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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. I think it's fine. You declared 10T so you are not Guild which means you can hire Lazarus. D.
  2. I can live with that D.
  3. But even new Cisco is a better sculpt than the original. D.
  4. Find a suitable proxy for 'Cisco? Dita, Papa, Nino and Santiago are all more awesome sculpts than their metals (but I have a real fondness for original Dita) in my opinion. D.
  5. McCabe is also a slippery slope into 10T but with Luna in his crew it gives guild hounds a bump which could possibly help with other guild crews. Also Sidir is very versatile. D.
  6. @Arcticpangolin the spirit of the rule is to make the model move directly towards the belle. While the other side of her base is technically the same distance as the near side I think the intention is to move close but not go past. D.
  7. Sensei Yu can be useful for stealing Stalk(0) off Misaki with her upgrade or Kang for putting the beat down on Ressers/Constructs with ignoring HtW and Armor on any model who can LoS to him. I wouldn't take 3 Torakage very often but find Samurai very handy especially with (still beta) 0SS upgrades for ignoring damage or faster. D.
  8. Is Mei feng Foundry herself? She can hire Foundry keyword models. D.
  9. @Vonevilstein I think you are right! Dammit. D.
  10. Or Emberling with some Burning+2 on the golem and hope you have high tomes? D.
  11. Get Mei to hit the Golem a few times to get burning up then locomotion straight towards the Master before charging into him a few times? D.
  12. It does but I think we are looking in-faction. Plus at 11SS there could be other models with more synergy. But yes Taelor is definitely a summoning deterrent. D.
  13. IDK buddy. Maybe concentrating on strat/schemes and avoiding any open lanes for luring. There's a Resser player in my local meta that has sworn off belles and Bete for 6 months and has since lost most of his games. D.
  14. Willy is also Foundry. #happydance D.
  15. Possibly also Willie might be fun. D.
  16. Does Kang's upgrade ability affect minions or foundry? D.
  17. I'm considering bringing my own undead - Toshiro can summon komainu and ashigaru and can hire punk zombies. Kang with archers or katanaka snipers? D.
  18. A fate worse than death.... D.
  19. Might just use the actual ones then. D.
  20. Hi folks, This years Q-CON (XXI) will have only wargame demos, the actual wargaming con will be Nordicon 1 month later. I will be running Malifaux demos at Q-CON on the Saturday all day so please stop by if you fancy a chat or a game. Date: 21st June 2014 Location: Queens University, belfast Time: 11-4pm Thanks and hope to see you there D.
  21. Shame that they are 40mm as I was planning on using the TtB plastic multi pose as Guilty proxies. D.
  22. Great to hear people are using Mei in 10t. I will be using her this way in m upcoming Irish GT if there are an odd number of entrants. Will post any results I have. D.
  23. Does this then mean we are looking at a Gencon release with the wave 2 arsenal decks and hopefully a new book? D.
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