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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. ...Together, they fight crime Neverborn/Arcanists/Other Gremlins/Whoever!
  2. I have to say that I'm a bit worried that in the new art Gremlins seem a bit plain. There doesn't seem to be all that much in the way of details. Merris is a perfect example of this - I mean, the jetpack is certainly detailed, but otherwise she is very plain. I'm afraid that it will make her difficult to paint. Straps would go a long way to ameliorate this and I guess if I get her (if she isn't part of Ophelia's box) I will be sculpting some straps. Goggles would be cool, but I'm afraid would be beyond my minimal sculpting skills.
  3. Ah, good point! It makes the situation kinda academic (in that, RAW, you would need to declare, but it wouldn't affect anything ever, so you really shouldn't). Thanks!
  4. Thank you for the answers - much appreciated! A comment, though. That last part isn't RAW, though. In the book it says that "models are engaged if either is within the engagement range of the other". It doesn't say that you need to end an action within engagement range to become engaged, just that they need to be within range. Then, disengaging doesn't say that you need to start within engagement range, it says that if you wish to leave engagement range with a Walk action, then disengagement happens. Therefore, RAW, I think that if you walk into, through and out of engagement range in a single AP you would need to declare this intent at the beginning of your activation. But maybe this is against RAI?
  5. OK, it seems that I have understood disengagement a bit wrong but now that I've read the rulebook on it a bit closer, I got two new questions. 1) Can you move within engagement range and then move out during one activation without incurring disengagement strikes? If not, do you need to declare this intent before moving even though you weren't in engagement range at the start of the activation? And if you do declare and win the duel, are you then obliged to move into and out of engagement range of the enemy model? 2) Engagement works both ways - does that mean that if you have a model with engagement range of 3" against a model with range 1" and are 2" apart, you can't charge some other model?
  6. What does fear itself fear? A Penanggalan's worst enemy number one is a drunken gremlin who kicks her arse utterly and completely.
  7. Sadly it still has that super-weird metal diaper
  8. For a fitting Nurse proxy, I feel this one would work very nicely: https://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/carnevale/carnevale-nurse.html
  9. I really like her. Here's a couple of possibilities: http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/mary-fearless-p-503.html http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/alice-tinkerly-p-504.html Not perfect, but could work. And they are very nice minis.
  10. It depends but a good rule of thumb is that a +fate is approximately as good as +2 to the stat on a "raw" flip (i.e. no cheating). Naturally this is only true if the relative difference between your stats isn't enormous, but it's a good approximation. I made a simulation of a deck and flipped a few billion times to calculate various likelihoods.
  11. There is also the fact that paying one SS extra for a model means that you are playing with a 49SS crew against a 50SS crew (but with extra flexibility in crew construction). Hardly much of a handicap.
  12. Seems to line up perfectly with the release schedule from here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?50964-February-April-Releases
  13. When magnetizing, it can be a good idea to magnetize small pieces of scenery with the spider on top as that's often a lot easier (at least if you build your own bases). As for the swarms, I still have nightmares about their trigger. In the correct circumstances it's absolutely horrid. Oftentimes big beatsticks have lots of wounds but low def and that's something that the swarm likes to eat for breakfast.
  14. I have really enjoyed all the answers - some great tips and conversations
  15. There has apparently been some talk about this in Malifaux circles lately, but I haven't seen a forum thread about it yet so decided to ask this wider audience. Now, apparently some people consider cutting someone's deck a sort of "I don't trust you to shuffle your deck properly" statement. Which I do understand, but personally, I've always been taught that cutting an opponent's deck a gesture (a small ritual, in a way) that is essentially saying "good luck!" So it's a positive thing, not a negative. Anyone else share this idea? Other opinions? Do you do it? Do you consider it rude? Essential?
  16. This. These are much nicer than mine, but I really liked the idea of dealing out all the schemes available (and the strat) to both players (so you need two full decks) and they then mark in a check box which they have but keep the whole "hand". This way you can always easily reference what was available in trying to guess what your opponent is trying to accomplish.
  17. Aye, that's been my reading, too. And furthermore, that Lucius uses his (considerable) influence to help McMourning keep his secret. Also of note is that Sebastian is extremely capable and helps McMourning in keeping his operation secret even if Doug himself is a bit... peculiarly gifted himself.
  18. I agree. One of the best edition changes that I've seen during my 20+ years in the hobby (WHFB 6th and Epic:Armageddon from Epic:40k are my other two favourites in the top three). And I really liked the previous edition as well! The game flows better, the rules are smoother (i.e. fewer oddities) and the balance seems better. The models lost a lot of rules but retained their character and oftentimes strengthened it. Now Seamus finally works as he always should have.
  19. Wow, that Luna, all black but with points of interest in the white canines, the red eyes and the studs on the collar - fantastic execution! Very scary, very striking!
  20. I agree about Francois, but the other two, though really nice, can be omitted IMO.
  21. You can find the art here, though be warned, that blog is extremely biased against M2: http://deadtau.blogspot.fi/2013/07/93-malifaux-pictures-mostly-new-art.html (Also, not quite all the art was released - for example, we haven't yet seen Zoraida's new art).
  22. I'm finding it a bit hard to find the proper synergies and Raison d'être for fielding him with Guild. I mean, he's not awful or anything (far from it, in fact) but what opposing faction (or even Master) and what set of Strats and Schemes would you choose him over all the other Guild Masters? Also, Nurses are nice with the Guild but have you found Sebastian useful? I really like Francisco and the Judge, so it's a bit of a hard sell for the old Seb. And what about the Zombie Chihuahua?
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