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Everything posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. As for the crew creator, it's ready to go. just waiting for Justin to post the final changes so I can make appropriate changes to the data file and send it off to Ratty where hopefully the update is as easy for him to deploy as just replacing the files on the hosting server.
  2. Yeah, I see the henchmen fourm as well.
  3. I'd like to get in on this, if only to help me learn some of my crews again. I'll be doing Leve and Viks. I need something to help push me to actually post something on there. http://by-the-tree.blogspot.com/
  4. I was under the impression that the book was allready sent off to the printers inorder to get everything shipped out some time in March. Don't quote me on any of that, but it's what I remember reading from the latest update Mack sent out.
  5. Thank's for these. I'm going to be using them tonight.
  6. I've never tried to do something like this before, but I do know from doing swamp water that if you want colored liquitex, then you need to mix the coloring in with the liquitex before applying rather than painting the final product. I'm not sure if it will give the desired result but I would try pouring some liquitex into a cup and mixing it with a VERY small amount. Can't emphasize enough how important it is to use very little white (if using paint, ink works best) because if you use to much the liquitex will just be white, not a transparent white
  7. Why yes, yes they do. However, there has been quite a bit of new technology that allows for writing a mobile app for 1 system and porting it to different mobile devices. That's what I'm really looking into since buying a Mac, iOS developer license, & xCode is going to be well outside my price range.
  8. Why yes, yes they do. However, there has been quite a bit of new technology that allows for writing a mobile app for 1 system and porting it to different mobile devices. That's what I'm really looking into since buying a Mac, iOS developer license, & xCode is going to be well outside my price range.
  9. As far as mobile apps go, I've still got some logistics to figure out before I even consider asking permission (have to figure out the best way to go about making them if I do).
  10. As far as mobile apps go, I've still got some logistics to figure out before I even consider asking permission (have to figure out the best way to go about making them if I do).
  11. As it stands, I plan to eventually convert the crew creator into a mobile app for android and iOS if possible (with Wyrd's permission of course. Haven't asked yet). A desktop version would also be just as viable (Actually gives me a good idea, thanks!). The reason I haven't begun working on it yet is because the Wave 2 Beta is still in progress and changing coding requirements each week make things difficult. My plan is to have Wave 2 version ready to send off to Ratty when or before Wave 2 goes live (depending on last minute changes)
  12. As it stands, I plan to eventually convert the crew creator into a mobile app for android and iOS if possible (with Wyrd's permission of course. Haven't asked yet). A desktop version would also be just as viable (Actually gives me a good idea, thanks!). The reason I haven't begun working on it yet is because the Wave 2 Beta is still in progress and changing coding requirements each week make things difficult. My plan is to have Wave 2 version ready to send off to Ratty when or before Wave 2 goes live (depending on last minute changes)
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong (don't have cards in front of me), but doesn't Pandora's ability say that if she is defending using her DF, that she may use her WP instead. If that's correct, here's how the scenario plays out. 1) MS attacks Pandora and gets choice to attack against WP or DF (since the decision is made when the attack is declared). 2) MS decides to make Pandora use DF. 3) Since Pandora is defending using her DF, her ability triggers and she gets the option to defend with WP instead. 4) Pandora decides to use the WP to resist instead of DF, also changing the duel from a DF duel to a WP duel on her end (which potentially might allow her to push afterwards).
  14. Or you remember that Tara can steal attacks from buried models...Oh and can unbury your models for you. Basically, be very wary of bringing anything that does burying because that just makes it Tara's new plaything. As for giving your opponent fast, have you ever thought how good it would be to give them Fast, bury them (with to WP), then unbury them (again with to WP), and take the next activation with them (the one that Fast applies to) Honestly, the more I think about it, Tara has quickly become my new "Win" button, purely because most people are expecting her to come at them head on instead of sideways
  15. Wow...I feel a lot better seeing how long everyone elses' lists are. I've currently got: Pandora Box (finishing up next couple of days) Marcus Box Viks Box Nephilim Box 10 puppets Seamus Avatar Somer Avatar Vanessa Colette Box 3 Doves 2 Nurses (original and Miss pack) 10T Archers 2 10T brothers Ototo 3 Ashigaru Steam Trunk Corpse Marker Carver Bushido Crew Hell Dorado Charon
  16. I agree that it should be included in the upcoming FAQ (next one should be released next week since it's supposed to be the first of every other month and the last one was November). I was just wanting to put the answer I got from Justin for others until it could be included in an FAQ.
  17. I actually had to ask Justin this very question when putting together the Crew Creator and the answer is yes, they can. They can also hire the 2 generic Mercenary totems as well. An interesting side note, Hungering Darkness is a totem that can also hire a totem if it leads the crew.
  18. Just a further clarification, because this came up for me. Yes Lilith can declare a charge against a model she does not have LoS to, but she cannot use 'Master of Malifaux' to ignore terrain when performing the move part of the charge, correct?
  19. I also got the email about my order being completed about 3pm EST yesterday. Hasn't arrived yet but I expect that It'll be here on monday.
  20. um...I was under the impression that 'after succeeding' was a conditional of the effect happening, not the timing of the effect. I say this because it's my understanding that all trigger effects of an action happen after the effects of the action. In this case, my understanding of the OP's situation is the Interact occurs after the normal (1) Action is taken.
  21. So which midnight does the sale start? I know its Wednesday night leading into Thursday, but is it GMT, EST, PST, or some other timezone?
  22. Soooooo.....What time on Thursday does the sale start again? Just want to check if I need to wake my wife up halfway through our thanksgiving travels to buy a bunch of stuff.
  23. So what time on thursday does the sale start?
  24. Thank you to everyone for all the issues you've pointed out. All of the issues pointed out thus far should be resolved.
  25. Would you mind pasting the URL you get so I can check it out? I have an idea what could be causing it, I just want to check what the URL it gives you is so I can be sure.
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