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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Same but I improvised. Now he has a chain swing instead of rope.
  2. A teddy ignoring armor makes teddy scary. A hooded rider ignoring armor is really really scary. Drawing 9 cards with dreamer should give you something to summon with.
  3. *looks around. Skulks quietly to the darkest corner. Lurks waiting. always waiting"
  4. Raising from the dead or amalgamation. Like ryle. Course if the head or bod is completely obliterated then you need a good story to back it up.
  5. Day dreams need a 7 of anything. A mask could summon an alp if desired. But if Hannah is next to dreamer dreamer is out of position imho
  6. Actually if the target is reduced to zero wounds the overpower trigger would go off before the model actually dies. cause you know its an after damaging trigger and happens before the model is removed. so the target is still there to be randomized on. fun stuff yes?
  7. It's miss erys picture but it's name on the card is teddy. Cause you know that is what it is.
  8. If the opponent is not playing summoning dreamer I hope a summoning master could out summon him..... in reconnoiter hold two quarters is actually easier then trying to hold 3 or 4. Also distract would be better than bodyguard on bete. Mainly cause bete might be buried or dead. Body guard on Mortimer is not a bad choice either. Needing to cross the center line is not useful to you when you want to clump up to get the most benefit from Nico. But remember need 2 or more models for distract.
  9. Hannah of the friekorp has nether flux which would rob Seamus of that crow built in so now he has to Spend a Stone and Have the correct card in his hand instead of either or. its not a common abilty to strip suits but its really good. also for widow weaver maybe future upgrades or ability?
  10. He played Chompy dreamer in Reconnoiter which as a dreamer player is meh at best when summoner can just pump out models in all the quarters to score vp on. you are playing nico you should have been able to out summon him. and or punk zombies flurrying on teddys make teddys die pretty easily and slowing them with rigor mortise for one attack. Belles would do wonders also to dreamer lure him or his day dreams then just hit them. but i dont know how to give more advice with out a batrep or picture or what not
  11. on jacon and huggy, any CA heavy master/ crew that targets df kills huggy and ignores incorpreal and makes him sad. Lyncg is 10 wounds df 5 and no other defenses. Cheating to take 2 damage might seem as a deterrent but me taking 6 damage but killing you i get the better end of the deal. illuminated are dead ard but also if your not brillant not the best beaters and relatively slow. or can be ganged up on. Sow i might look into. Levi and dreamer burying removing all condtions is what they do. to try writing out they remove all condtions cept vp scoring ones would take up way way way to much text. that being said the Mechrider scores VP like its its job on top of being a rider. And then there is Levy. cause umm levy.
  12. No Action to take then no action. they would still have to take the duel the effects of the duel would do nothing. now if Sensei Yu used this while near Brewmaster and the enemy model was within 3" of BM then it works as intended. BM's Aura gives models the Tactical action (1) On the House: This model heals 1/2/3 Damage and gains the Poison +1 Condition." but other wise they have no action to take.
  13. whats wrong with the samurai? i just put mine together and look man sized to me heck next to the low river monks they look like they are wearing armor (shock and awe)
  14. Nope if he followed from the shadows rules no foul play.
  15. On your step 2 slight asterisk. If two or more models are tied for the lowest it's the attackers choice of who s/he wants.
  16. So when will all the new upgrades and changes be implemented into the crew creator?
  17. Lazarus will live till the end. Will he kill much well that's highly terrain dependant and flips. But if something ignores armor he will be a sad sad little robot.
  18. He is the unnamed tyrant. The man with his hand all up in your business. If you get my meaning. Trash fire is a good ability. But burning can be removed. I just hate when my opponents trigger "chocolate thief" off of the tactical action "Trust me I'm a doctor" seems really op.
  19. Some people like summoning dreamer. But dislike low wound models that give up free points. But if you can heal them and hide them or eliminate the threat it's not horrible. But hooded rider with retribution's eye is not bad at all especially later turns. And turning him into a taxi turn 2-5 you can complete schemes.
  20. I lied it was 5th-8th in the avatar not 3rd. My bad. Kadeton took third with Nick on 4th. Sorry for the confusion.
  21. Deusinomnon is already working on that for you. Thread is in the wyrd announcement forum.
  22. I enjoyed them. Just finished reading dreamers.
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