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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I think that the Lone Marshall and the Hoarcat Pride are the only real offenders. Some toteams (e.g., Malifaux Child) are rather expensive, too, for their size but they probably aren't any cheaper to produced than man-sized single minis so it kinda is what it is.
  2. If you are getting all the cards bar ten or so generic upgrades from buying the minis, that 16 dollars for ten cards is crazy expensive. Also, why did you pick 40k and not Infinity as your counter example?
  3. Ah, in that case I suggest you try focusing solely on crews led by Philip and Nanny when playing someone besides Myyrä.
  4. Sure, but Seamus often flits about elsewhere and Nurse works in a different way. I mean, it might be something else, but that's the only direct synergy between Sybelle and Hanged that I can think of.
  5. I'm guessing its a reference to the trick of hitting something with Sybelle and then complying it to attack the Hanged and cheat to fail the Terror duel thus Paralyzing the enemy.
  6. Unless I'm missing something, the pigs would charge one another and the whole crew would probably kinda die to itself.
  7. If you are a new player who is buying plastic, and you want the generic upgrades, buying two Arsenal packs (both Waves) per faction is a crazy expense for a dozen or so useful cards (and well over a hundred useless ones).
  8. You should probably read this: http://justindrawingdead.com/?p=286
  9. Also, which one moves first? The friendly model or does the controlling player get to decide?
  10. I would give Armor straight to Mah - she has definite durability issues. For Lass, I think that the charge trigger one is kinda nice since it's something that I would never buy (2SS is way too much for it).
  11. They are amazing. Last week I killed a Doppelganger with a Slop Hauler wailing at it in melee for a round and then a Bayou Gremlin of all things charging in to deliver the final blow. Once the Df debuff is in effect, even a Bayou Gremlin starts hitting something with that banjo of his. The Slop Hauler Cg is insane and they aren't at all bad in melee for the cost. Especially since they have Bayou Two-card.
  12. I really really like these! I just hope that they can endure handling.
  13. Making bases can be a lot of fun! Go into a woods and look what interesting stuff you find. I just recently found this fallen tree and ripped off an amazing piece of bark. Looks really great! Milliput is great for building up a general shape of the base and you stick random stuff into it to make for interesting details. I also bought a container of decorative small rocks for an euro or two. For sand I use gerbil bathing sand from the pet store (cost is super minimal and it's really, really fine and it clumps nicely so won't fall off). Old watches have cogs in them, spacers come in all sizes and sprue bits can be cut up into interesting trash.
  14. That Luchadork is from Ammon Miniatures, not from Cool Mini or Not. Your Sammy proxy is super sweet! And Old Cranky works really nicely, as well.
  15. Yeah - I just find it funny when the people who think that Organ Donor works based on how many wounds/defensive abilities the defender has always pull out Dumb Luck and all these justifications based on how Dumb Luck is different when the very same FAQ entry references Restabilize which is essentially identical. After this is pointed out, the response is essentially "it's an ability so therefore it just has to randomly work different" or "*shrugs*" or just ignore the whole point.
  16. I'm looking at Wild Boar and it seems rather lackluster. A nice damage track but average Ml and On Edge is a bit situational. Average Df, bad Wp and a nice amount of wounds but no Armor or HtW or such, so really not very durable. Root Around is a nice ability, but with Bayou Rampage, it might not see use all that often, really. Anyone using a Wild Boar or two? Any tips? Or just a reason to take it over other possibilities.
  17. And Restabilize, then? The trigger that works the same as McM's ability ("After damaging...") and has been ruled to work the same as Dumb Luck?
  18. Lelu means 'a toy' in Finnish and Lelu is an obvious boytoy. ... What? OK, ok. Samael Hopkins - Matthew Hopkins is the most famous witch-hunter in England (Witchfinder General). There's a famous British horror movie of him from the 1960s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Hopkins
  19. There's an amazing wealth of knowledge here: http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.fi/2009/10/tutorial-overview.html#basing It is mostly aimed at display minis but much of it is applicable to gaming minis as well.
  20. I don't think that it is fair to put them to task for the open beta rules. They have been ready for quite a while since finalizing a book takes time but I don't think you can hold it against Wyrd for providing the downloads. I would also like to hear what minis manufacturer do you think does these things well, then? I mean, Infinity doesn't release a hundred releases when a new book hits. No one does it like that. When magnetizing tricky minis like the standing on one foot Coryphee, I highly recommend mounting the mini on something (a crate, a rock, a pipe, whatever) and magnetizing that. Much easier.
  21. But how do you reconcile that with the ruling on Dumb Luck and, especially, Desolation Engine's trigger which is mentioned in the same ruling? For the record: Restabilize: After damaging, this model heals an amount of damage equal to the amount of damage the target suffered from this Attack. And this was, explicitly, ruled to work on the damage originally inflicted before reductions or whatnot and regardless of the wounds that the model had left. The relevant part of the FAQ: Q: When a Gremlin deals damage and activates the Dumb Luck Trigger, does the gremlin take half of the total damage flipped, or half of the damage actually put onto the target? For example, if Dumb Luck caused the target to suffer 4 damage, but the target had Armor +2, reducing that damage to 2, would the Gremlin take half of the original 4 damage, or half of the 2 damage suffered after accounting for Armor? A: The Gremlin takes half of the total damage flipped, so the Gremlin in the example would suffer 2 damage (4 divided by 2). This answer applies to any Triggers which generate something based on the amount of damage suffered by the target (for example, the Desolation Engine’s Restabilize Trigger).
  22. Quite a bit of nasty gaps in these. Moran than usual, I feel. It is indeed interesting, that the Seishin aren't gigantic. Especially as in the artwork they were big but the minis makers have managed to scale them properly! Rather nice all in all. Ikiryo is indeed massive. The Onryo look really fantastic. I dig the skin texture on the ghosts - looks evil and evocative. The Lost Love looks really, really stupid. One of the worst Wyrd plastics looks-wise if not the worst. It doesn't convey any emotion and looks like a rock star or something. Urgh. Kirai herself is a bit meh. Not horrid but could've been a lot better.
  23. Even though the next game is still somewhat ways off, it has already been decided that I will face NorjanPaavi (the Pope of Norway for people who don't speak Finnish). This somewhat enigmatic character has been my most regular Malifaux opponent but actually it has been quite a while since our last match. The bad news: he plays Misaki. An Outcast version, using only metal models, so he was allowed to use the current Vickies starter line-up substituting the Viks for Misaki and the Student for Malifaux Child. He has since bolstered his model pool with Bishop and will be getting something else still. Meanwhile my model pool will be the following: McMourning, Zombie Chihuahua, Sebastian, Lawyer, 2x Nurse, Francisco Ortega, 3x Witchling Stalker. 40SS is the size of the next game. The worse news: Deployment: Corner Strategy: Reconnoiter Schemes: A line in the sand Assassinate Distract Vendetta Entourage ... Assassinate. Against Misaki. I got to admit, at first, I despaired. However, I have come up with a cunning plan. A plan that's so cunning, that you could put a tail on it and call it a fox. With That's the Stuff and a Nurse pumping McMourning full of Poison and Uppers, I can make McMourning move a healthy 31" in a turn plus a possible additional 6" from Scalpel Slinging. If my calculations are correct, this should be enough to propel the good doctor to a neighbouring table where he can hide amongst Space Marines or something. His 14 wounds should keep him relatively safe even in the grim 41st millennium battlefield. Wish me luck!
  24. That's a good point. A damage track of 1/5/7 is fantastic against Armor+2 opponents but not so hot against Hard to Wound models while 3/3/4 is the opposite.
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