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Everything posted by Svenn

  1. If not, there should be!
  2. Some pretty cool stuff. I'm really liking the colors on Bete!
  3. Haha, yeap, that was me. I was pretty surprised myself when she re-tweeted it! Also, what's your twitter name? Follow me and Tabletop Geeks! http://twitter.com/SvennEthir http://twitter.com/TabletopGeeks
  4. I keep seeing this thread and every time this is all I can think:
  5. This sounds pretty similar to something I was thinking of trying. It's a pain to try and balance the whole thing though.
  6. I really love your Lilitu! I think the darker blue really works well here.
  7. Very cool for everyone that missed out on this back in August!
  8. So I stumbled across the most amazing thing recently. This guy converted some Ork Trukks into an Optimus Prime model that actually transforms between a Truck and a robot! I am so blown away by it. I managed to catch up with madscuzzy (the creator) and get an interview. Check that out (with pics of Orktimus Prime) here: http://tabletopgeeks.com/interview-madscuzzy-creator-of-orktimus-prime/
  9. Great looking mini! Love the bit of blood on the axe too.
  10. Ratty, you really never cease to amaze me. These are fantastic! The bases are awesome. I especially love the sewer grating. Great job! Now finish Seamus... I've been putting off actually doing Seamus because I want him to look good, and I need inspiration. Also, I realize you've got your own site, but would you consider putting your pics up in a Tabletop Geeks gallery as well? Trying to make sure Malifaux is well represented in our directory ( http://directory.tabletopgeeks.com/?game=Malifaux ), and I think these would really leave a good impression.
  11. I asked this same question a few weeks ago. The responses I got were all either Krylon or Dupli Color primers. I picked up a Krylon grey (they only had white and grey at the Michaels I went to) but haven't had a chance to use it yet. I had some Rustoleum that I picked up a while back but haven't had very good luck with it. It goes on very thick and obscures some details a bit.
  12. Love the Blood Bowl stuff! Well done. I especially love the painted lines on the grass. Nice little detail there. Are the space wolves not up on http://sigur.tabletopgeeks.com/ yet? I've been keeping up with your stuff there but don't remember seeing them.
  13. This sounds awesome. I anxiously await the results. Good luck!
  14. Very cool! I'm not sure why but I really love the Bayou stuff. There's so much room for creativity there.
  15. Pretty cool. I really like that last Punk Zombie in white.
  16. I saw these posted over on the Privateer Press forums yesterday. These are very cool!
  17. Great stuff. Those will make very nice little details!
  18. I've yet to play with more than 2 people (having a hard time getting all my friends together at once) but I have seen some good ideas for setting up multiplayer games. The best I've seen is to have everyone pick their strategies and make that against the player to their left, and then when picking schemes it's always against the player to their right.
  19. Does anyone know how the board for SDE is going to work out? Are they going to be selling terrain pieces? Do you have to make this different, blocky terrain yourself?
  20. Anyone else see this turning into a golden ticket hunt?
  21. Congratz on your Miss Pack! Sounds like quite a nice surprise.
  22. Those look great! I didn't think they'd take so well to being painted.
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