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Everything posted by rancor709

  1. I'll provide some general list building advice. Build to your strengths and build in tool kit. Most models in malifaux either do there dmg at range or they do there dmg in melee. so I am a proponent of balanced lists. That meaning a list that has elements to deal with the 2 above problems. So adding a limited range element can help your list balance as you can whittle down am opponents ml threats before they make contact or you can help cover the advance of your ml units by applying some sh pressure. Although you have to weight it vs say greater ml threat redundancy to just make sure you survive the gun fire to get into ml with enough threat to be decisive. List building is a skill an art and trial and error
  2. Great start to the league but still plenty of room and all still welcome to join. This week we go to 30 ss games and things
  3. Original Dead Rider is my favorite sculpt from Wyrd. and New Dead rider is my favorite Resculpt.
  4. I'm sure wyrd will have plenty for us to buy at gencon. If history is an indicator we may well buy them out again. Wyrd is a for profit business I'm sure they'll be happy 2 sell you things at gencon
  5. well it will have the entire second wave update. its called crossroads. Updates the remaining models all to m2e with the exception of Avatar models. Additionally will have new story encounters available to play and a bunch of fluff ways in at 320pages
  6. Flat Land Games 28990 S Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 (248) 773-7854 What a Slow Grow league for new and old Malifaux gamers alike,. Will be every wednesday between July 30th and September 10th. Start with a boxset first week will be 26ss games every week after that we will slowly ramp up the game size to 50ss. achievements will be scored and winner will get a prize. $5 League entry to paid when entering league going to prize support. Great time for beginners and oldies alike.
  7. So with the Errata to Decaying Aura we lose 4" of no soulstone use and keep 4" of no healing. We now get Attacks from the model equipped with the upgrade prevent the usage of Soulstones. I like the way it retains it flavor and dropped its why its more ridiculous quality However haven't used this upgrade a ton to be fair and when i did it was on my favorite missle bete noire,. With the changes I see me using it about the same and on the same model.
  8. 2 Cards a turn over 5 turns for with access to a hand sized based attack on a master built to control hand size even once a turn is a nice trade for having Lynch go last. But I do personally prefer a more open play style that lets me activate when ever I want without wasting my upgrade slot by not activating last. Again I think theres choice now but its still a very viable upgrade spot on errata
  9. Not a perfect system but nothing is. I really like m2e
  10. Chiaki is a model I rate highly in 10t. First and foremost, Walk 5 and Incorporal isn't something to underrate. The ability to walk twice ignoring whatever is going on and go after victory points shouldn't be underestimated. don't use her specific upgrade its a trap, I really like servant of 5 dragons on her, again highly mobile platform that can then bomb away scheme markers again is a fun bit of tech. Her pulse ability has some play again its about forcing duels.
  11. Simply awesome, tell her keep kicking Cancers a$$. Very cool and thank you very much for sharing the picture and the story with us.
  12. Line in the sand, very rare take for me outside of very specific crew match ups
  13. Its a two part question. One an obey style action or an out of activation action doesn't count as this models activation. So does this model activate yes/no. No as the model is doing the action as part of an action outside of activation. Does this model charge yes/no. No the model hasn't charged as part of the action Therefore the model has not charged during its activation, thus this model gets the Plus flip on damage as "...if this model did not charge during this activation" as neither negative condition was met you get your plus flip.
  14. Evenings are best for me most nights except for Wednesdays as that is FLGS night. Oddly I think monday night might work well at least up until the NFL kicks off.
  15. its Roll20 is free Rgarbonzo really neat tool
  16. Interesting omen. I played a ton of malifaux in 1.5 and have played since the initial beta of v2. I honestly like 2e better. Personally we always played shared strategies so to me there little difference there. The schemes were not balanced out equally and as such you d see the same schemes over and over again something that got old to the point we ban certain mixes. I still feel the same I did at the start of the upgrade concept. Neat idea going to be hell to balance as we move forward but lots of potential both good and bad. I don't feel completely they are 2 different games and as such still feel I'm playing the same game I've been since I started. But I can see the perceptional loss and some of the quirks of the grand old game. But 2e scratches more of my gaming buttons than 1.5
  17. Change perhaps the only constant played a large factor in it. As did the beta itself some people don't like constantly having the apple cart flipped which is what a beta is. I can get a player up and running in a demo with 90% of all game knowledge they will need in 10mins. By turn 3 they are just playing the game. This has helped grow our group locally by significant marks. Were seeing an average of 6 players most casual nights and our tournament events have been between 12-18 players. There was a lot of politics that didn't help the matter as well. And was handled poorly by all involved
  18. I'm eastern time. I had askype and Google hangout and I have days roll 20 and webcam. I'd like to join your merry band of adventures
  19. Its a master or henchman upgrade so morty makes a great home for corpse bloat
  20. additional bonus is Mortimer is fairly resistent and heals a wd every turn. Has a great ml7 attack that can generate more corpse is a charge 7 with a 2" weapon for a total threat of 9. Did I meantion he has chatty so enemy's within 6" and los of Mortimer can' take interact actions but yiour models are free to do so.
  21. I would love to see them as part of a prize kit for tournments that shops and Henchman could get!
  22. Mortimer and Mcmourning can be best friends. Mortimer has a fresh meat spell that makes all friendly undead push there walk toward that target. Mcmouring has an upgrade that makes models around him undead. Mcmourning can makle more his crew undead thus using Mortimers Fresh meat to push the crew up the field out of activation. Key point is you can cast fresh meat against your own stuff and all it is a card flip as there is no target number needed to be hit. So even if you black joker it still goes off as yiou relent.
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