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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Not out till May so you might be as well waiting for the real thing although it does look promising. http://www.thewarstore.com/product82798.html
  2. Whilst I do think a lot of the combo style combat for her is very similar to Mai in 1.5, I did love Mei in 1.5 and I think the art looks great. I can definitely see her crew being the first plastic set I pick up depending on her minion sculpts.
  3. Whilst i myself am not from Glasgow i can point you in the right directions here. Glasgow did have a henchman but he took a wee break. I beleive the game has now drawn him back in though. Glasgow has a really good malifaux community with it played a lot at g3 games. Also, if youre on facebook, look up the society of scottish malifools and you will find plenty of weegies ready to demo for you. Good luck.
  4. The twins have always been superstars for me but then I might be wearing my Nephilim coloured glasses remembering the time Lelu trashed a Peacekeeper in one activation.
  5. No shout outs for Lelu? Surely we can't be considering mid teir. Certainly in Mark I his damage output could equal many of those mentioned so far. Granted you pretty much had to take a Lilitu at that time but the two of them were certainly worth it. He is slow but there are plenty of ways to get him moving across the battlefield at a fair speed and with the possibility of getiing a plus on all duels through Whispers in blood and same oppressive force I see nothing to suggest he has lost any of his usefulness.
  6. Thanks for the replies all and it's nice to be remembered Neverending. The Dreamer is the one Neverborn (well 2 now with Lucius) master that I don't own so I never really considered him but I will take a look. @Sharp_GT: I had considered Zoraida but then fell into the trap of thinking obey would be overkill as I probably wouldn't need an extra walk, completely forgetting that she could hand out attacks just as well. I certainly think she would also be worth trying out in a crew where this was the core. It's a one day tournament I am off to in March so I might try her in one game scheme dependent.
  7. Hi all As someone who has only had three mark II games I am still at the experimental/wanttotryrandomcombinations to get used to the rules stage of things. With that in mind and with me due to get a few (50ss) games in during March I finally had a good look through my arsenal decks and the wave 2 beta files and want to try this combination out. Beckoner Graves Kade Teddy Looking at a first turn sequence of Beckoner luring teddy for 5 inches, Graves then showing him the door for 6, and then Kade where's Teddy for another 5 before Teddy actually activates and hopefully eats some faces. So now the issue of what master, if any, would use the above combination of models to best advantage. My thoughts were as follows: Lynch/HG: No real reason synergy wise but it would add another huge melee beatstick to the list potentially giving too many threats to deal with, and there would be space for 2 illuminated to offer a little bit of ranged threat or to go off and worry about schemes etc. Granted, with one or two upgrades he would be running pretty much without soulstones. Lilith: Could include 3 terror tots instead of the 2 illuminated, another huge melee threat, and can pretty much keep up with teddy to ensure (barring deaths) that she and at least one other should be in the opponents face by turn 2. I had also thought Pandora might work but I think I could only fit a couple of sorrows in to the list which I presume would leave her a little vulnerable. Any suggestions/advice welcome (it's why I asked )
  8. Struggle with time for either these days but whilst I would love my answer to be painter I do fall firmly in the gamer camp.
  9. A great event that was my first of the new edition and reminded me why i enjoyed malifaux in the first place. Thanks for organising dks.
  10. I was just looking to see if it was a common problem and if anyone had a fix for it. It crashed my adobe too when trying to open it with that but Nuance did the trick.
  11. And, 2 years down the line, I finished Fallout 3 this morning. Whilst I still have some Skyrim to complete, and all of the Witcher 2, I'm just wondering what people would recommend that has been released in the interim.
  12. The rulespack keeps crashing my browser. Any IT literate people have a solution to this? Thanks
  13. Excellent review, thanks for posting it. I really wasn't expecting anything from this game but all the reviews i have seen have been very positive.
  14. Thankyou very much kind sir. Another year older and yet no wiser!

  15. Ok, not sure how that posted 3 times

  16. Your blog is really good. I like it.

  17. Your blog is really good. I like it.

  18. No problem at all, glad it arrived safely. Good luck for the next tournament and I'll hopefully catch you both at a future one.

  19. Is no problem, don't worry about it, I was going to be doing some conversion work on them anyway. Thanks again.

  20. Godspeed and Portishead. Good choices sir!

  21. I know. I was sure I would be retired with a supermodel wife by now. Maybe next year. Still, it was a good party though! :-)

  22. Thanks very much Fell. I'll make sure of it! :-)

  23. Thanks for the Fallout 3 recommendation. Tremendous game. Already addicted and I'm only a few hours in.

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