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Everything posted by osoi

  1. Yeah the Punk Zombie is one of my favourites, but who am I kidding they are all great
  2. Yay! more puppets. Im going to have to get them all! How doe sJoss move about without breaking his battery?
  3. Nice work Ratty as always, I really need to pick up my speed of getting my crews done, how much time a week do you generally spend on painting/modeling?
  4. I thought each sentence was a distinct part to every action, that you fulfill that prior to moving onto the next so in this case you sacrifice the duet then next step replace but as you cant (because of page 13) the rest of the action fizzles.
  5. Seamus is extremely competitive, and good fun to use as well. Check out here for some tips etc that I have written for our favourite mass murdering psychopath.
  6. Very cool idea, I'll see how this month treats me, might be able to get something together
  7. McMourning I really vary a lot, generally 2+ dogs then I either grab some Necropunks and Killjoy (a nice scary package), a Belle and then play around with the rest. I have never run McMourning with the same list twice the only staple is 2+ dogs, he works well with a lot of the Resser 4ss minions so have fun. I dont generally even use Punk Zombies with him, finding they are too slow
  8. The tactic of movng your own models out of sequence is very powerful so paying the price of you being hit is well justified, as others have said just cheat in low cards to miss.
  9. The worst I have had is only getting to turn 4 in 90 minutes but we still got a solid result for VPs. You just need to keep a check on what you are doing and plan accordingly, like any game in a tournament setting, and if your opponent is taking a long time just give them a courteous reminder to try and hurry on and if repeated let the TO know. I personally think Malifaux is very well suited to a tournament setting
  10. I would say you are right Rath, and it does require a lot to pull off.
  11. Try using a site like photobucket to upload your photo onto and then use the tags
  12. McMournig is great fun, you can carve up your own minions, summon monsters, have some interesting movement abilities plus you hit like an absolute truck as well. He will most likely be the more expensive buy in due to summoned models and liking cheap minions as well but I have yet to play a gme with him where I havent been smiling and laughing all game (and most of the time my opponent as well) he is just incredible fun.
  13. I agree with Karn, having been on the receiving end of a couple of them, its not the nastiest trick that the Dreamer can pull and it is managable, rember things like focus arent strikes as well so sure you only really get one action that turn but it usually ends up with a dead alp, once they start dying it goes down quickly.
  14. I was going to say the same, I do like that effect
  15. 35 point games you should be able to get done in an hour an a half once you have things sorted, admittedly there can be some time consuming interactions but they are in the minority. It also depends what sort of environment you are in, I know sometimes I still take over 2 hours for a 35ss game but thats mainly because we are having a chat/drinks/snacks and not stressed about time.
  16. Levi yes, I havent seen anyone with the hooded rider floating about
  17. I agree Suicidal Hunters are quite viable combined with Hoffman's detonate scrap its pretty good. Levi likes it as well as he can get 3 SPA from it
  18. It is also a spirit so the 6 wounds are a bit deceptive and Raspy has a bit of healing in her crew now with the Silent Ones too. I see Snowstorm being good for take and hold strats such as claim jump or even good for treasure hunt, she can help get overwhelming force into one area of the table and can play the control game as well. Shes a good addition to a Raspy crew.
  19. Or try C Hoffman and Levi for even more construct fun, it gets absolutely ridiculous
  20. Thats where I have seen some merit in bring Johan - Living, MS&U member has some range and a nice magic hammer, plus is an other hard to put down model. He is a bit slow but as a second wave he is very solid. Plus as Hoffman is MS&U he hire cost is reduced too.
  21. Yeah browse through the forums, mainly under a Place for Puppets and you will see tidbits here and there. Its not long unless release now (1-3 months by Eric's word) There is also a new thread that has just popped up here, so ask a question and read the answers: http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21609
  22. Gencon will indeed be awesome, cant wait to see how some of my favourite characters have been rendered. I want to buy myself some minis already!
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