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Everything posted by Mike3838

  1. I imagine it'll be cooperative in the sense that you'll be able to play cards to buff your friend's Frame, and there'll be built in synergies, kinda like a boss fight in an MMO where you might, for example, try as a team to keep the glitch focused on the player with high armour while another player keeps that guy healthy, and a third player slaps the glitch about. Could be interesting!
  2. Just posted up my Month 2 update - the link's in my signature TLDR? Painting: Failure Gaming: Learned stuff Collecting: Big scary Oni lady
  3. I used wine gums, but since going veggie I'm looking for a gelatin-free alternative. Sweets clearly make the best soulstones - the only downside is with a pile of sweets at the side of the table, you feel additional pressure to give yourself positive flips on every action so you can just eat them already!
  4. Pretty sure a lift can be arranged - it's only a 5 minute drive. The walk isn't far, but it's *severely* uphill. Drop me a message on twitter if you think you'll need picking up and we'll sort something out. I appreciate Sunday trains can be inconvenient time-wise, so if anyone's having difficulties drop me a line.
  5. To further clarify the charge question: You can charge around the model in the middle, assuming you can see the model on the other side. If Model A in the middle is on a 40mm or 50mm base, it is likely that it will block line of sight to the charge target behind and make charging impossible. If all three models are on 30mm bases though, you will be able to have line of sight, even if it is just a hair. It is physically impossible (within normal practical constraints) to position three 30mm models in a perfect line such that the centre model blocks line of sight between the two outside models. To clarify the Schrodinger's Walk question: No, it is not the Walk action that provokes the Disengaging strike. You declare your *intention* to make a Walk action. This triggers the strike before the Walk action is initiated. If the strike succeeds, no Walk action occurs. There's some wiggle room in the wording, so I can see how you have interpreted it that way, but I believe you're taking the "Only Walk Actions provoke disengaging strikes" sentence too literally. It is merely there to clarify that no strike occurs for pushes etc, and not there to specify any timing restrictions.
  6. I think I'll be picking him up, but I'll also be picking up a block of greenstuff and spending an unreal amount of time to make him properly furry...
  7. The question is, can I drop a scheme marker directly underneath myself, rather than edge to edge adjacent. It's still touching my base, isn't it?
  8. It's a typo that can't possibly be interpreted as anything but a typo, surely? Even in a tournament...
  9. Hmm ok... was this a late beta change? I hadn't realised his Infiltration had been extended.
  10. Am I missing something? Toshiro is Rezzer/10T, and Dashel is Guild only. They can't be hired together in the same crew...
  11. Completely and utterly different, from what I can tell. There's no board - it plays on a 3' square table. There's terrain, model synergies, multiple resource allocations, variable winning conditions and individual characters with individual skills. It seems to me that Malifaux is a *far* closer comparison point than Blood Bowl, the only similarity with BB being that there's a ball involved.
  12. Welcome to Hobbytime @ Halifaux, in association with the Pennine Raiders Gaming Club. I wanted to test out a new format for an event - something a bit more free-form and casual than the standard competitive tournament. The idea is essentially for people to: 1) Get a full day of action packed Malifaux gaming 2) Have the opportunity to play games against people outside their usual club circles Standard encounters, story encounters, whatever you fancy - there'll be plenty of tables and scenery provided and ready to go. Think of it like a club night at your local, but 100% Wyrd and with guaranteed fresh opponents. There'll be no scoring and no winners, but hopefully a lot of fun and probably a raffle prize or two. I'll be running Malifaux demos all day for anyone who wants familiarising with the rules before they dive in, and there should be plenty of experienced players about to talk tactics and give advice. I'm aiming to get a hobby/painting table set up for in-between games, and http://www.miniature-painting-lessons.co.uk/ should hopefully be on hand with a drop-in hobby clinic to offer a bit of painting and advice to get you up to the next level. I'm thinking 16 people will be needed to make this worthwhile. With any luck I'll be able to rustle up a decent West Yorkshire contingent... Who fancies coming up/down/across to face us? Where? Belgrave Social Club, Halifax, HX3 6AW When? Sunday 27th April 9:30am - 6:00pm Cost?: £5.00 payable on the day 1. Geraint Osborn 2. James Doxey 3. Chris Southwell 4. Chris Hay 5. Andy Praetorian 6. Paul Greenland 7. Paul Butler 8. Adam Boyes 9. Jakab Sennett 10. Paul Gibbon 11. Matt Coates 12. Dave Wilkinson 13. Dave Waye 14. Richard deValmont 15. Jimmy Balderstone 16. Dave Millington 17. Charlotte Burton 18. 19.
  13. Hi all, I just wanted to get this date in people's diaries well in advance, before the event calendar gets too full. Halifaux 2 will take place at the home of the Pennine Raiders Wargames Club in Halifax. Unfortunately my alternative/exciting venue plans didn't come through, but you never know... maybe in 2015...! Format will be similar to last year's event. A ranked tournament with 3 or 4 rounds of Malifaux with all the usual trimmings. Space for 24 players initially but with likely room to expand. If you think you'll be up for it let me know - it'd be great to get an early indication of potential numbers. Cheers, Mike Interested: 1. Nate Zettle 2. Mike Marshall 3. Joel Henry 4. Jimmy Balderstone 5. James Doxey 6. Chris Holloway 7. Jakab Sennett 8. Josh Fletcher 9. Joe Taylor 10. Paul Butler 11. Aidan Kirk 12. Pete Wright 13. ProximoCoal 14. Ade Mills 15. Chris Hay 16. TheFollowing 17. Martin Wodehouse 18. Captain Toysoldier 19. Ben Harris 20. Greg Piskosz 21. Andy Figg 22. David Golden 23. Ben Halford
  14. Please add me to the interested list - I'll be able to pay early next week
  15. Compare it to model abilities. A model is always considered to be within X" of itself. Same for the DZ.
  16. Even better question - why did you roll *dice* to determine the outcome? Eeurgh!
  17. Dunno about others, but for me, definitely yes. Personally, the limiting factor on the 2-day events is often the "oh, you're going to be away for the *whole* weekend then?" factor.
  18. I preferred it when you did... it made it better capture the feeling of "I'm starting a new crew - what do I need?". Ah well, I don't make the rules!
  19. zFiend, In M1.5 you could only discard Soulstones to avoid a headshot effect if you had the Use Soulstone ability. I don't think it was specified in the rulebook itself, but I'm fairly sure there was a FAQ
  20. The Flesh Construct can't use Soulstones to enhance a duel, or to prevent damage (because he's not a Master or Henchman), but there's nothing in the rules preventing him from discarding soulstones on this occasion. There used to be an ability called "Use Soulstone" which all Masters had - this is now gone. Instead, each different way of using Soulstones specifies who is able to take that action, and if no restriction is specified then it would seem that any model can do it.
  21. Same for scheme markers then, which are placed in base to Base contact? They rise up, but then retrospectively can't be placed because they're no longer in b2b, and the interact can't be taken? Sounds like the "rising up" rule would never take effect then.
  22. I know I'm flip flopping here, but I think you could be right Mako. I'm sceptical that you could place a scheme marker inside the wall of a tall building and it would rise to the top of the building though...?
  23. This is true. What seems to be happening is that the abstraction (hovering the marker over the models and projecting the shadow downwards), while a practical and legitimate way of working out which models are affected when in the open, is causing confusion when terrain is involved. Since we're all holding hovering markers over models every time we play, it feels intuitive that we can do the same for terrain. Instead, we should be imagining that the markers are resting on the tabletop surface, and if we wouldn't be able to place the markers on the tabletop due to blocking terrain being in the way, the blast marker position isn't allowed. It's not a matter of "not reading the rulebook" - how you place the marker isn't very clear, given the physical routine that we all perform when we have a blast marker in our hands.
  24. Had a further thought regarding this, which might mean I jumped the gun. I'm presuming that Blasts (like Corpse counters, scheme markers etc) are Ht 0 Markers. This means you can legitimately stand a model on top of them - or place them underneath a model. That would negate the issue as it applies to the single blast - you'd just lift the nearby models out of the way, place the blast in B2B with the target, then replace the nearby models and see who would be affected. Obviously in the real world, to be practical, you wouldn't *actually* move the models, you'd work it out from above. Terrain is different to models though. Markers can't go inside or through blocking terrain - can they? If you think they can - would you say it was legitimate to stand a model very close to a wall and then drop a scheme marker inside the wall?
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