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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Yes you have to be within 6" for smell fear. In teddy case he was 6.1-8" away from the model so after he pushes no attack since no model in 6" failed. But smell fear works just fine if another model causes them to fail a wp duel ie Dora kade candy. And thankfully it can only be used once per turn.
  2. What if I lay my model upside down? Would it then extend well downwards the ht of him? But otherwise no clear answer. So in my humblest of opinions I say it extends the ht of the model down. Or infinity whichever!
  3. Triggers are unaffected by the accuracy modifiers. They are a separate damage flip that was not caused by an opposed duel. So no modifiers. That being said most of them restrict your ability to cheat the trigger flips through a or says can't be cheated. I would say yes on transfixing gaze. Since opposed duel into damage flip.
  4. Lady j's df trigger is not an opposed duel. So it does exactly what it says to do. On the lilth thing Idk tbh. I don't have her card in front of me to answer one way or the other.
  5. Her understudy action is pure gold in any list she is brought in. Also how come wack trigger cast performers siren call whack again or paralyze. Or copying a silent ones attack and triggering that twice (as use may be required) Heck you might get blasts. Or filing a false claim or twirling with a gas can. Sooooo many uses how come I don't see more of her.
  6. A beholder from dnd. Green stuff more eyes. Slather paint bam looks pretty maddening to me. http://www.wizards.com/DnD/Product.aspx?x=dnd/products/dndmin/282940000
  7. http://www.crittohit.com/imagestore/articles/5151/P1140265.jpg Mean her?
  8. gremlins where do they come from? the Bayou the end. that question is like like magnets how do they work
  9. i did test this out. it was pretty meh the only reason i did anything was cause the excutioner killed 3 young neph. 2 during his activation then the judge told him to attack again twice. the lawyer focused attacked a mature and paralyzed it. and lucous did nothing cept run around.
  10. uhh yeah it does that. and if you trigger it you can do it again for free for more damage that cant be resisted
  11. Guild Crew - 40 - Dustup Lucius -- 5 Pool +Legalese [1] +Secret Objectives [1] +Suprisingly Loyal [1] The Scribe [2] Executioner [9] Guild Guard [4] Guild Guard [4] Guild Lawyer [6] The Judge [9] +Unrelenting Leader [2] Well every court room needs a judge to "officiate" the hearing. So Naturally The Judge fits this role. Some one needs to Write down the Court proceedings so who better than the scribe. The Prosecution needs a Lawyer to convict the offending party 2 guild Guard are the Bailiffs (since malifaux is a rowdy place) and after the sentence is Declared an Extortioner is on standby to make sure the sentence is swiftly carried out. And every hearing needs some spectators or jury. idk Lucius has some secret objectives and has legalese to make sure the proceedings go according to those objectives. If i could hire a guilty i would just to have a defendant lol.
  12. In the words Taelor. "Welcome to Malifaux" And to the forums also. Range has its benefits but so does melee. If you get Nino in melee he won't be shooting he will prolly be running for his life. Same with Hans. Also focus is good No doubt but that means that one shot is all that model is taking so if it misses then that model inherently did nothing that turn. And since you can cheat and stuff happens more often than you think. And vice versa. Really want to hit then cheat that high card. But if you do how does it effect the rest of your crews plan. On the -1 to hit at farther ranges it's not needed, play a few games with some different people and crews and you will see what I mean.
  13. So it's 430pm eastern time. I am done with super good internet. Anyone down for a game.
  14. Lies all the lies. Outcasts are ok. That's all I give them.
  15. I get very very bored waiting to pick up freight so I just comb though wave 2 files trying to find random interactions and combos. And in some cases timing issues. But this stood out like a sore thumb to since I argued the Heck out of Collodi making a dead thing dance. But rules are written and I abide lol. If a new player read the rules then took this trigger as is he would be justifiably right in saying he gets a rat. But it is not supposed to work that way. So yeah.
  16. This model’s Pipes Action gains the following Triggers: Decaying: After succeeding, target gains the following Condition until the end of the game: "Blighted +1: At the end of the Turn, increase this Condition's value by 1." Pretty sure I know the answer but since you succeeded the model gets blight before it moved so you can then move the target it's charge. Came up last night and I was fine it moving it's walk but for clarification reasons I could have moved the targets it charge yes?
  17. hey any down for a game its 840pm here will be on till past midnight so get at me in teh chat
  18. There be a vassal forum that people post on for times and what not even a league or some jazz.
  19. During the turn after the draw step/phase you don't have a maximum hand size. Come the beginning of the next draw step/phase you would discard then draw to your maximum hand size.
  20. That's the point it's CLEARLY intended that a rat should not be summoned if the target is killed or saced or whatever. But due to the timing Raw the model is not removed till after the trigger is resolved. So it is still in play. Hence why me and ausplosions agree that this needs an errata.
  21. Agreed that is why I brought it up. Collodi sure does his thing does not need to be changed. But this trigger has wording that wants it to work but falls short. Stink of death: After Damaging summon a malifaux rat into base contact with the target. Unless the target has been reduced to 0 (or fewer) wounds. This is the only way I see this trigger working as intended.
  22. (1) Tossed Rat (Sh 5 / Rst: Df / Rg: 6): Target suffers 1/2/4 damage. Stink of Death: After damaging, if the target is still in play, summon a Malifaux Rat into base contact with the target. We are going to focus on the Trigger. Now it is CLEARLY intended that if the Wretch kills the model that no rat would be summoned. BUT "After Damaging" Triggers are CLEARLY resolved before the model is removed. so the model is still in play when this trigger happens. So RAI no rat is spawned if the model is killed or otherwise removed from play. but RAW if you get the trigger you can always summon a rat. Now i am going to play this as intended but i just wanted to Show something that has basis in the rules and if someone wanted to argue it i would agree with them but then tell them that they are not getting a rat from the rat they killed. cause yeah that be dumb
  23. Game goes is model in play good score points if not boo you don't score any. Simplest way to explain it.
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