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Everything posted by IntereoVivo

  1. Haha, it's true. ZFiend, no. It has been ruled (by Justin via Twitter) that Impossible to Wound beats Flay. Going by the wording, it makes it extremely likely that the Black Joker trumps Flay as well.
  2. This does actually need an FAQ since Flay is the more specific rule and (by pg28) should bypass Impossible to Wound. At least the way I read it. Attack results in -flips Impossible to Wound says: Damage flips against this model may not be cheated (applies to all damgae flips) Flay: The damage flip resulting from this Attack may be cheated if it suffers one or more -flip (only applies to "The damage flip resulting from this Attack" when "it suffers from one or more -flip) Flay is more specific. Since the rules contradict each other, the more specific rule of the two takes precedence. But hey, whatever Justin says.
  3. Stany, I think there are actually quite a few Hamelin players. At least, judging by the number of players involved in discussion during the beta, it seems like he is a favorite. Guild is a bit of an issue, as is any shooting crew. But remember that you have a great lure off Hamelin that (given Plague) can move someone their Walk + 2x Charge, leaving them with Blight +3 or Blight +1 and 2 - 8 dmg. If that triggers fairly early and moves a tough enemy model to within 3" of Stolen/Obedient Wretch Blighted will go up when they activate, meaning their now a great target for Bleeding Disease. Nothing like spaming Bleeding Disease at a model with Blight 6 and 6 Wounds. Even if they only end up with Blight 3/4 that means you should have little trouble killing them. As Ezyryder mentions, Hamelin is good at messing with his opponent and screwing up their plan. This frees up the rest of your crew to achieve your own schemes and strategies.
  4. I'll have to try the Rat-less Hamelin and see how he runs. I'm also going to try replacing the Obedient Wretch. Right now I just use it for Bleeding Disease spam and ticking up Blighted by getting it within 3" of models. How do people handle blasts? I feel like Wong and Raspy are going to give me fits. Also, any good non-theme builds?
  5. Wave 2 is out and I couldn't be happier with where Hamelin ended up. A huge Thank You to Wyrd and everyone involved in making the plague master awesome. I got a chance to play last night and it was a pleasure to put him on the table. Not so strong that my opponent had fits, but strong enough to hold his own. The crew has awesome synergy between it's theme models and opperates very well even with a bare bones core. Hamelin is a control boss and can take some punishment as well. And his avatar looks like a boss as well. Now that that plague has arrived, lets chat about how best to run him. My general beta build has been: Open Spoiler Outcasts Crew - 50 - Scrap Hamelin -- 6 Pool +The Piper [2] +The Plague [2] The Stolen [2] Killjoy [12] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Nix [8] +Infectious Melodies [1] Obedient Wretch [4] Rat Catcher [6] This has worked out very well as a defensive space control setup. I take it for all of the strategies except Reconning since it works well at controling the center of the board. Hamelin is exceptionally good about setting up single models to die and can also pull the enemy team into a giant tarpit. Hamelin seems to warm up as the game progresses and Blighted makes its way around. Other models that work well with Hamelin in Killjoy's place are Convict Gunslingers (*w00t* Obey'ing double shots), Taelor, Friekorps and the Lost models. Especially helpful from the Lost are Candy and Crooligans. What are other model's/builds you like to take?
  6. NPE is a tricky term since it is not based on the person playing (though they can contribute) or even the master being played, but on the feelings of the opponent. Which means it is entirely arbitrary since to be a "true" NPE we would have to be able to catalog EVERYONE's experience when facing a particular master. I actually don't think there are any truely NPE masters right now. There are masters who have tricks that are hard to deal with, or who are particularly good/easier to win with. But if your opponent has a good attitude then they don't need to have a NPE. More to the point, no, Tara (or Pandora) isn't in and of herself a NPE.
  7. I really like Convict Gunslingers since with a high Mask(?) you can Obey multiple shots out of them with a solid damage profile. I'll second Killjoy as a monster with a great delivery system. Re-read what Sezar said about Lost. It's all true (Candy especially). Taylor is solid, Bishop is faster, Friekorps are tough to move and I especially like the Suit. Montressor is super fun to use since he can drag people. Really, Hamelin is super well rounded so he can run with just about anyone.
  8. I put Hamelin's crew together and played him pretty exclusively during the 2nd Wave Beta. Here are some (condensed) thoughts: I have 12 rats and have never had more than 8 on the board. Like Kadeton says, you could probably just buy two extra packs on top of the starter (9 total) and be fine. When I play Rat King heavy I usually end up with (like Mindshred) 2-3 active. I've gotten 5 out but that was just testing Hamelin's summons. In a game I am trying to win I can't see myself getting that 4th. Three Stolen is pretty common. You'll use and abuse them as they function as Hamelin's primary resource to drive his engine. A pure Hamelin themed crew is fun and can be effective, but in my testing, Hamelin + 1x Rat Catcher + 1x Stolen + 1x Obedient Wretch + 4'ish Malifaux Rats + other Outcast or Lost models is just as effective if not more so. It gives him his engine and adds a lot of flexibility and power in areas he isn't as strong. I am by no means an expert with Hamelin, but he is tons of fun. Just watch out for blasts
  9. Isn't Kirai dead? I thought the last we saw of her was when she flipped (Avatar'd?) on Hamelin to get her ring back. Or did I miss something?
  10. Hi, I've purchased 4 boxes within the last two weeks and have submitted 4 mispack/damage reports as I've opened/put models together and found pieces (mostly heads) missing. Is there a good way to consolidate those reports so I'm not costing Wyrd bunches in shipping? As a side note, I can never find packer initials. Where should I look? Thanks.
  11. A note on Fears Given Form, it can be useful. I used it on Pandora and Candy last week to tie up and kill Yan Lo, Chiaki, Soul Porter, Izamu and a Hanged. It helped that his hand wasn't great, but so did him having to burn cards to keep people alive. I find the opposite of what Mastershake says to be true. With a 3" engagement range it's pretty easy to keep my models out of the aura by abusing Candy/Pandora's range. To the OP, I'm glad you're looking at Lynch. He is super fun and very solid.
  12. Hey Folks, Tossed the last of my Ressers on Ebay. Includes a fully painted and based Kirai Crew as well as a totally not painted Avatar. Also, McMorning, Seamus, ASeamus and some random other models. You can find it HERE.
  13. She seems to be really solid, but a word of warning, if you don't keep a 10 for her keep her out of danger. Played a game on Sat where she just about cost my opponent the game because I pulled her out of position and killed her and then was able to engage at will because his main counter-hitter was gone.
  14. Just wait for Kirai. Plenty of Master based movement tricks, tricky to use really well, has fun fluff (Hell hath no fury...), isn't at the top of the power curve but isn't unplayable. Admittedly, she might see changes before everything is finalized but I can't see her getting to the top of the power curve. Some other thoughts, in terms of manipulation masters, would be Zoriada, Hamelin, Lucius and Collette.
  15. Those look great! Can we get a tutorial? Or even just a bit of explanation as to how you put them together?
  16. Am I allowed to complain that your "tabletop/gaming" quality is better then any of my models will ever be? They look good!
  17. Ah, I was more wondering what masters
  18. Who have you been playing against?
  19. Did they take out the "cannot" trumps "can" rule? I looked for it but couldn't find it.
  20. I would like to report that SpiralngCadavr is awesome and I just had a fantastic trade with him. Models were received in a timely manner in excellent condition and packaging. Would love to trade with him again. Source: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?46848-trade-up-to-1-2-in-your-favor
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