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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Wave2 decks have roughly 2/3 number of cards compared to Wave1 and they will cost more. Strange.
  2. Yeah, this could be a solution but if this is true then this is a very unfortunate situation. Ie. using exactly same words on totally different kind of things without explicitly define the differences in the rulebook. It would be much clearer to use say "damage dealt" for the starting sum and "damage suffered" for the final damage. On a sidenote: this still not explains the use of Abilities like Black Blood. Reading Black Blood with the above in mind I couldn't decide for sure if "when this model suffers damage" refers to the starting damage amount or the end total. ???
  3. Yeah so far I played this way too but: In case of Dumb Luck we say "damage target suffers" = "original damage dealt with the Attack before reductions and prevention". In case of Abilities and after damaging triggers we say "damage target suffers" = "final damage total dealt with the Attack after reductions and prevention". To me these two things look a bit contradictory.
  4. Butbutbut... wait, so does that mean that after damaging triggers (activated on 1 or more damage suffered) can be used on targets that prevented the incoming damage to 0? Also, does that mean that if Nekima prevents an incoming damage to 0 she still activates Black Blood (activated when this model suffers damage)?
  5. Heh, that's what you get when you use the last beta version of the rulebook. This word is one of the few changes they made before printing. My bad!
  6. Active model's trigger resolved first before defending model's trigger or any kind of ability. So Killjoy just swings again.
  7. Rasputina shots into a melee. Can she use the upgrade to transform the BJ to red when it is flipped for a model during the randomizing process? Since she is the active model and she makes the flips I would say yes but would like to be sure on this.
  8. Around us I experienced similar issues. A Dreamer player won 2 out of 2 tournaments. In one I was also playing and we both maxed TP's but never met on the table and he won by secondary conditions easily. Others feel the Master is way too strong but I could not comment on this since I have never faced the Dreamer. The summoning is certainly quite good and I really don't see why should we allow Tannen's Ability to work on Masters (it is not just about Teddy, it is about EVERY summoned model he makes with a ), but until I can get a few games against it I won't say he is over the top.
  9. I underlined the relevant part of the rule. This sentence must be applied in regard of all cases. The second part of the paragraph is just an example therefore it is not relevant how is it worded. You can just as easily delete that sentence and the rules would be still the same.
  10. Justin mentioned here on the forum (and maybe on his blog too) that people should NOT think too much into the different kind of wordings of similar cases. Many editors worked on the rules and unfortunately they couldn't achieve proper unity. Besides that the relevant rules quoted and explained here multiple times are clear: pushes made in relation of an object are ALWAYS done moving directly towards or away. But since so many people look confused on this, I wouldn't mind a FAQ entry.
  11. Looks like there is another interpretation issue. The above quoted paragraph applies to these situations and all of your mentioned pushes have to obey the "moving directly towards (or away from) the specified object" part of the rules.
  12. I think the problem lies in the interpretation of directly towards which is not defined in the rulebook as a game term. One side says this means "move in a straight line heading to the center of your target and stop when you arrive" - this is clearly must be the shortest route and will end when B2B position is reached. Others think that it is more like "pick a spot what you can reach and move in a straight line" and if this place is one of the closest point to the target the model can reach the move is fine.
  13. I completely missed the previous debates but I think those questions have different answers. Reincarnation kicks in when an enemy within 10" of Sonnia "is reduced to 0 Wounds". The Witchling's Searing Mark Ability hands out Burning when a model is damaged by the Stalker. So I would say this is a clear yes, you can summon. However Sonnia's own Consuming Flame Trigger is after damaging which comes after the current duel is resolved. Therefore at the specific moment when the target model is reduced to 0 Wounds there is no Burning on it. So I would go with a no in this case. Of course this is just my understanding and I entitle the right to be completely wrong.
  14. Hannah is ready. And with this I completed my promise to write something about all of the Freikorps models. As always I would appreciate some language check and probably some additional info using her as a Mercenary in different factions.
  15. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  16. The drawback of this that you can't get an Upgrade on the Cerberus. And a potentially Fast Cerberus is something very evil threatwise in many scenarios. Anyway I was also amused that this combo was given a green light. Extra 4 cards is just silly and uncalled for in case of this sacrifice trick.
  17. Thanks now it is clear. (Somehow my mind couldn't get the idea that "this Activation" could refer to somebody's else Activation in this case...)
  18. Lilith's Greatsword gives a on Damage flips if she "didn't Charge during this Activation". So what happens when she swings out of Activation (for example due to the Living Blade Upgrade or Comply from Sybelle)? I guess she doesn't get the boost. Right?
  19. I have played a lot with Schill and I didn't lose many games. However I do agree that he lacks some magnificent stuff other Masters possess (like summoning, extreme damage potential etc.). In exchange he is solid and acts like a Swiss knife and usually has some solution to any challenge you should face. I try to put some notes after your questions. Here we disagree. Weak damage of 3 on an Sh6 Rg12 Attack is a beast, especially on a Master that can use 3 AP (4 with Fast) and SS as needed. That means a potential 10 damage or so if you can hit with all your shots. And that is from a very long range, you don't have to risk VS throwing into the middle of the enemy. In melee the 2/3/6 looks a bit weaker but it does ignore Armor and has the possibility of Critical Strike (or that lovely Can Opener trigger). Not to mention the Finish the Cur Action that usually lets you take a 4th attack if 3 was not enough. Of course a Vik can do better in close combat but she will melt away easily - something you couldn't say about VS. This package looks very decent to me. The Freikorps can just do fine if VS is out hunting. The boost he gives to his troops is nice but there are cases when you happily give up that for a surgical strike. For example in one match I was on a Pigapult at the start of Turn2 while the rest of the crew absorbed the Gremlins' advance quite nicely without the help of VS. Game was over practically at the end of turn 3 since VS neutralized a lot of points with his bold advance. A lot. Turf War and Squatter's Rights is spot on and Reckoning is also very fine if you chose a proper crew. From the usual Strategies the only challenging one is Reconnoiter. VS can ignore HtW and Armor, Specialist can shoot blasts that also gets around HtW. His attack also comes with Burning good against HtW, Incorporeal and even Armor to some extent. Strongarm has a trigger that denies any kind of damage reducing stuff to work. Librarian has a Ca Attack that is both a ranged and melee weapon. She can even do that 3 times with possible blast triggers. Trapper can deliver up to 6 damage with Critical Strike out of a single Focused shot from 28". Then there is Lazarus... No I don't think they struggle in this front. He is a very fine piece but I won tons of games without him so I would refrain to say that he is an auto-include. I wrote the VS tactica on Pull my Finger. While that is aimed for newer players maybe you should take a look at it. Except from Hannah I'm done with the other Freikorps entries there too, so maybe you should also check those.
  20. Sounds good. We could have the earlier discussed rematch at last.
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