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Everything posted by Jewomie

  1. and the deal extends to their preorders. I just got my remaining arsenal packs and the rule book (pre)ordered. this makes up for not managing to get the book at gencon before it was sold out. (also, I think this is the first time I've ever posted in here. so... hi!)
  2. No worries! if you can't make it, you can't make it. =] but I hope we see you there! (also, I just placed my order for the remaining faction decks and the rule book, so it's only a matter of time!!!) p.s.s. I hate waiting...
  3. that is true, they did all seem pretty good. One of them (though I don't remember which) seemed less important than badge of office while I was building my list. I believe I took os veo and aura ansestral with BoO and left out trick shooting. then, when the time came to take advantage of the Badge of office, the damage I needed to reduce were from Bishop with his tomes trigger, so I couldn't reduce them. ah, it really is all about planning in this game. oh well, I punished bishop by keeping him in a coffin for the next two turns.
  4. Alright, you know what time it is! I hope everyone's wallets have recovered from last weekend, and if they haven't... well, i'm sorry to say you might have a problem. I do. and I can admit that. ANYWAY, Sunday from 1 to 6 we will be at the arsenal getting our 2.0 on and you should all join us! the official "demo time" is 2 to 6, but if you want to show up at 1 when they open, awesome, and if you can't make it until later, hit us up on here, or on our facebook/twitter (links in my sig) and maybe we can hang around longer than six. I believe they close at 9, so we literally have all day to get a game in. Just like the last couple weeks, I will have all the most recent beta cards for the wave 1 crews, but now we have Arsenal decks for ressers, archanists, and 10 thunders, if you don't have the 2.0 cards for your own crews, don't fret, you can borrow ours. If you want to try a crew you don't own though, please let me know by Saturday night so I can make sure to pack the pieces you need. Arsenal's address and contact info can be found in my original post to this thread. I hope to see all of you there. Edit: one quick note, Rebecca and I didn't make it to Gencon until Saturday, so your lovely henchman do not have the rule book. we will have our Beta copies, but if you have your own copy of the rule book, would you mind bringing it? From what I gather, the rules themselves didn't change too much, but I would like to have the official text if possible. thanks again guys!
  5. It could be pretty cool actually, if they go for a more 1.5 Molly type with her. Granted we don't know how Yan's ancestors will look in m2e, but I have to assume Izamu is still powerful, and Yin is still horrifying, and Toshiro will still support ashigaru and punks, so really a 100% support piece might be really cool to have around. even if she is the leader. of course, we'll have to see if they all still work the same.
  6. I thought it said something to the effect of, "do no damage, instead the target model's controller discards one upgrade attached to this model" something like that... but i'm at my office and don't have any of my stuff with me right now. Edit: clicked "post" too soon. That being said, i'm not certain as I have not used him, this trigger was read to me but not actually used last night.
  7. +1 to the "ladies love the henchman" comments. I have had a similar experience... granted my wife is also a henchman so maybe this doesn't count. Or maybe men love gamer girls who are also henchman? ... you know that's right. for me, doing the henchman thing has been great fun. I have met a ton of people, and several of them have now dusted off their long ignored Malifaux stuff since they know they have a place to use them. The edition change has not been nearly as rocky here in Indiana as some have seen in other places. The monthly event is not hard to keep up with. We play at our store every other sunday (due to various work schedules for the group) and Rebeccajo and I switch off who runs the event for that week. this way, it works out to one a month for each of us. Then we cram as many other get togethers as we can, any excuse to play the game works... but the one a month is pretty easy to manage. 4 hours a month minimum AND Wyrd does throw you a bit of compensation. it's a sweet gig, and one i'm happy to be a part of. if you're thinking about it, you should apply. They guys are pretty understanding, and if it turns out you can't commit to it, they don't seem the type to hunt you down with torches and pitchforks... at least I don't think so.
  8. I have played against Ramos only once, and while I did lose, it was more because of Joss than anything. Man he is a beast now.
  9. Rebeccajo will hop on here and chastise me for always forgetting to do this, but... I really like the suggestion of letting your opponent cut your deck. No idea why, but it's very sportsmanlike, and I dig it.
  10. actually, no. I have not. I wont say he isn't good, or that this ability isn't powerful. but frankly the way I play, this doesn't threaten me too much. I typically don't take the maximum amount of upgrades. I only take what I think i'll use in a given match based on strats and schemes and the opponent's faction. (and usually master since my group is pretty open about who we are playing) plus if I don't have any cards in my hand, odds are i'd gladly give up the upgrade rather than loose my master right out. It is a powerful ability, no doubt. but I think it takes a specific moment for it to be anything tide turning. This also may be different depending on who picks the upgrade that is removed.
  11. I got my first game with the family in last night, and I have to say the death marshal actually came in handy for me. But we'll see as time goes on I suppose, as I sidelined papa loco to do it. sadly as the rule book was sold out and I didn't (for whatever reason) grab the guild arsenal deck so I am using the final set of beta cards, which lead to an interesting discovery. according to my upgrades, Perdita does not have any limited upgrades. is this still true? or just something from the beta that was changed on release?
  12. This was my first thought as well. I'll also throw a vote in for Sidir getting a promotion as well.
  13. I can second half of this statement. I have played Misaki almost exclusively after the third week of the beta started. I have had a blast with her. She functions pretty well, though one should note i am not the best player in the world... Haven't used Jakob or Mei ever though i think i need to remedy this now.
  14. Holy crap! these look freaking amazing! now i need both sets... what have you done?!?!? i can't wait to see what you post next, please keep up the great work!
  15. I was curious about this for the second wave... I wondered if any of the non-dual faction that were clearly cut out for a certain dual faction master would be given the dual faction characteristic, if nothing else but for the purpose of the arsenal decks... Chiaki and Sidir are who come to mind specifically. It wouldn't be TOO terrible to have to pick up the arsenal decks for these models as I would certainly have use for the other cards, but it does feel a bit silly to pick up the resser deck (for instance) just for Chiaki and Izamu if they aren't dual faction now. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but it would seem a little funny. However, I am not a Jakob player so I may have misunderstood your comment. did the illuminated become dual faction in the shift to M2E? And do any of you think this will happen to models like Sidir or Chiaki?
  16. Yan Lo's beard didn't actually give me too much trouble.. now those archers... that was a whole new kind of headache. haha
  17. Wow, everything looks pretty awesome! I dig the lighting on the chain, it looks great. I particularly like your bases. Did you make these, or are they from a company? can't wait to see what you paint up next! Also, have you seen the new art for Sonnia? I think she looks amazing. all the Sonnia players I know are dying to get a peak at the model. :DD:D
  18. isn't this a matter of perspective though? I mean... you only ever win against someone "sometimes" right? If you always lost, you would say they were OP, but if you consistently won, then you would be providing the "NPE" for your opponent. also, "Sometimes" is just about the most generic and loosely defined word anyone could have used here. is "sometimes" 1 out of 100 matches? or is it one out of 3, 4, 2 even? It's terrible and really isn't backing up your point, or anyone else's. Also, I use the word "you" loosely, these were not statements directed at anyone in particular. I know how internet lingo likes to destroy topics like this. haha
  19. My only question here (since I have been away from the family for so long and really think I might be getting back to them for a while) I know in the past having a death marshal was handy as they were efficient and cheap, with their cost increase and with Francisco becoming an integral part of the family dynamic, would you still pay for a death marshal in larger games? ---------- Post added at 10:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ---------- also, great write up, thank you for that! I missed out on picking up the book at gencon since they were sold out.
  20. To use my own experience to answer your question (which may be a mistake...) I would say that none of that constitutes a "swarm" eh, I guess a 'swarm' would maybe end up being upwards of 10 of the same model. For instance, Ramose summons 9 spiders and they all go after the same objective/enemy. Hamlin starting the game with a dozen rats... same thing I guess. This is a tad bit contradicting to what I just said, but I guess I don't really see it as a hard number more than a style of play. If you had 6 belles and they all "swarmed up" on my master to take her down, THAT is what I see as a swarm. that that is an acceptable style of play. sure you have the upper hand in the given situation, but you have also put most of your eggs in the same basket leaving your own stuff pretty open. I guess i'm just not afraid of swarms... or I'm too naïve to see their danger. i'll let the internet decide.
  21. I put Miss Step together Monday night. She actually went together like a dream. I was very pleased. She is spindly though, and she is a lot smaller than I expected. She almost looks silly next to the Metal Steam Executioner. haha
  22. I will admit I have only played against Ramos a couple of times, and I don't think I have EVER played against Nicodem or Levi 2.0 or otherwise. Now, that said, I have played against Ramos a couple times in 2.0 and frankly, aside from dropping a couple extra spiders near the end to manage to score vp for reconnoiter, there was no swarm to speak of. There were just more things that Ramos needed to be doing in a few of the turns. even with his ability to summon 3 spiders from a single source, I just don't see how it would be viable from an AP standpoint to worry about trying to swarm. especially with the draw backs of summoning more than a single spider at once. the SS or cards alone require too much of a buy in to reliably do it in more than a single turn, plus the wds they will start with lead to them meeting a rather quick end. I understand the tactic, and I know it has it's uses in some strats and schemes, but I do think they are being given more credit then may be due. just my opinion though, like I said, i'm not overly familiar with them.
  23. Well, it has been a little while since I have bought anything Malifaux related... I did pick up puppet wars a couple weeks ago. that has been a lot of work, but the game is tons of fun so I don't mind. Also, at Gencon I picked up Yin and Toshiro so I am ready for wave 2 of the beta and to finally see how M2E is treating Yan Lo!
  24. For me? Meeting Jacqulyn and her being exactly like I pictured her! Getting asked to run a quick EBO demo moments after finishing the demo where Rebeccajo and I learned it. (the guys we showed it to had a lot of fun with it) Getting the autograph of Chris Pramas, the writer of the Dragon Age RPG and having a moment to chat with him about the future of the game. the demo of 7 wonders with Gil from Brussels. He was such a cool guy... and now I know someone from Belgium!
  25. I know this is probably a shot in the dark, but I missed Gencon last year and therefore missed out on Miss Terious. I have tried to pick her up online several times, but just can't seem to land a winning bid. So, if there is anyone out there looking for a miss step, would you be willing to trade for a miss tedious? PM me on the forums and maybe we can make this happen? thanks in advance!
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