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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Wait what? Not moving is not moving where is the relevance? You declare you are trying to walk outside my melee range you take a walk action. I prevent you from doing so. You ended a walk action. Terror triggers. It does NOT matter if you moved if A: you took the action and B: it ended in melee with terror. Terror has no mention of movement. Only that a walk action ended in its melee range. I obey a model next to teddy. I say it takes a walk action. I Do Not Move It. Terror test would then ensue. So does moving 0 count as moving and posting faqs stating such has no relevance
  2. Once you are say you are using a trigger it is has to be used if applicable. But most triggers allow some leeway. In Cassandra's case her push is up to 4 so you don't have to move. But if he declares a defensive trigger and the does not want to use it then he should not have declared it.
  3. Also feed on dreams would proc for every alp within range if that model gained slow. Non slow model next to 2 alps gains slow would take 2 damage. That I am sure on. It's Misery for slow.
  4. Maybe I am thinking of 1.5 still. Where even if they had the condition like slow it was still applied for abilities but did not do stack. I must have missed in the rule book where it said it is not applied can I get a reference and a quote?
  5. The condition is still applied for things like feed on dreams. So if you attack a model twice and make it slow twice Feed on dreams would proc twice. So yes it does not stack but it is applied and having a bunch of alps swarming a single model makes that model dead quickly.
  6. Pandora's Tactics are....Malleable she does things by her self and does not really care what her crew does. Sure then can help but she does not really buff them per say. Taking Kade and Teddy with everything in my opinion is not viable but thats jut me thats 18 stones (sans upgrades) that with a few lucky cards get nixed pretty easily. i Do take candy though since she is a control piece that does things. Nekima can be fun for Dora because she cause WP duels on things and she adds much needed Hitty power. the Twins work well but i some times only take lilitu for the lure. Insidious madness has a sweet 4" aura that makes cheating more difficult. so he tactica is what ever she needs for the strategy tbh
  7. sonnia is not stubbon and hitting her with her own gun or sword is fun. Having lady j Stab herself is always Great fun. but sorrows are fragile and i have a hard time taking a model that cant support it self very good. cant run off for objectives but for turf war they are fine. and paralyze seems good. poltergeist you want to activate early but it has not defenses. but if it does survive -wp duels is very very good. and stubborn does suck but hey if posible try focusing the action or give them negs also. that way its a fairer shot.
  8. No one knows the answer to that question ausplosions. and because no one has the answer i let it die. In My Opinion after the origanal action is resolved (the attack) the model has not beed reduced to 0 wounds (it healed) there for is not dead. Mainly since its such a corner case i don't foresee it happening and if it does let the players Skirmishing decide for themselves. (Collodi use Do my bidding trigger on a friendly model who which the attack kills it, trys t0 attack brewmaster takes a on the house instead. My bidding trigger on killjoy killing him but his one action kills another model and he heals. i dont think there are any other perform 1 actions afterdamaging triggers cept collodi.)
  9. But it tried to make an attack. It just was changed by another ability.
  10. The after damaging trigger explicitly says that the trigger is resolved before the model is removed. Seems weird pushing dead things but you can do it.
  11. Do not add words like intention please. This is muddled enough with out more words. DaDang it just posted. Again
  12. What's the wording on the trigger. If it's after damaging then yes. Or succeeding or resolving.
  13. So if everyone agrees why would need a faq. Or an errata. No person who is playing this game would do this no one would teach another person to do this so why the hell are we even discussing it? Discussing it brings to light something that that should forever be kept in darkness. Like he who should not be named. Same concept. Let this thread be buried in the bottom less pit of the forum and be done with it. And if a player Waacs out and trys this just blankly stare at them till their head explodes or they stop.
  14. But I didn't give you any money what did I pay with.
  15. But that contradicts the rule book. If you never take the action how do I make a disengaging strike. Also How can you not perform a walk action if you never took one? Ok ad nauseam has happened won't post any more unless other people blatantly don't read the thread. Not a jab at anyone just making a general statement. Don't want to be misconstrued.
  16. Super paradox win. So either the Walk Action happens and then since it can't be performed is ended. And the rules then work or paradox. I choose working rules over insanity. (I really wanted to choose paradox to.)
  17. I do I found it quite funny lol. I am never insulted by people's comments. So I ask mako if some one says snide/rude things referencing me let it be. I will never report or be upset. Wish I could quote the rule verbatim that says disengaging strikes can only happen if a walk action blah blah. But I don't have exact wording.
  18. What we have here is two rules in the rulebook conflicting then. Only way for a disengaging strike to happen is from a walk action. But the walk action is not performed by the disengaging strike therefore the disengaging strike can never happen since a walk action was not taken. What a sweet paradox. Or the action is taken and is ended. Which in that case the rules work.
  19. Not doing an action is not the same as not taking one. For the opponent to even get a chance to use a disengaging strike is you try to walk away using the Walk Action. And if that Walk Action ends because it can't be performed then a test must be made. Terrifying does not care if you moved at all only if the end result is a walk action was taken and ended in its engagement range. Edit I think I just got ninja'd
  20. Performing the walk action is moving the model. To nor perform the action is not moving the model. But a walk action was taken nonetheless
  21. Yay same thing argued a week ago. Schodingers walk action. Did you spend ap. Did you declare the action you are doing. Then the end result is that you took a walk action. And did that walk action end in a terrifying models engagement range? Golly gee wilikers batman it did. I must take a test now.
  22. Moving with the walk action is irrelevant. Did you take a walk action. Did this walk action end with you in the engagement range of a terrifying model. If so take a horror duel. Only way to provoke a disengaging strike is to take a walk action.
  23. Well being as pedantic as I am I want you place it perfectly. Which feel free to grab your levels and squares and lasers and you make it perfect. But hey that's cause I am who I am. (If you ever play against me you will realize this is a complete joke) if there is a belle 17.5 inches away I want you to perfectly line up that model so I can't lure you,even under the best circumstances I dint think you could escape the lure lol.
  24. Wait this is still going on? Is this like that Ophelia thread where you could place yourself 8" away and feel good about yourself? I just don't want to think about how people would want this to work. But hey if I can just freely move killjoy his charge and pretend it was a walk hey why not right. Please shut this thread down before a newer player sees it an ruins friendships.
  25. Phase 2 nekima bleeds on belles then hits then in face and heals and paralyzes surrounding belles then hits another and pushes them away. Flexs wings and says do it again. Also wp 7 can't ask for much better tbh so lures won't be going super off I would think.
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