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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. @petegreen: Sam was a great help to us over here, allowing us to do custom orders for stuff not on his site, invoicing us through Paypal, free fast delivery. The guy was a gent! We even had advertising links up on all our club and personal websites for him. I have the Google tracking data for all of it! But he burned his bridges with us. Refusing to answer any communications, failure to complete orders and a lack of website updates just put the nails in the coffin. If he or you wants to get in touch personally then please send me a PM and I will send over my contact details. I am more than happy to discover anything about Square Orange that has happened in the last 5+ months. So, Pete, the offer is there for either you or Sam. Regards, D.
  2. Prefer the deluxe buildings with raised floors, boardwalk and apex roofs but the basic sets are still really good. D.
  3. I picked up some Fire Gamin on ebay and not too fussed on the gunsmiths so will wait for alt Kaeris D.
  4. Ah gotcha. Knew I missed something. @Kadeton: No she is a unique character and is named as Santana Ortega meaning that if not for animosity then she could have been taken with Santiago. Cheers for quick response! D.
  5. Hi guys, Just putting it out there, not saying I would do it. After I received my Santana box I had a quick look at her card. Unless I am mistaken she is unique but does not have the same name as Santiago so could I take her and Santiago in the same crew? Sort of like twins. D.
  6. The material is lovely. Very well done. I would echo that some extra detail is required on the skin to make it 'pop' D.
  7. Really impressive. Would love to have the guts to do individual models with an airbrush. D.
  8. Demonn, Bear in mind the street with no name has just basic buildings with flat roofs and flat floors. The deluxe versions are far better. I will get the street but may get optional shingled roofs to add some height. D.
  9. I just got my first order from Battle Flag and built the gallows and General Store yesterday. Great buildings, very detailed with raised floors, boardwalk and gables. Fantastic. A bit pricey but well worth it. Some woodstain from Ikea and I will have some nice period pieces. D.
  10. I use Halfords (car accessory shop) white and grey primer. D.
  11. Hey Judge. Will definitely get a tourney going in Belfast. If you are interested, 2 of us are meeting for a quick game next week in Nerdtopia in Stranmillis. Give me a PM or tweet @daemonkin for details.
  12. She's saying "Really? You wanna try that sh*t with me?" D.
  13. Love the work on the ril crew. That is kinda the colour schemes I am going for, utilitarian worker. D.
  14. Lovely work. Great job. I need to get my Ten Thunders brothers built to go with Mei Feng. D.
  15. Hi guys, First official tournament: Hi guys in prep for the Malifaux tournament next month, 10/11/12, I have the following ideas: 3-round tournament Accumulation format ie all points over 3 rounds are added together to determine the winner. Single faction, Single master used throughout. Fixed Shared Strategies 2 chosen schemes per game. These can be announced giving a maximum of 8 points per game. 25SS game limit This means we should be able to get in 3 games with enough time for breaks in between. In the event of a tie at the end, most games won, then most points from strategies will be used to determine winner. If that results in a tie then it's a tie! There will be limited prizes - winner gets a pre-release of the Neverborn Beckoners. Prize for best painted and of course the Wooden Spoon. I will have 4 themed boards giving space for 8 participants at least. Any more and we can get some extra boards. Think that covers it. Any questions, get in touch. PS: There will also be a painting contest so even if you are not playing bring your crew down for judging. If necessary I will also be running demo games so please feel free to pop by for a game.
  16. Finally got a game with mei feng. Vs Colette 25 stones. Shared treasure hunt. A rail worker was about to be mannequin replaced when I stated I need a red joker to resist and flipped.... The red joker! Sadly the next turn Kang got replaced needing to resist on 32. In reply mei rail walked and triggered jackhammer kick destroying a performer, going through her and landing in base contact with Colette. 2 tiger claws finished Colette and zero action for iron skin. Wow! D.
  17. Yeah I think that looks the business. I had a similar idea to use the samurai goblins from rackham as a gremlin 10T inspired crew. D.
  18. Roll up, roll up. Demo day at Hangar 18 in Derry, Northern Ireland. There is a growing Malifaux presence and I would like see it go from strength to strength. October 13th 10am - 6pm. There is bar/restaurant facilities available. See you there, D.
  19. I feel sick looking at it. D. PS It's very good but it revolts me!
  20. Her scheme would be fun to use in an intro game. Dunno how reliably I would be able to achieve it in a competitive or tournament game. D.
  21. Just waiting for my bases to arrive before I start constructing Mei and her crew. Looking forward to try her out with her gamin, rail workers and hopefully some LSPA. D.
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