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Everything posted by turtleclub13

  1. oooo. Sounds like fun. I will see what I can do about getting my meager posse together.
  2. Another hobby night at Crossroad Games. Warmachine and warhammer can step aside. Malifaux hobby night will get people hooked. Look us up at 15 fort hill rd. standish maine. We play every Wednesday from 6 to 9.
  3. Ok, so I am trying to get people outside of my playgroup to come and play malifaux at my game store in southern maine. So I am looking for people who live in or around southern maine who might be interested in helping get malifaux back on the shelf. The stroe is Crossroad games in standish. Send me a friend request if tbere is ANY chance you might be interested. Crossroads just stopped supporting warhammer fantasy and 40k is dying. Currently only warmachine is supported, and there are weekly 30 plus people playing on wargame night, but I just need people to give it a chance and the game will sell itself. If anyone can help, Crossroads would be a boom in players if we could just tap the market.
  4. My group is gonna try to make the falcons thing in New Hampshire.
  5. Thats great for perdita, lilith, and seamus. Simply great. What else you got?
  6. Me and my group are putting together a playlist of music for malifaux. What are some songs that personify a character or mood of malifaux. Here is what I got. Leveticus: aint no grave by jonny cash Collett: ladies and gentlemen by saliva collodi: ive got no strings by wendy and lisa m&su: re-education (though labor) by rise against rasputina: cold by static x Zordia: season of the witch by blues brothers 2000 Molly: living dead gril by rob zombie What else you got for me wyrdos
  7. Oh, and we play on wendsday evenings at 6pm to 9.
  8. This is my first event I am running as a henchman at Crossroad games in standish. Plenty of space, crossroads is huge, mostly playing magic and warhammer, but if I got some more 3x3s I could host a hundred people easy. But for now, me and my friends are a good start.
  9. What about turn sequence and assist points?
  10. So quick rules questions. The enforcer brawl format, where everyone lays an enforcer, control hand of three, solid 5 turns, get 1 pt per turn your guys alive, 1 pt per kill, 1 pt per assist kill, and neg 3 pts per time your enforcer dies ( min 0). Your enforcer comes "respawns" on your turn if it died. So my first question is this. Should you still get assist points if your guy is not currently alive? second. How should turn order be decided whith 4 plus people? lastly. Is bete as broken as crap? You know, with the getting points for surviving the turn buried, and then not dying with a 10 in hand.
  11. I think its a little short notice this year, but I think I will save my script and set my sights on gencon. Thanks for the help.
  12. So what type of games does one play molly or seamus? It seems like nico and mcmourning have the bases conved.
  13. I find bete works well for those 3 scemes, but works well with molly, who can give her black blood for the game, and then throw on unnerving aura to make a damned if you do, damned if you dont synergy.
  14. I tend to use the old 1st ed strategy of belles and punk zombies to drag guys into meat grinders. That said, punks I think are too costly now, so idk. Definitlay love bete though. She is my girl for deliver a message. Nothing says "we should go out sometime" like a severed spine.
  15. So I have been playing malifaux off and on at a game store in maine since 1st ed. I have never traveled to a tournament larger then snowcon (6 people or so). But this year I want to check out the tournament scene but I have some rules questions first. What are the basics of gaining grounds that I need to know? And does everything have to be wyrd or are "proxies" allowed? And lastly, what are some of the more competitive resurretionist pieces and upgrades for the tournament scene for what purposes? Thanks for any help you guys can give me
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