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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Hence if those are on the table bring some push mechanics or chatty don't mind me. Or in some cases just kill your own stuff. It works. And is quite easy esc. Killing your own master when deliver the message is up is also viable. I recommend having no models and winning that way.
  2. Distract and cursed object allow you to give the condition. But nothing allows the enemy to take interact actions while engaged (cept "don't mind me") So they have to disengage or otherwise not be engaged to take 2 action or the 1 tn 12 walk duel.
  3. Timing for abilities is addressed they happen after triggers. There is a call out on one of the pages. Iicr defenders happen first then attackers. And if you the most literal of them all something would gave to do exact damage to reduce it to 0 for her ability to work. I think we all can agree that is stupid.
  4. Funny thing about the rider it makes spiders so it just augments Ramos. It makes ice and fire gamin for Rasputina and Kaeris and metal for mei and mannequins for Collette and arcane for everybody. At little to no cost. So if all the Arcanist players sans one or 2 brought the mech rider every game I think I might need another look. My Arcanist opponent did not take it and he said he wish he did cause he would have won. Which is prolly true. So sure weak early but if it dies turn 1 thst is poor placement. But hey won't convince anyone here.
  5. Place effects from what I have seen are few and far between. But yes top-down view. Or in buildings if you don't need los. Its really good. But not game breaking.
  6. How much more official is the rule book itself? There are no complications this happens that happens. I was originally the one debating after damaging but then I took a long look at the book and it's clearly written there. It brings up some other unanswerable questions sure (ie healing from 0) but does a stalker apply burning is not one of them. That is very clear.
  7. Minor correction it was bodyguard on widow weaver. Nekima is too much glass and for some reason is more imposing than the WW.
  8. Let me make this as simple to understand as possible. Stalkers have a drain magic trigger on their melee. It is an after damaging trigger. Rulebook says after damaging triggers are done before the model is removed. So that means the other player must discard a card before they remove their model. But for this to happen damage occurs, therefore searing mark is applied. So if in good conscious you can tell me the stalker does not apply burning before the model is removed then Idk.
  9. It the trigger is "after damaging " then it is done before is removed as killed. Abilities like searing mark are done when damaging so if you do damage it gets fire. If it kills a model it had to damage it's on fire. So reincarnation happens. If a switching explodes and kills a model it applies burning and reincarnation happens.
  10. withing 3" they get +2 df the also get +vs disengaging strikes.
  11. I was not going to bring that up but it forces a strong argument either way. either Colette is dead and trigger is useless or you can heal from 0 wounds. @ Halcyon Once you hit zero wounds the Book says you are killed and removed so her trigger fails. But the intent is Clearly that she should live. Another question is that if she is at -4 wounds, does that mean she has to sac a model with 5 or more wounds to not die?
  12. Well I would say she heals from zero, simply be because I can't find where you can be at negative wounds. Wanna shoot a quick reference page or quote? And or both.
  13. Misaki' s thunder action specifically say she is immune to damage caused by the Action. This is so she can trail the blasts over herself to hit more things if need be. It's not questionable it can be done. Reason it is rarely done is cause most people don't like killing their own models.
  14. Mccabe can hire a luna and take luna as a totem? Lunas for everything
  15. Dirty goblin games-Queensbury New york. My handle is my name ofc
  16. When she dies those eggs still hatch so you dont have to sit back you could lay an egg every turn and then she might die or you could then hatch them yourself. Giving out +2 charge to all your friendly models in 6" is bonus. she wont be shot at two much if she is activated late in the round.
  17. So Drill Sergent needs Renaming as does Guard Captain.
  18. use it on you own stuff? to pull them out with tara? and they are solid models
  19. Shoot him before he is in combat? if he is using day dreams to push then that gives you the abilty to shoot back. even with his walk of 7 14inchs plus a 5 inch push is not near you. now if the dreamer pushes him 1 time he is then out of range but if he only shoves him 5 then 6 thats 11plus 14 at 25" well with in range. now lets say he walks a day dream and shoves him 5 more inchs. thats 30" but some where in this you get a chance to shoot him. if he gets into combat 1st turn he is not attack so he is df 4. which makes him really really squishy 10 wounds is nice and all but being df 4 makes sad days. so its not impossible by any means to kill coppelius just needs some planning and for thought. and terrain helps.
  20. I would say the beast is slow for alpha But fine for when it activates. The clause of "does not count as its activation" IMO is their so it still gets and activation after it has been used by marcus.
  21. Oh also since 1.5 the coryphee have been called Strong arm suits. Is their a reason for this am I missing an inside joke?
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