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Everything posted by rancor709

  1. I love me some tokens. Official ones have been requested often by new players particular those that come from Warmachine and other systems. cause we love bling.
  2. No limit mate you simply can't exceed a models rarity but you can take all the henchman and women you can fit in a list if you like.
  3. the majority of people that vote in these are not professional painters or have the technical eye to say objectively what is better than what. And this isn't a panel with specific criteria that was posted for constants with even a points scaling system. This was a widely available pool on the internet for a miniature company with a particular ascetic. People in the absence of knowledge will vote for what they find most visually appealing as they have no concept that model a is using some very difficult techniques very nicely and model b isn't but has a more pleasing color scheme. This is the equivalent of people with no idea about say college basketball picking teams in a tournament based on which uniforms they like, an informed player will pick based on there knowledge of the team but an uninitiated will pick based on what ever criteria they wish to.
  4. There good no doubt. But there are a lot of good models. Belle's provide some of the best control in the game, in general ressers are very strong positional control faction. Its hard to write a resser list without a belle in it, or without a plan to make at least one they are very good. But they themselves are not game winning, they set up your other pieces for success and if you bring a friend pounce is just nasty. Not to mention the trigger to get rid of cards on lure. Overpowered no, but limited to 3 absolutely.
  5. Limited is not per crew. Limited is per model. So in say a Seamus crew he could have either Bag o Tools or Sinster rep but not both or any other limited upgrade on him. However another model could have a limited upgrade attached to it.
  6. Really all of them are interesting. For your first time around the slums of malifaux hard to go wrong with the Viktorias teh crew is a heavy melee style with support shooting. Its less about subtlety and more about bashing skulls. Mcmourning is a crew built around his ability to both deal dmg, his crew give out poison which he can make an opponent all take at once so he has high burst dmg potential. If you like the idea of a crew that is built around helping each other to achieve more than one part can individually this is your crew. Pandora-This crew is built around positioning and an understanding of order of operations. Pandora and candy have some ability to manipulate when a model can activate and are a very strong control crew. Pandora primary attacks depend on the models she's facing she actually can force your opponent to either hit or shot themselves with there own weapons. She and her sorrows also add insult to injury when an opponents models is within 6 of them and line of sight and they fail a duel where wp is being used by that enemy model they take a point of dmg for each pandora and sorrow one at a time. So there's a lot of set up requried and some strong control a little more complex to start with but if that appeals to you go for her. the beauty of second edition is all the masters are fairly good to start with. So my recommendation is use the crew that appeals to you most.
  7. They don't typically hit my radar. although with justice i am considering them more.
  8. Littering and Littering and Littering and...
  9. Ratty now your making really want Nicodem set to be out like Meow. Mortimer looks awesome
  10. I like it if only say the transulent was on say the nothings beast and void shards. I'd still want to paint Tara, Katrina
  11. just further confirmation of the nonfaction status of Gremlins, 10t Fat-hutsu got tried and is still sleeping on the boat as the stairs to get from the cargo hold to the gang plank are his mortal enemy.
  12. Not in love with Hat Dance Santiago. but the rest of the crew is nice. Am really liking that nephlim box.
  13. Lady J has an 8" pulse to remove all conditions. The guild has chain weapons that push models and give out slow. I'll let you do the math. I'm working hard on Justice atm as she is my pick for masters at adepticon this year. Wave 2 models help her immensly in the variety department. But you have to think how her nonresist large area of effect removal of all conditions could be used. If your familar with Warmachine she basically has purification. Additionally she has the ability to remove corpse and scrape counters within 6" with the right upgrade. Most of justices versatility will be in how you build your crew and how she'll complement it. Her role can change depending on what you bring in the crew. With say a heavy chain weapon build justice can do what she does best counter charge and wipe out enemies that are isolated. Justice is only df5 unless you bring and shackle her and francisco together. As Cisco gives when he activates a model within 2" of him +2df +2wp making justice df7 with reposte. Again the real dynamics with Justice come from what pieces you put with her not necessarily her upgrade build. And its not a radical amount of diversity its variations on a central punch you in the face theme.
  14. http://wyrd-games.net/shop/shop_closed.html hmmm
  15. We'll Lt will good to see you and hang. And we can make fun of Sean behind his back as he whips us oh volunteering is the best
  16. If you have a beverage of choice shadow remind me before the con I owe you drink for the soulless reference.
  17. Ritual Seboku its the only way shadow and I'll take my 2 soulstones after you complete the 2 action.
  18. Nov - 2013 WYR20501 Viktorias Crew - Hired Swords $45.00 WYR20402 Pandora Crew- No Shelter Here $45.00 WYR20104 Death Marshals (3) $24.00 WYR20204 Rotten Belles (3) $21.00 WYR11101 Kings of Artifice $70.00 Pandy should be out end of this month be availabe from your local first or your favorite website. Won't be on the wyrd online store till a month or so after to allow Locals first crack at the business.
  19. Reminder last day of the league is tonight 50pts and its basically a free for all. You can switch up your master, play with Beta models and do so while attempting to win with your master on half wds to 1wd for 5pts And for 7pts win a game with wave 1 only vs all wave 2 models-This is more for the value these types of battles are to play testing than a determinor of how hard the feat is.
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