work earthside. Horrible horrible consequences earthside after exponential reproduction of the gremlins included. - Scientists wanting to catalogue the animals and plants of malifaux. - Malifaux "the world" suppossedly is a big place. There can be more, different, rival kinds of neverborn and gremlins (desertgremlin, jungle gremlin) - This also leads to the possibility of there being another huge breach. Maybe in Russia leading to somewhere in malifaux, hundrets of miles away from Malifaux-City.
  3. Not entirely sure, but i presume this is the link you are talking about: Legoburner goes to China - A Visit to Wargames Factory's... Factory: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/552663.page
  4. I did send Wyrd a message today through the contact form on the main page, due to a lack of suitable options i contacted the sales department. To my surprise I received an answer within 2 hours.
  5. I did send them a message through kickstarter right after the update but haven't got a reply yet. Not sure i will get one so i'm also interessted in a working email address regarding shipping my rewards in one big package rather than multiple small ones. Wouldn't be fun getting hit multiple times for the full pledge amount at customs.
  6. Hi Jens, i have a Miss Terious still shrink wraped (1e stat card). PM me if you are interested. Depending on your location local pickup might be an option.
  7. As far as i know all april releases had the new card material. If im not mistaken it is a linen finish (Thunderstone cards use the same stuff) and probably of higher quality than the previous cards. Although i never was a big fan of glossy finish for cards, makes them look cheap.
  8. This will not help with attaching fiddly bits, but will propably save some models from being headless/beardless/.... Oh and i find cleaning a gazillion parts more annoying than glueing them together. Takes me about 30-45 min per model from desprueing to glued but i'm propably "overcleaning" them. How much time do you guys invest for cleaning/assembly? Still love the dynamic poses though.
  9. Actually the side is already visible. The faction and Wyrd Logo usually is on the side of the package and the front cover ends after the M2E logo (unless they suddenly start to change the boxsize).
  10. Assembly instructions Looks like the left hand holding the backhandle of the saw got lost during the digital sculpting process / the arm moved up a bit and doesn't connect to the saw anymore. In the artwork the hand ist there holding the saw. Hard to see because he wears gloves and the hand is turned inwards to grip the sawhandle.
  11. Message sent. One ghost town coming my way and urge rising to also buy a "proper" town. *sigh*
  12. Wohoo, first backer. *runs off to build a board for his western town*
  13. That's what i thought until i catapulted Yan Los beard through the room. Luckily i was able to find the piece again. Mental note: Buy tweezers with rubber tip.
  14. I listened to that episode a couple of weeks ago, very interesting. I actually would advice anoybody who's slightly interested in this topic to give it a listen, it's very insightful. Link: D6 Generation EP 112
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