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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Not to sound like a cop out, but maybe it is your play style and local meta? In my community, I can tell you who can beat whom in any event in my community. It is just a matter of how they play and who they play against. Maybe a small break from them with another faction will show you what you were missing with the Thunder. After all, you never notice what you got until it is gone. I am not a competitive player, so I can't help with that. I just love the themes and the fluff of the faction.
  2. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: May 15th to the 29th Time: Gaming starts at 6 pm Cost: None Come in and try out a demo of Malifaux if you have never played. Bring a friend and try it out. Ask questions and have a good time. If you already know how to play, come out and get in some practice for the upcoming summer Shifting Loyalties campaign.
  3. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: May 8th Time: Event starts at 6 pm Cost: $5 It is time to get back to the basic. No silly story encounters. No horrible house rules. Just Henchmen Hardcore, pure and simple. This will be a fixed factions, fixed list, 3 round battle royale. Top three players win a share of the fees for prizes. Top two player get a mystery box. That is all. All official rules of the Henchmen Hardcore will be used with no changes. So get that crew ready and get ready to battle.
  4. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: May 1st Time: Starts at 6pm Cost: Nothing Join the Fauxmaha community for Act IV, the final act of the Stitch in Time world wide event. New players always welcomed, all you need is the desire to play!
  5. Wow. Things are really changing up at Wyrd. It was nice seeing you around. Best of luck with your new opportunities!
  6. Welcome to the Wyrd side of things. I look forward to seeing some new art style.
  7. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: April 24th Time: Starts at 6pm Cost: Nothing Join the Fauxmaha community for Act III of the Stitch in Time world wide event. New players always welcomed, all you need is the desire to play!
  8. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: April 29th Time: Event starts at Noon Cost: $10 Something is wrong in the streets of Malifaux. It is madness, everywhere you look. Crews are taking to the streets in hopes of controlling the riots, but they just ended up fighting also. So get your crew ready and take to action. Players will play it out in 3 story encounters where the rules only get a little wyrder as the event goes on. The event will be fixed list and use the Dust Up 25 rules. Dust Up 25 rules *All Crews must be led by a Master. *The game size is 25 soulstones. *All Crews follow normal rules of set up, as allowed by the standard rules. *The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Master leading it plus one; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded. *Models may summon models, but there can never be more models in the crew than the crew started with plus one.
  9. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: April 17th Time: Event starts at 6 pm Cost: $5 Just like the old story, it is time to find out just who is the fastest. Also, who is fastest at Malifaux! Player will be split into two teams, one for each of the models in the Twisted Alternative box set, Genbu and Pascha Hare. Players will earn point based on how fast they can finish their games, not on how well they do. The fastest players from each team will win the model of their team and everyone will get a chance to draw an egg to win the mystery boxes. The list will use the Dust Up 25 rules and be fixed list for the event. Get on your marks! Dust Up 25 rules *All Crews must be led by a Master. *The game size is 25 soulstones. *All Crews follow normal rules of set up, as allowed by the standard rules. *The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Master leading it plus one; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded. *Models may summon models, but there can never be more models in the crew than the crew started with plus one.
  10. This is great news. I know my local shop is starting to pile up minis just from people buying pre sales and online. Offering only special editions is a great move and I feel will also help with communities. Now players can team up and order to make that $300 limit.
  11. Campaigns are the best. I love the feeling of your game meaning something in the end. I have ran two Shifting Loyalties campaigns so far and both did pretty well. Really want to get another one going again soon.
  12. It returns...that means the ponies do too...
  13. The best part to add to the salt is there is always some pretentious vik player or masters tournament veteran that plays it off because they are "glass cannons".
  14. Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 Date: March 13th Time: Starts at 6 pm Cost: Nothing Join us for Act II of the Stitch in Time world event. All you need is fate deck. Should be fun for all.
  15. I need to get some pic taken and posted. What to start on first?
  16. It was mainly the strategy. There is only three different multi player three player encounters. Two are a free for all and the other is a two versus one deal. I figured this would make the games a little more open.
  17. So my community has always had some problems with one person being the odd man out. Last year, I just took that role and let the others play, but this year, they want me in more games. So we have been playing the 3 player encounters from the strategy and scheme deck. Those have been fun and all, but feels a little lacking. I decided, that with a league coming up, I would write up some multi player rules. I then figured I would share them with forums. So here you go, look them over, try them out, let me know what you think. Malifaux Multiple Players Rules By Antonio aka LordZombie Welcome to the rules for playing games of Malifaux with multiple players, mainly just 3 players but could be played with 4 players. This will play best with the Henchmen Hardcore or Dust Up 25 rules. Enjoy. Henchmen Hardcore rules *All Crews must be led by a Henchman, not a Master. *The game size is 20 Soulstones. *All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less. *Upgrades may be purchased, as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux. *The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchman leading it; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded. *Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model). Dust Up 25 rules *All Crews must be led by a Master. *The game size is 25 soulstones. *All Crews follow normal rules of set up, as allowed by the standard rules. *The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Master leading it plus one; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded. *Models may summon models, but there can never be more models in the crew than the crew started with plus one. In all encounters, the following rules are in place: Encounters are 5 turns with no flips for extra turns. Crews may score VP starting with the first turn. 1. Define and Place terrain Players discuss and define the terrain they will be using during the Encounter, and then place it on the table. 2. Determine Encounter Size Players agree to use Henchmen Hardcore or Dust Up 25 rules. 3. Announce factions Each player announces which faction she will be bringing to the fight. 4. Determine Deployment All encounters use Corner deployment. All players count the Centerline as a 8” circle around the center of the table. 5. Determine Strategy and Available Schemes The players determine what they are fighting about in the first place, what the shared Strategy will be for the Encounter, and what Schemes will be available to choose from later on (in step 8). 6. Determine Wild Card All players flip a card. The player that flips highest is the Wild Card. The suit flipped will determine the Wild Card’s strategy. 7. Hire and Reveal Crews Players create their Crews by spending Soulstones. This will include choosing a Leader, hiring models, and purchasing upgrades. Once all players have finished purchasing their Crews, they will reveal their Crew lists to each other. 8.Choose and Reveal Schemes Players will choose personal Schemes, and then have an opportunity to keep them secret, or reveal them for possible bonus points. 9. Deploy Crews The Wild Card player will deploy last with the other two players flipping for deployment as per the normal rules of Malifaux. After the two players deploy, the Wild Card deploys her crew in one of the remaining deployment zones. Extraction (Rams) Rumor was he discovered something valuable during his last excavation, something that anyone would kill for. It's our job to make sure we're the only ones who hear what he has to say. Set up Place an Informant Marker at the Center of the table. Special Rules At the end of every Turn, after scoring VP, the player with the most non-Peon models within 6" of the Informant Marker may place the Marker up to 3" from its current location, not into terrain or base contact with a model. Victory Points At the end of each Turn, a Crew earns 1 VP if it has two or more non-Peon models within 6" of the Informant Marker. Wild Card’s Strategy Crows: Slaughter. The wild card earns 1 VP at the end of every turn after the first in which the wild card killed or sacrificed 2 or more enemy models. At the end of every turn the wild card earns 1 VP if the Attackers have no models left in play. No more than 1 VP may be earned per turn from this strategy. Rams: Lead from the front. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if her Leader is within 6" of the Informant Marker. Tomes: Contain power. If the wild card's crew killed or sacrificed at least one enemy Master or Henchman, earn 2 VP. This strategy may be scored twice in an encounter. Masks: Retrieve information. Once per turn, any of the wild card's non-peon models may make a (1) Interact action within 1” targeting the Informant Marker to earn 1 VP. Interference (Mask) "What do you think they're doing?" the Handler asked, looking over the stationary Gamin spread out across the field. "No idea, but let's stop them just in case." Set Up Divide the table into four 18" by 18" table Quarters. Victory Points At the end of each Turn, a Crew earns 1 VP if it controls two or more table Quarters. To control a table Quarter, the Crew must have the most unengaged non-Peon models within the table Quarter. These models cannot be within 6” of the Center of the table, or partially within another table Quarter. Do not count Wild Card models when scoring. Wild Card’s Strategy Crows: Slaughter. The wild card earns 1 VP at the end of every turn after the first in which the wild card killed or sacrificed 2 or more enemy models. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if the Attackers have no models left in play. No more than 1 VP may be earned per turn from this strategy. Rams: Hold ground. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if there are no enemy models within 4" of her deployment zone. Tomes: Leave our mark. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if there is at least one friendly scheme marker within 6” of the center of the table. After scoring, remove all friendly scheme markers within 6” of the center of the table. Masks: Take their home. At the end of each Turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if it controls the table Quarter opposite her starting deployment zone. To control a table Quarter, the Crew must have the most unengaged non-Peon models within the table Quarter. These models cannot be within 6” of the Center of the table, or partially within another table Quarter. Headhunter (Tomes) "Maybe this time they'll believe me when I say I killed 5 men" he muttered to himself as he cut off the next fellow's scalp. It was gruesome work, but this time he was going to get paid. Special Rules Whenever a model kills or sacrifices a non-Peon model which it considers an enemy, the model which made the kill must place a 30mm Head Marker within 3" and LoS of the killed or sacrificed model before removing it from play. This Marker may not be placed in base contact with any model. If there is nowhere it can legally be placed, the Head Marker is not placed. Any model in base contact with a Head Marker may make a (1) Interact Action with it to remove it from play. Victory Points At the end of every Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it removed at least one Head Marker from play that turn. Wild Card’s Strategy Crows: Collect Proof. Once per turn while within 1" of an enemy Master or Henchmen, non-Peon, non- Minion models in the wild card's Crew may take a (1) Interact action targeting the enemy Master or Henchmen to gain 1 VP. Rams: Catch them in the act. Every time a Head Marker is destroyed while in LoS of the wild card's Leader, the wild card earns 1 VP. The wild card earns 1 VP if her Leader is in play at the end of the game. Tomes: Contain power. If the wild card's crew killed or sacrificed at least one enemy Master or Henchman, earn 2 VP. This strategy may be scored twice in an encounter. Masks: Blackmail. At the end of every Turn, earn 1 VP if a non-peon model is within 1" of a Head Marker. Guard the Stash (Crow) "I told you we shouldn't pick such a central location to hide the Soulstones!" "Well, it must have been a good choice if they're hiding theirs there, too!" Set Up Place two 50mm Stash Markers (Ht5, blocking, impassable, hard cover) on the Centerline each 5" on either side of the Center of the board (10" apart from each other). Victory Points At the end of each turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it has at least one non-Peon model within 2" of each Stash Marker. Wild Card’s Strategy Crows: Steal some Script. Once per turn while within 1" of an enemy Master or Henchmen, non-Peon, non- Minion models in the wild card's Crew may take a (1) Interact action targeting the enemy Master or Henchmen to gain 1 VP. Rams: Guardian. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if she has at least 2 non-peon models in base contact with one of the Stash Markers. Tomes: Claim their cash. Models in the wild card's Crew may take a (1) Interact action while within 1" of one of the Stash Marker on any turn to gain 1 VP. This action may only be taken once per activation. Masks: Search their hide-out. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if she has at least one non-peon model within 6" of either player’s deployment zone. Collect the Bounty (Jokers) "You're telling me that thing is only worth 10 Scrip?" he whined. "That's what I'm telling you." "It's one of those Hanged! No WAY that's only worth 10 Scrip!" "I don't make the rules, bud. Take it or leave it." Special Whenever a model is reduced to 0 Wounds by a non- Peon model, the Crew which reduced it to 0 Wounds gains a number of Bounty Points depending on the type of model which was reduced to 0 Wounds, so long as the Crew considered the model an enemy. Models are worth the following number of Bounty Points: •Peons: 0 •Minions: 1 •Enforcers: 2 •Henchmen: 3 •Masters: 4 At the end of each Turn, after calculating VP, reset each player to 0 Bounty Points. Victory Points At the end of every Turn after the first, the player with the most Bounty Points scores 1 VP. Either player may also score 1 VP if the opposing player has no models left in play. No more than 1 VP may be scored from this strategy per Turn. If both players still have models in play and they are tied for Bounty Points, neither will score any VP. Wild Card’s Strategy Crows: Slaughter. The wild card earns 1 VP at the end of every turn after the first in which the wild card killed or sacrificed 2 or more enemy models. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if the Attackers have no models left in play. No more than 1 VP may be earned per turn from this strategy. Rams: Hold ground. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if there are no enemy models within 4" of her deployment zone. Tomes: Contain power. If the wild card's crew killed or sacrificed at least one enemy Master or Henchman, earn 2 VP. This strategy may be scored twice in an encounter. Masks: Search their hide-out. At the end of every turn, the wild card earns 1 VP if she has at least one non-peon model within 6" of either player’s deployment zone.
  18. Guess I will give this a try again this year. Part of my new year plan to paint more. I will start at Master level.
  19. Location: The Game shoppe 4014 N. 144th St. Omaha, Ne. 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: February 20th Time: The gaming starts at 6:00 p.m. Cost: Free Join the community at The Game Shoppe for Act I of A Stitch in Time. All you need is a fate deck and everything else is ready to go. More info here. https://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2017/2/6/monday-preview-a-stitch-in-time
  20. Location: The Game shoppe 4014 N. 144th St. Omaha, Ne. 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: February 27th through March 27th Time: The gaming starts at 6:00 p.m. Cost: Nothing Last year the Malifaux community decided the fates of three new characters. While that was happening, I was tracking my community’s own involvement. The time has now come to give those characters some character. Join the community as you play and vote to decide how the characters gain abilities and actions. The league will be fixed factions, but encounter size will be decide by players. So come out and join the community decide fate.
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