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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Did you move in a straight line if yes continue. Did you end the movement touching the marker if yes then you did nothing wrong. If the answer is no to either then no you can't do the action. But since you can pre-mesure you should be fine. Short answer yes you can push past as long as you stay in b2b.
  2. I just find it funny that if Yamaziko is leading a crew that sensei Yu can Brace Yari. Yeah tell me that is not awesome.
  3. Some schemes you can only get 3 vp from if you announce them. Protect territory is not one of them. If you have 3 markers and models protecting them, then you have 3 points. Break through is the same way you can drop 3 markers down and score 3 points but if you announced it you would only need 2.
  4. If you got points any model that can have it cuts just really good.
  5. Sheesh I guess ressers get all the cool stuff.
  6. It can't charge if you don't have cards. There is a call out saying actions causing actions. First action you did was charge. Which that attack then triggers another action which is charge. Which triggers 2 attacks so once those actions are resolved we back track if I read this correctly. If the model is still in melee range I don't see why it would not get its second attack. But it is indeed very screwy. Iys an opposed duel and an attack action so bound by law would fall under the accuracy modifiers. And the duel totals would be used to determine the modifier.
  7. No model on the table has the grow or mature ability with out the upgrade. But it's not worthless can still sprout out tots. But at 15ss she can find better upgrades.
  8. Dopple question yes they would not be able to randomize on her, also if if you and your dopple stand next to each other they also cant randomize on to her and will still shoot you. you are not engaged with your own models. but if there is an enemy in yours or you are in his engagement range then you are. Being friendly models can be in your engagement range and not be engaged see Fears given form. and yes the upgrade effects the model who purchased it. the model can see itself afterall
  9. i am free for the next 12 hours. its 8pm eastern pm me
  10. How does one deal damage if the thing your are attacking does not suffer damage? If I don't suffer damage you have not dealt damage.
  11. (1) Kiss Goodnight (Ml 5 / Rst: Df / Rg: y1): Target suffers 1/1/3 damage. If the target suffers Moderate or Severe damage, it gains the Slow Condition. Yellow Teeth (Ml 4C / Rst: Df / Rg: y1): Target suffers 0/0/1 damage and gains the following Condition until the end of the game: "Blighted +1: At the end of the Turn, increase this Condition's value by 1." Increase the value of Blighted to +2 if Moderate damage is fipped or cheated and +3 if Severe is fipped or cheated. Only reason I can see that objections conditions are not triggers is cause they would need suits. But otherwise 0damage = no damage faq explains that. Moderate/ severe damage can't be dealt if no damage is dealt.
  12. Then it would be worded like Levi's unnatural wasting. If moderate or severe is flipped or cheated, not damage dealt.
  13. But if a model does 0 damage (ie prevention) then no damage was dealt. So moderate or severe damage Can not be 0 for the conditions to apply.
  14. How is it read That "xy" conditions apply with out doing damage. General inquiry no sarcasm or insult.
  15. Yes but "paralyzed" model not giving vp is better than attacking something else.
  16. Yet they win games clearly a trash model that I have seen brought in Collette crews once in a Dora crew few times in guild. I guess I get more mileage out of them than most people. Them being on the table makes them either high priority due to the chance lure or ignored due to thst chance lure. Either way they are a solid model for 5 stones. But just because you get 0 miles out of them does not mean it's a bad model as a whole.
  17. The oiran hate really needs to stop. The model is quite solid. It was clutch in a few of my games luring things like izamu into range to die. Luring Misaki into range to die buffing wp so I can pass terror tests. The model is not a shining auto take like Cisco is with any master. But she is a solid model. Stop the hate.
  18. Can only assume you played against Ramos. A bat rep wo7ld be nice tbh.
  19. I think the implication is or fewer means you can be below 0. Negative wounds is not explicit but common sense and reading that makes it very implicit. But stopping at zero works just fine for me. Which according to Collette you can heal from which is fine and dandy to me. RIDE ON HORSEMEN!!!!
  20. So you are saying things can die twice then or more. Ok then here's a thing, killjoy is at 1 wound hits a model with his cleaver reducing it to <0 wounds triggers onslaught and brings them further <0 would he heal twice then? *Waves at ausplosions*
  21. Which also means when it targets her to attack back the model would not take a horror duel. ......sadly.
  22. Also does not work with Stake a claim. Those be claim markers. Just to cover the bases.
  23. Well this would answer the Collette conundrum also. Do you have to sac a model with mire wounds than damage dealt to stay alive or are set to 0 which has no basis in the rules? If the model is decapitated/ assassinated but still had wounds left I think it gets a heal. But reducing it below zero and healing 1 still leaves you <0 you still be killed. Course I wish I could find killed in the rulebook
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