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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Well, Molly and Kirai are both Masters, so don't really matter, but it's a good question still. Are there any truly nasty non-Master summoners? Mech Rider, I suppose
  2. Gremlins Crew - 20 - Shoot Out Francois LaCroix -- 6 Pool +Dirty Cheater [1] +Stilts [1] Raphael LaCroix [7]+Dirty Cheater [1] Slop Hauler [5]Slop Hauler [5]Francois is crazy killy, while Slops try keep him in the game. Not 100% about Raphael - Burt might be better but I don't own him.
  3. Dita's pants are absolutely bonkers - sheesh! That patterning is some crazy, crazy stuff. The only thing that sorta sticks to my eye is the hue difference between the belt and the red scarf thingy - I think it would look more harmonious if they were the same warmth.
  4. Oh man, you've gotten those Alps to really sing! Very, very nice work. The hat is amazing and the different arm straps colours make them pop really nicely. And the work on the eyes is absolutely top notch.
  5. Malifaux has been built and balanced based on the idea that you see the battlefield, declare your faction, hear your opponent's faction,and flip for the strategies and schemes and only then build your actual team for the game. This was even more pronounced in M1.5 but it is still present in M2 - some Masters (and their synergistic crews) are more capable in some situations than others. Now, I've noticed that many (most?) people don't buy based on faction but rather based on Master. In other words, they hop from faction to faction buying a Master here and another there based on aesthetics and playstyle and whatnot. But this means that often when declaring faction you get a very limited choice of Masters to actually pick from. So yeah, how do you do it and do you feel that this is a real thing?
  6. Interestingly, the boxed set of the other would be high on my list as a first add on no matter which one you end up choosing. I mean, you could buy just the Belles for McMourning or just the Nurses for Seamus, but by buying the box you get great variation and those boxes mix and match very well.
  7. Well, if you're open to almost anything, try these for size: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=53 http://enigmaminiatures.com/shop/bruma-bones-whisper.html https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=36_44&products_id=662&zenid=c8rnjblehbekggnv2v1t8btd77 https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=36_40&products_id=613&zenid=c8rnjblehbekggnv2v1t8btd77
  8. Can't say that I disagree. Two things come to mind. For Izamu, I really should paint his weapons and, especially, the arrows sticking out of him since they are obviously from a "different source" compared to the rest of the mini, which, I suppose, could be white ("the white samurai" ). Second, my main point was that this forms a nice base for further painting, doesn't take much time and yet looks way, way better than just an undercoated mini. Or at least I think so. But I do agree with you that for some models it makes for a way more "ready" look than for others.
  9. But you didn't bring him! He just popped randomly from a dead dude and went to town. Luckily killing the opposing fighters, but that was just a lucky coincidence. A random happenstance, I tell you!
  10. I understand the rest but why Ten Thunders? Or with a Moon Shinobi
  11. OTOH we have seen Kirai's artwork and not Molly's, so I'm pretty sure we'll see Spirits before we see Horrors. Pre-release in Gencon and wide release in October for Kirai is my guess.
  12. I'm a relatively slow painter. I love to try new things on the field but hate to use unpainted minis. So here's a silly solution. Undercoat white. Paint the base. Thin down a black wash and go over the whole mini. Paint maybe a detail (weapon, face) or two. This makes for a mini that looks pretty nice on the battle field and also forms a very nice base for eventual further painting. And it takes very little time. I've found the new Malifaux plastics especially good for this since there's so much detail. Here's Izamu (I should add a grass tuft to make the base more interesting): And here's a Venetian Noble from the game Carnevale:
  13. You know that model that shook up Adepticon? Well, Moon Shinobis murder Mechanical Riders. They get a nice to hit her Wp which doesn't get the super armor. All in all, I never actually realized how awesome Moon Shinobis are against Stubborn models.
  14. She wasn't in the summer releases of the latest Wyrd Chronicles so I'm afraid that you won't see her until the fall, unfortunately. Maybe a prerelease in Gencon.
  15. There is no problem (I'm not advocating for a change to Mech Rider currently). But dgraz claimed that a 12SS model that doesn't accomplish much on the first two turns is a big liability and I disagreed. Aye, this. I have three times brought up that Whistling Dixie for Ophelia is a lousy ability and I'm not going to do it again (well, maybe in the autumn beta).
  16. I wish to stress that I don't consider you nonsensical, merely what you wrote. Which means that we had a communication failure, which is a two-way street (so I certainly take some of the blame here). I really respect your expertise and opinion, which is why I was interested in this conversation. If I may one more time try to say what I was trying to say and then you can evaluate whether you disagree or not? Mech Rider is vulnerable for the first two turns meaning that you need to play carefully with her (i.e. not accomplishing much). But 12 stones is not an extraordinary amount of stones to spend on scheme-doing stuff that usually doesn't accomplish much during the first two turns. Or they might put a scheme marker down, but later on Mech Rider is super good at that and makes up for the slow start. And when it comes to schemes, unlike when it comes to killing, you don't need to be super-quick. In other words, Mech Rider isn't replacing Langstom but rather the Molemen and therefore it doesn't matter that what she does during the two first turns isn't as much as could be expected from 12 stones since later on it's much better. Also note that Mech Rider is super-durable later on and, unlike three Molemen, retains her effectivity even at one third of wounds left (when two of the three Molemen would be dead). Does that make more sense?
  17. That... doesn't make any sense. In the context of our dialogue, that is. I'll try one more time. I said that few models accomplish much on the first turn. I usually have many models that just move into position on the first turn and the models that accomplish something are, most of the time, models that move other models, models that have extreme range, very fast models (including extraordinary deployment options) or models that summon other models. I usually don't have many of those types of models (though naturally the ones that I do have, accomplish stuff). In other words, few of my models accomplish much on the first turn. You disagreeing with this due to crews accomplishing stuff on the first turn is non-sensical.
  18. Due to the Manipulative 13 ability, I, unfortunately, doubt it.
  19. I believe that there's two things that make the OPness of Mech Rider hard to evaluate currently. One is that there's no new plastic model yet so many people haven't even faced the thing yet. Once the plastic model comes out, we'll see it a lot more and then it'll be easier to gauge it's power level. Second, tied to the first point, is that since it's comparatively rare, people haven't yet learned how to cope with it. There's lots of things in Malifaux that, when faced for the first time, can seem overwhelming, but when you face them a couple of times you understand their strengths and weaknesses and can react accordingly. Facing, e.g., the Tara bomb for the first time can be an extreme experience but when you have fought it a few times you'll get the hang of it and adjust. So these two points are a bit at cross purposes to one another but they are both extremely important IMO and I therefore think that it is premature to call for cuddles (or declare that it is entirely fine) on this particular model.
  20. You say you disagree but then you start talking about something completely different. I said "few models accomplish much on the first turn" and you started talking about crews. I often take 12 stones worth of models that aren't designed to kill stuff but rather accomplish schemes. Mech Rider does that extremely well and also summons stuff (and draws cards). For example, I don't think I've shot once with my three Bayou Gremlins that always take with Ophelia, they have always been worth it and I have yet to lose with her. Similarly, I've often used two Necropunks (10SS) to do schemes - they never kill anything. I mean, it's entirely possible that I play this game suboptimally when taking non-killy models, but I have come to understand that that is how many people play.
  21. To be fair, few models accomplish much on the first turn and on the second the Rider can summon and do Scheme shenanigans, just that she needs to be a bit careful. That's a far cry from "doing nothing".
  22. Which is why it ignores the vertical component (just like ranges for shooting, for example).
  23. Firestormgames in the UK are having a clearance sale on old Malifaux stuff and the books are £10 a pop: http://www.firestormgames.co.uk/clearance-sale#category_270738 And for all orders of £30 or more they provide free shipping world-wide
  24. Random aside: reading Guild as Guilt makes this a funny thread. I have Lady Justice and Sonnia painted (and McMourning built)...
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