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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I disagree. I'm not disputing his whole train of thought, just that one particular point. It doesn't invalidate the rest of his reasoning but I just find that particular point really bizarre.
  2. That's a really bizarre train of thought.
  3. Eh, he can heal from Incorporeal ghosts as well as from mechanical robots or beings of pure fire or whatever. I really wouldn't take fluff into account.
  4. Are you playing a devil's advocate or do you actually, sincerely believe that this particular ability is going to be ruled differently than the trigger when they have the same wording? Because seriously, I think that it has been made crystal clear that interpreting Malifaux rules may need a slight dose of common sense. I know which way I will be playing this unless a new FAQ entry is posted (which I find supremely unlikely).
  5. Torakage, Bayou Gremlins and Slop Haulers spring to mind. Guild Riflemen, Watchers and Austringers as well. Piglets and the Stuffed variety thereof. Night Terrors. Rats
  6. I would highly recommend Slop Haulers and if you want to make a summoning Somer list, then another box of Bayou Gremlins. But you can work with just the two boxes just fine for a start. For upgrades, I always take Liquid Bravery for my leader though if you have no Slop Haulers you might choose to leave it home since you probably won't be using the (0)Action. For Francois, Stilts are golden since he is super killy but rather squishy. They can also be used to mitigate the damage he takes from his Dumb Luck trigger. For Raphael, Dirty Cheater is golden as it can make him super hard to kill taking him above the Hard to Kill threshold repeatedly. The other Dirty Cheater should go on Ophelia or Francois - if you have no Slop Haulers, then I would choose Ophelia.
  7. As a clarification, from the Dumb Luck ruling, we know that suffered means the same as inflicted when it comes to abilities like this.
  8. I suggest building an extra version out of sprue parts and using that if someone complains - I mean, it's a box, you can build a box out of sprue parts
  9. True. It also means that Armor (OK, he ignores Armor, but stuff like Lenny's aura or Riders' triggers and such) or Soul Stone prevention doesn't affect McM's healing, right?
  10. I think that the list gives question 1) a "Yes" answer way too easily. I mean, how many times does Misaki take three Torakage? Or Lady J take all three Death Marshalls? In most of my lists there aren't three identical Minions. Things that break this rule are mostly stuff that I can summon, really cheap things (Bayou Gremlins) or something that can be sygergized well (Witchling Stalkers with a Witchling Handler). For Guild McMourning, he can't legally use two of the models in the starter so the first question is a strong No.
  11. The pedant in me wants to point out that it really is subjective and not objective advice
  12. A custom scenario where both players are trying to infiltrate the Courthouse to make sure that a key witness (different for both players) never gets to testify. But the Lawyers and the Guards take a dim view of this. For extra flullyness, have both players play different Outcast Masters
  13. Just a note that PVC doesn't take to plastic glue so you will need to use super glue and I would therefore still suggest pinning. Hopefully the mold lines will be on the sides, so cleaning up should be a breeze.
  14. I mean that Wyrd are mostly spending the autumn releasing stuff that was pre-released in Gencon. "Mostly" because Mindless Zombies weren't available at Gencon yet they are being released now in this wave. But this phenomenon (releasing stuff that was at Gencon) makes it, in my mind, very unlikely that Brewie would come out this year. Hope I managed to say it better
  15. The important part, I feel, is to take a minute at the end of every round and identify opponent's key pieces that are going to score him VP or completely wreck your plans of scoring VP. If you don't know their schemes, try to analyze the situation and make an educated guess. I feel that this is the key to Malifaux. Now I just need to learn to heed it
  16. "We've had it with these scale problems! Make absolutely sure that the distance between the soles of their feet and their eyes is constant! Also, women should have disproportinately long legs." Other than that, it is a really sweet-looking crew, though. Too bad that two Lawyers is not often needed.
  17. Ophelia's box + Bayou Gremlin box + Slop Hauler box = a pool of models I could go to a tournament with. If you add Somer's box you have two Masters with good crews and zero superfluous models that you wouldn't normally use in a tournament.
  18. It does: All. "All" includes damage flips. I suggest you re-read the ability since you seem confused by what it does. It is completely disambiguous.
  19. Hmm, my book says "The Attacker flips one card for each". The example also talks about a Guild Guard flipping a card for each possible target. I don't see anything about player. Could you cite the exact passage you're thinking about?
  20. That's how plus flips normally work so I would think that it would work like that when choosing the target (you are free to choose which card to use - makes Defensive Stance good if you wish to kill your own model). Though I do agree that it is a bit weird since I've always took the randomization when shooting to be pure randomization.
  21. Ooh, how did you find the scale of the Kin compared to the plastic Bayou Gremlins? (Other than the Young LaCroix, that is - the shooting girl looks completely insane in that pic). Got to say that I really love your basing. What are you planning on writing above Ophelia?
  22. Aye, we didn't end up randomizing into close combat, so it didn't affect anything. But yes, I think that Wong's "This model gains + to all flips it makes during its Activation which are not part of a duel or damage flips." gives him bonus flips to choosing who is hit when randomizing into close combat. Of course the real point of the Upgrade is to allow bonus flips for his pulses of "flip a card and if a certain suit comes up, stuff happens" so it isn't crystal clear whether the shooting into CC randomization was meant to be affected or not. But however way it goes, it should go the same way for both Recalled Training and A Gremlin's Luck.
  23. This sorta came up a game between me and ZFiend - Recalled Training indeed says all flips. Damage flips were, in our eyes, a clear-cut case but, somewhat more interestingly, we took this to also include the flips used to choose the target when shooting into close combat.
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