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Everything posted by Keltheos

  1. Twas the night before Malmass, when all through thehouse Not a creature was stirring, not even a rat. All ingresses were blocked with wood and rags, In hopes that HAMELIN THE PLAGUED and his minions could not enter there. The forumites were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of ERRATA-plums danced in their heads. And Nerd and Ratty in their ‘kerchiefs, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, Forumites sprang from their beds to see what was the matter. Away to the RULES FORUM they flew like a flash, Tore open the topic and threw back the sash. There, the ERRATA on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of playability to the post below... (...stay tuned, it's coming...)
  2. a) As normal for the activation sequence. They don't activate in tandem when they Manifest. See a. If Candy's already activated, Candy the Petulant Youth wouldn't activate. c) No.
  3. If you're playing the game with the spirit of the rules in place you would stop the model before it ran into the situation and end its movement BEFORE it reached a point where it would be inside the other model. If you're trying to game the system you'd move it as far as you could then end it BEYOND where you could have moved in the first place. I'm going to say the first option is the one players should be using for the 'least disturbance'. Basically, if a model's move can't clear another model it should end its movement before encountering the model, in base contact with that model.
  4. Correct. The aViktoria peforming the Manifest Action is always the one replaced. I'll get back with the Candy Q this evening. What specifically is the question there?
  5. I use P3 quite a bit. I'm very happy with the results I get. For some colors I prefer P3, some GW, some Vallejo. I'm not a one paint kind of guy. I like the coverage I get from most fo the P3 paints out of the bottle more than Vallejo. I know some folks are 'thinner = better', but when I'm putting base colors down I like to get coverage in as few coats as possible and I think that's where P3 works best for me.
  6. Badge time. The rules for Manifesting apply to the model performing the Manifest Action in every case. Therefore, when Vik 1 (whatever) Manifests, SHE is the model performing the Manifest and then the Avatar continues from where Vik 1 left off with AP. In the case of Vik 1 performing an (all) Manifest the Avatar would have no AP remaining. The other Viktoria is removed from the game and is not considered in the resolution of what APs remain. As for the wounds application, the wording is such because of the simultaneous nature of things. You can't apply wounds to a model not yet in play, but you need to remove both models to have the Avatar appear, therefore the wounding sequence should (for those who need it spelled out) read more along the lines of: 1. Total wounds suffered by both Viktorias. 2. Replace the Viktoria performing the Manifest Action with the Avatar. 3. Remove the other Viktoria from play. 4. Apply the wounds total from 1 to the Avatar. 5. Avatar performs a Healing Flip. 6. Avatar continues its activation with whatever AP it had remaining from the Viktoria performing the Manifest Action.
  7. S29's more 'self aware' than your garden variety Flesh Construct. Sometimes not being a mindless automaton has its drawbacks.
  8. "This model" always refers to the model whose rule you're reading. In the case of Downburst...Misaki.
  9. Social Experiment. Wanted to see how you all behaved in a Lord of the Flies-esque environment. Side distractions, sorry. Alex and I will be following up on the current questions.
  10. Well, since I'm still getting reports of the thread and it may be more than 13 hours too late, keep it civil regardless of the thread, m'kay?
  11. Was he outside of 3" at some point during the move and then moved to within 3"? Yes. Then at the point he moves closer than 3" take the attack.
  12. Gluing tip: I always give my plastics a quick bath in some warmish soapy water before trying to glue/prime. Tends to help clean off any residues left from the forming process. Not every sprue needs it, but I've been annoyed when I don't enough times to make it a standard step in model building for me. (Same goes for metals and resins these days)
  13. Also, Wyrd will have a booth and will be running demos of Malifaux, Puppet Wars, and Evil Baby Orphanage. Oh, and Kel will be there...that alone is worth a ticket!
  14. Yup. One total. It's RJ's severe + additional flip + any other bonuses = damage total.
  15. Correct. In Jakob's hands the 1M becomes a Red Joker, it is no longer a 1M for Dark Omens to change.
  16. Might want to check this out too: http://andayalasercutting.com/ Nice stuff AND can be broken down for storage if you're so inclined.
  17. More like a really angry HR Puff'n'Stuff.
  18. Just to be clear, there isn't a "Start Activation Phase". There is an "Activation Phase" which includes a step: "Start Activation Phase Step". So that's when Blood Price would occur.
  19. If one a model is in melee range of another they're both engaged in melee and therefore can only use melee weapons. That's pretty simple.
  20. Oh, we took a break from Hamelin to crush your dreams with this, Rocky. Back to Hammy.
  21. Gunchains. They're all the rage with the spoiled rich.
  22. Reset to the point of doing least damage to the current Encounter's integrity. If you can't do that, you'll have to gentleman's agreement what to do. Reshuffle and reflip, let the cards stand, count as a miss, etc.
  23. Breads + meats + cheeses + random condiments... I haven't met a sandwich I didn't like so I can't say I have a favorite. However, a good pastrami reuben on marbled rye with a dash of brown mustard is hard to beat.
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