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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Yeah. I think that would take the ability fun strong to absurd.n I think I would want to see a faq ruling before I felt comfortable paying that way. Ignoring to damage flips is pretty huge.
  2. It does look like it. I don't think that was an intentional interaction. But maybe it was.
  3. If the interpretation that VonSchill let's models ignore on damage, scouts are going to be even better. Being able to always cheat damage with is going to be nuts. New VonSchill has a 24" melee threat range. With From the Shadows and a 14" range you should bee able to absolutely murder some stuff turn one.
  4. Yeah. I think successful attack actions generate damage duels. Things that effect both usually spell it out.
  5. Yeah. Concealment too for Zipp or English crews. You'll probably use it mostly in Friendly Fire, but there are lots of edge cases.
  6. I think I would, at least to try it out. Adding a half dozen markers to the board that you ignore and the opponent doesn't sounds pretty good. Also getting fast on you DMs seems more likely the more models you have putting markers out.
  7. Rewind seems really powerful offensively. If you something at the edge of her range you can guarantee is going to be even farther out of range on it's next activation. Especially if you get the Alternate Time Line trigger. There's usually some novel in a bad position to unburry Glimpse'd models but this is a way to guarantee it. On top of her activation control, New Tara looks pretty brutal.
  8. Thanks! Somehow I only read the second half of that.
  9. Do they? I haven't my morning coffee, so I may have missed something. I don't see unimpeded or Incorporeal on Death Marshalls or Recruiters. Good point. I really need that coffee.
  10. I know one of the complaints that people had about Pine Box is that it is range 0". Now for the cost of a wound it's roughly Range 4". I'm a little confused by design choices. Marshalls can now drop up to 2 50mm blocking impassible markers a turn, meaning they can clutter it shut down big chunks of the board. But they don't have any way to get around thier own obstacles. New Lady J can't leap over them.
  11. New title reveal what do people think?
  12. Nice. I've never thought of that. Would be good with a crew with a lot of pushes.
  13. Very true. New Zorida for example can remove three Pylons a turn, from outside their explodey range. He'd probably be hard pressed to keep them on the field for more than an activation or two.
  14. I think they could keep indestructible. If his ability to create more via Bull Rush had something like: ", if there are more than four friendly Plyon markets in play remove one" He'd still be able to cut off chunks of the board or lock down markers or models with multiple pylons, but it would be limited to a model or two at a time.
  15. Two can cut off any gaps under 150mm (their two 30mm bases and not allowing gaps bigger than a 29mm between or in ether side). A 5.5" lane is pretty big to cut off for movement, though it would have to be much smaller for them to stop shooting. I hadn't even thought of that. Anyone close to a couple markers or a marker and impassible terrain is potentially susceptible to this sort of lock down. Though unless Los is completely blocked Mcmourning could potentially Rancid Transplant/ On your heels our.
  16. Now I want to make a Zipp batman crew. A slurid in Joker make-up for the First Mate.
  17. True. But Metalurgist can show up in either New Hoff or Old Hoff lists. Convulsions might be better with New Hoff though and blocking mobile terrain. Come to think of it other Augmented movement stuff might be better with New Hoff cutting off lanes with Pylons. Stuff like Guardian's Toss or Hunter's Harpoon Gun.
  18. I think it's hard to say without playing some games. New Hoff and Old Hoff both supported models with Power tokens. Old Hoff did it by acting in a sort of bubble. Since New Hoff can start with some mini-bubbles on the field, and can create and move them around, there's less need to group up. New Hoff can't make armor unignorable, but the Pylons give out shielded, so models will still have some protection against the stuff that ignores armor. New Hoff has a built in toss, so with making blocking terrain he should be able to be annoying and cut off or make parts of the map hard to access for the opponent.
  19. It's Shockwave 2 Damage 1, so wouldn't it be 1, 2, 3 for 6? Also it's once a turn. It might be good to lob at people and see who you soften up with Injured for a charge/buldose though.
  20. I feel like I'm missing something. Can you run the math by me again?
  21. Isn't he significantly faster? With Instinctual, he's able to equip and leap every turn, and Bulldoze + Sudden strike is like a second charge a turn he can do even while engaged. With mobility, a 2" engagement range, and Soldnerkaptain he seems like he'd be a great tarpit/support for a gunline. This was my thought too. lol I wonder how he'd look with a shiny and chrome paintjob.
  22. Yeah this was my thought. Playing Zipp, destructible pianos are great. Indestructible ones seems pretty OP. Metallurgist looks great too. An attack with built in Convulsions is pretty great. It's only Stat 5, but being able to get people 3-6" out of position at range is big.
  23. Could you give us some of your smuggler tips? Every time I look at them they seem like a worse Prospector.
  24. I think you may be right. It may be a design oversight. They might not have thought of the damage potential of the ability to shift burning damage to other models on a model that can stack 5+ burning a turn on itself. It seems like condition removal is a must. Though I also like the idea is burying her or pushing her out of range of other models after stacking 16+ burning so she self immolates. Lol
  25. Sounds like a pretty good list to me. Armor can be annoying in HH.
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