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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Datsue-Ba (AKA "old woman who strips clothes") rocks my socks off!
  2. Says the guy who quite handily took my Gremlins to the cleaners on Tuesday.
  3. I'm... not really feeling this crew. The Guilty are all quite weird. What kind of an execution method is it to put someone on the cross and then hack his limbs off, then his head and finally put the head onto a spike? Seems somehow ridiculously excessive. I realize that this is likely some grand old tradition somewhere (since human kind seems to be endlessly innovative when it comes to torture and execution) but it's really weird. And then an electric chair and a bed? I wonder how they'll translate to minis. Also, Jack himself is a bit of a letdown. His clothing is very much not to my liking and he doesn't seem very "Mastery". Montressor looks like Lurch from Addam's Family. Not horrible, but I was envisioning him very different. Lady Ligeia is awesome, though. Really like the pose and the character. Oh well, cannot please everyone all the time and this certainly seems to have gained the approval of many. I guess it's a good thing that not all the new crews excite me, but I gotta say that out of the crews that we have seen as artwork only, this one is my least favourite so far. I'm not sure I see the difference in outlook between these and Molly, Kirai, or, especially, Tara.
  4. That would be fun, but it wouldn't be powerful enough. Still, I do like the basic idea a lot. She would be six stones with the durability of a wet paper bag. To "repair" her, the upgrade would need to be worth three stones or so while only costing one stone.
  5. This came up in today's game. We all read it that you could do it, but agreed that it's probably a good idea to make sure. So here goes: Can you discard Stilts to lower the damage you get from Dumb Luck resulting from your Melee attack to zero? In the game Francois Dumb Lucked for ten and would've taken five but discarded Stilts to avoid the damage.
  6. I think that those suggestions aren't going near far enough to make her worth the five stones. Unless you meant implementing all of them in which case the power level would be about right but she would be insanely cluttered. +2 Armor, and the ability to bury NB when it dies within 8" and heal it for one would be my off the cuff suggestion.
  7. Also worth noting that plastic glue can go old and then it loses a lot of its potency. So if it was an old bottle, then that is a possible explanation as well.
  8. Did you use superglue as well? I mean, green stuff by it's loneone is a bad adhesive but when combine with superglue, it forms a pretty good bond.
  9. Ah, thank you for posting that! Certainly a different look than I thought it would have but that might not be a horrible sculpt. The only thing I'm weary about is the hat - obscuring the face leads to a boring mini, unless you view it from eye level, which isn't common on the tabletop. I just hope that we'll see the mini come out this year (I think we've now seen all of Ma's likely starter box, so she's probably the first one of the second wave Gremlin boxes which is nice, since I'm really waiting for her and Brewie to come out). Edit: I just realized that I didn't comment on the original conversion here at all - I got to say that I really like it! You could consider making the bust line a bit more modest with some green stuff work, though. Not much is needed, but maybe a bit.
  10. Huh? Did we see the official mini somewhere already?
  11. Nooo! Someone mentioned moustache to Zfiend! This is the person who backed the Guildball Kickstarter on account of the moustache on a Butcher player But I have to say that I love the eyepatch and especially the story behind it. It's just such an "executive level" decision of "eff it - he's getting an eyepatch!". And the execution is actually really nice. Oh, and Sebastian looks extremely creepy. Like downright scary.
  12. Somer's box is a good buy for Ophelia players since Lenny works very nicely with her crew and those Bayou Gremlins are always handy. Besides, having two Masters to choose from is really nice
  13. Gah! That's amazing! And fricking terrifying, too! The top hat is marvellously ingenious! And yeah, the skin colour rocks (and since the dude is mostly skin that's a really good thing, too). But how did you do the pattern on the cleaver?? It's utterly amazing. Oh, also, remind me to never play against you... Seriously scared of that dude.
  14. They are great when you need to give a beginner a fair chance while still allowing you to play hard.
  15. There's also the pig ambulance from Scibor: http://sciborminiatures.com/en_,shop.php?art=1859#i/2013/big/medic_and_pig_01.jpg
  16. I, too, was going to suggest Ingrid. Harriet Kinsley could also work:
  17. Agreed. If they were supposed to be Rare 2 they should've been Rare 2.
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! We hates you, Razhem, we hates youuuu!
  19. He is quite deadly enough right now, so please, don't anyone tell him!
  20. Yeah, but that boxed set hasn't been released yet (talking about the plastic releases here, since metal ones did have all the models available as individual). Also, Youngs are capped at three while Skeeters work a bit differently in that they can summon new ones from killing models. Edit: well, OK, I'm not sure whether Somer counts as 'released' currently, since I don't think he is quite available yet
  21. But Skeeters are, to date, the only released totem that you can have multiples of, so I wouldn't draw any conclusions from how things have been before.
  22. Somer box is great! Somer himself is weird (what is he doing?) but all the other minis are golden. I wonder whether the skeeters will be identical or not. Governor's Proxy is serviceable but nothing special. December Acolytes - I would like to see them in the flesh (meaning pics of actual minis as opposed to just renders) but I'm optimistic. Some parts look a bit fiddly, though, but on the whole happy with them. Dawn Serpent's render looks a bit strange in pose but maybe it's better as a mini. Not quite as good as I was expecting but not bad at all. LOL at that second Convict Gunslinger in the pic (Danny Trejo, anyone?). I was hoping for these to be better actually but they are OK. Bishop I'm disappointed with. Looks somehow really awkward and also like something that won't look very good on the table. Maybe a painted version will change my mind. All in all not a bad month. December Acolytes and Somer were the clear winners here with Dawn Serpent being up there as well. What do those two things have in common? Writing and producing a book is likely done by different people and facilities than sculpting and producing minis.
  23. To be fair, there are other possible systems than Malifaux abstraction and True LOS. You could, for example, use a silhouette template for different size minis that you can use to check how a model should appear when checking LOS if your sculpt and/or basing is a bit extreme. Or you can have terrain casting "shadows" depending on height that allow shorter models to hide in from taller models. That said I do like the Malifaux system and have absolutely no problem with it.
  24. Oh! Hadn't realized that - now I understand the point of it!
  25. Inspired by the thread asking about Gremlin's Luck upgrade - does anyone use Bounty? On paper it looks like a complete waste?
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