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Everything posted by Fog

  1. Kaeris, then Ramos. M&SU boxes all work well together and they're different enough to handle a wide variety of schemes and strategies.
  2. Congratulations on picking the best master in the game! Seriously, though, you are already picking up everything I run with Ramos. Sometimes I'll sneak in the rider. It's a fairly by the numbers list but it works amazingly well. The only strategy I hesitate to play Ramos in is reckoning, and he can still handle it. Arcing screen with def 6 spiders means it takes significant effort to even kill those guys. My honest suggestion for your next purchase after Johan, more spiders and a rider would be another crew box. I like the M&SU boxes but your mileage may vary. Welcome to the Union!
  3. That's the Ironsides list I've had the best luck with. I think Ironsides sitting in the center, immune to basically everything the gremlin does is comedy gold. Bring challenge the crowd and lure in everything. Laugh as you hold his entire team helpless.
  4. I definitely agree that one is good, two is okay, and three is a sink. That many points on models that die to a stray severe is hard for me to justify, especially when they can meet their match in a terror tot or crooligan. Blood Ward, though, is absolutely insane. Sometimes I'll drop Ironsides into the 'wrong' strategy if things like distract and cursed object are in the pool so I can force my opponent to play the way I want them to play.
  5. I like Joss as a leader for the early games. The threat of being Finished Off is pretty high, and with Joss you don't need to worry about that. There aren't many models in the game that can take him out and his axe is fantastic at cutting through 'survivable' models. Campaigns really force you to play a different style of game. You can't just trade pieces like you can in a normal game. Joss staring down your henchman isn't "Does this affect VP?" anymore. It's "Will I lose this model for good?"
  6. Come and join the Arcanists in the assault on Nythera! Be part of the Malifaux global event! http://www.wyrd-games.net/nythera/
  7. Once you sign up for the event and declare faction it should pop up automatically. http://www.wyrd-games.net/nythera/
  8. If you're playing in a marker heavy scheme pool I'd consider summoning spiders turns 2-4 to get a swarm in play to eat up opposing schemes. Could make a difference in the right pool
  9. Fog


    So, the new chronicles discusses a global event in a battle for Nytheria. The top faction gets the 2016 nightmare model. Second place gets the 2016 freebie model. I'd be okay getting two in a row.
  10. I was playing against McCabe in a tournament and the rider charged him turn 2. She single handedly earned me 6 VP for breakthrough and cursed object that game without ever really being in danger. This left the rest of my Ramos team to drop claim markers and run down scheme runners. I won 9 - 1. I had Ramos killing his dogs and spider swarms clearing the field of markers. In essence, having a single model being able to handle that many points let me spend the effort on denial that most people just write off. Breakthrough ISN'T free points if you don't let it be.
  11. This. If I'm playing Ramos, I add in the difficulty of being engaged with a dozen spiders, all of whom are capable of self destructing if someone gets cheeky and starts distracting models.
  12. I used the same crew every game (it was literally all I owned for gremlins at the time). Ulix Husbandry, hunting bow (took pig slinging vs Marcus) Penelope Wild boar Old Major Corn husks Gracie Saddle Slop hauler Pigapult Round 1 vs Marcus was my only loss, and it would have been tied if I had not failed a birthing flip turn 5 (or if I had played better turns 1-4). Corner deployment, headhunter, and me playing like a slab of meat with mittens taught me a lot about the crew. Game 2 was vs Sonia. Turn two I got off shot in the rear on old major. He charged a trap, the jerk who dropped it, then Sonia. He still had his normal activation and reactivate to go, but he got pine boxed for three turns (even with soul stones) until Ulix hit the death marshal with a red joker on the damage flip. By the time he came out, it was all over but the crying. Third game was Molly in bounty. I set up in the corner and launched pigs all game. My opponent put up a valiant fight but being able to drop piglets everywhere really let me take over the board. That, plus he picked the wrong scheme by accident and ended up trying to assassinate Ulix.
  13. I never got back to this! I did play Ulix at GenCon, went 2-1 with +5 differential. It was truly a blast!
  14. Fog


    I find the three masters who can take it take it because it's on a card that is really good otherwise. I wouldn't put warding runes on random henchmen in random lists though, unless I knew exactly what I was walking into before hand.
  15. Exactly what he said. I end up with more spiders than I know what to do with regardless. Spend your stones on things that will make a more heavily felt impact
  16. I'm really interested in seeing that Ms. Lynch model, if you don't mind
  17. In the fluff, they're naturally occurring. They live in the mountains. I'm honestly not sure why they are even called gamin
  18. I've run into similar issues myself. It's hard for me to break the mold when I feel like I've "solved" a master. I try to branch out sometimes but it tends to lead to unfavorable results. I'm not sure that this is a bad thing, so long as you don't feel like it's bad. If your team is running well and you don't mind the lack of diversity then you just play what works. If you're having second thoughts because your l teams are becoming stale, try bringing the "wrong" master for a match up and use an unexpected lineup to help you handle it
  19. White on white is so difficult. I want to set my signature to "I can't proofread my messages. Sorry."
  20. I had an awful game against Duncan's Perdita in the first round of Avatar. I dropped the wrong team for the master and the board because I was expecting Sonia and really wanted to shoehorn the emissary into a list with ZERO practice. And I'd like to second that the final table of the enforcer brawl was a group of serious players. Everyone claims that it's too swingy and random, and I can respect that, but skill gets you past that a lot of the time. It wasn't four scrubs at that top table.
  21. I think slow on an enemy may be mathematically superior to fast on a friendly. It gives you 100% superiority instead of 50%. It can also be used to deny attacks, while fast is often just an extra attack. Fast is better when scheme running though.
  22. You will need a second box of spiders, maybe a third depending on your comfort level with magnets. I use a single electrical creation but some people ignore it and others will swear by it. It's a personal preference thing. My first suggestion beyond those basics is Johann. His heal is great, he's tough, removes conditions and gains attack bonuses from the entire box.
  23. Don't have the cards handy but here's what I remember from running demos all weekend. Wretch: def 6, wp 5, ML 6, 2/3/5, + to charge attack flips, immune to pulse, 5 points Scion: def 4, wp 5, 8 points, black blood, + to all non damage flips when at 6 wounds or less, friendly models activating within x can discard 2 and end all conditions, ml5 3/4/5?, sh5 with some blasts on the damage track, 0: friendly model takes a 1 interact
  24. It's just silly wishing. I know I could take primordial for hardcore, I just wish I had something in theme. I might just try to find an appropriate model somewhere and run it as the primordial magic instead.
  25. The student surviving Hank sounds like a fluke. If you flurry, you kill it barring jokers interfering with your plan (and you hit him on an 11 if he gets the red on def). If you can't get the flurry off, you need to find a way of getting two damage in before you commit. You can get there with magnetism, lightning, spiders, joss, pretty much everything.
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