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Saint Norton

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Everything posted by Saint Norton

  1. I like how bright the dreamer is in comparison to his nasty friends. Makes him that much more sinister to be bright and colorful in that crew.
  2. Excellent work mate, It always makes me a bit sad when people say they don't have enough time to paint so it's great to see someone put togeather an ace looking crew in such a little amount of time. Any chance you could do a write up some time as to how you achieved your look so quickly or any shortcut recommendations for people looking to paint "efficiently" ?
  3. Honestly i think the makeup on the face is what makes the model pop the most. I have seen very few examples of people painting "realistic" looking makeup on a model of this size.
  4. He looks like some British regimental, love the color scheme.
  5. That is an amazing collection of mini's you have there. Most gamers I know would be more then proud to own any 1 of those factions.
  6. I played my first 5-6 games with nothing more then the Pandora box set and the blister with Teddy. ~30 stones right off the bat. Most of the starter boxes work like that as well ( starter box plus 1-2 blisters and you are ready to start playing larger sized games.)
  7. Both are awesome models on the table. Just for pure style points. Teddy really comes into his element with the dreamer being able to hand deliver him to your opponents and coppelius is just scary for any big beater to risk the auto paralyze to.
  8. So I picked up the hooded rider today after some diliberation. First i'd like to point out the model is way better in person then it is on the box, just looks more imposing then the pic makes it out to be. Secondly is my question of what crews are people playing him in? I have most of the neverborn faction at my disposal and I just see him as being very situational. I'm guessing he'd be best played with lillith? Immune to influence makes him situational for Zoraida and he's not a nightmare to be bounced around by the dreamer. SO what do you think? What experiences have people had with him?
  9. Is there any particular reason for the doppleganger in a Dreamer crew? I looked at her today and thought about buying one but can't figure out where to play her.
  10. After this I will always think of TMNT when I see this model on the table....
  11. can't wait to see lady j finished if she is even close to as awesome as these guys are.
  12. I totally agree with what you have come up with here. This mod really emphasizes his reliance on his machinery which is integral to his fluff. Very nicely done.
  13. Would make for a great alt to the Carver minion for those holloween themed events.
  14. Sweet, i just picked up my copy of Puppet Wars, still basing the mini's as we speak.
  15. It's been twenty years since MASK, where is my helicopter-bike!?!
  16. Awesome models, especially with a good paint job will make most people forget they are proxies anyways.
  17. Those are ace. I would have zero problem playing against those in a game.
  18. Nino is a beater and can be very very hard to deal with. How was the terrain? I hear a lot of people have so much trouble with him due to the terrain being too sparse.
  19. That would be awesome, No worries if it can't be done. I think the calendar here should work. We just need to push people towards using it.
  20. Two thoughts come to mind... 1 - that head looks like a squig from warhammer... 2 - that's freaking awesome!
  21. I sold my Warmachine faction quite a while back but Wulfe was the only one I had kept! Excellent job on the paint job all the same. I really love the blue colors.
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