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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Hi guys, I am organising 2 painting contests, 1 for each month July and August to tie in with Dead Heat and get some Malifaux happening in my area. Full rules are on my website: http://www.theundercity.co.uk/dead-heat-summer-campaign/ July Painting Contest: Must be painted with the month of July and must be presented to me by 1pm 31st July. Must be a Wyrd Malifaux product line model on either standard or custom base. Any questions just get in touch. D.
  2. A light diffuser box or some greaseproof paper over the light source will help with that. I have had success with a daylight bulb in the past also. D.
  3. Personally not too keen on choice of colours for Sue but painting style and technique is great. Ronin look fab D.
  4. Who do plan to lead your undead crew? Guessing it will be McMourning? I love Kaeris and the OSL you have on the electrical creation things. D.
  5. Very nice Mudge. Good uniformity on the Red(Purple)chapel Gang and love the Kin set. Does Pere come on a 40mm base as standard? D.
  6. Yes as a matter of fact I did! :Hiding_Puppet: Think i fixed the small ones but I don't quite know how to fix the larger ones. Any suggestions? I removed the attached images and reattached the corrected ones. D.
  7. As promised the next instalment will be some Justice: Bases on the death marshalls are from Fenris Games' Cthulhu Graveyard set. Currently 30 and 40mm but should have 50mm out in a few weeks time. Check them out on ebay. And some Night Terrors: Not my best work and the bases still have to be painted. Still not bad for being done while watching Full Metal Jacket. D.
  8. For a long while I struggled to find the rules for 'Wicked'. D.
  9. Hi guys, Q-con, one of the largest in Ireland is happening this weekend. On Friday while there is no Malifaux tournament we are running demo games and open play. 22nd June 6pm - 10pm. Queens University Belfast Northern Ireland. Drop by and say Hi. D.
  10. Gee Guys you're making me blush! Honestly, most of these models were completed in the last 2 weeks in frantic late night/early morning sessions. I will have to go back and give them more attention but like I said I needed the crews done for the henchman application. I have also completed 2 night terrors. Posting later. Next up: Alt Justice and some Death Marshalls. D. ---------- Post added at 07:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 AM ---------- Seamus' hat and cuffs are light blue - hard to tell with the lighting. Better pics will be forthcoming. D.
  11. So after about 2 years of procrastination the Dead Heat summer campaign finally spurred me on to get 2 crews finished and my henchman application submitted. Bear in mind that it is now 1am here and I needed some quick shots of my 2 crews please find Perdita and Seamus. More to follow. D.
  12. Stunning crew. Really cohesive force and the Hell Dorado miniatures work really well. D.
  13. Lovely graveyard board you were playing on! D. [Edit] I also have that horrorclix tree and the original box it came in. I liked that game.
  14. Nekhima's wings are fantastic and your alt Viks look great! Loving your artwork too - Nico and Colette especially. Good job! D.
  15. Liking the work on the swarm bases. Good use of magnets for the arachnids. D.
  16. Holmes would an excellent Alt Ramos. D.
  17. I don't mind GW brushes although to be fair I haven't bought any in a good long while. Don't know if that says anything about me (not using them enough) or the longevity of GW brushes. I know there are better brands out there and GW charges a premium to put their logo on things. Be informative to see how competition stacks up at their price point. D.
  18. Wow! I was not a fan of the dead rider...until now. The new horns work very well. D.
  19. +1 for Square Orange Games. The guys there are fantastic and offer great service and discount. D.
  20. Is that really the size of the effigy? D.
  21. Nice one Koyote! The RN was one of my most-anticipated models and I have not yet had time to paint it up. Yours is lovely. Funny pic above! D.
  22. Really like it. Nice solid work. D.
  23. Dead Doxie is lovely. And I really like your Hell Dorado models as counts as Outcasts. D.
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