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Everything posted by Stupidcow

  1. The one on the left looks more like she's eating well.
  2. Pretty nice model but I feel the cloaks could be made thinner. Most of PP models have this very thick looking cloaks.
  3. I can't put together anything more then 5 parts so I'll skip this.
  4. That's is one wierd looking mini you got there. Looks like you managed to get the bold colour look you tried to acheive. I particularly like the basework.
  5. Looks really sweet. I just got this model couple of days ago and this has inspired me to start on mine.
  6. The face is badly sculpted but your paintjob does this model justice.
  7. Ahhhhh stop it! Stop posting them...gotta resist.
  8. Just a suggestion I think the candlestick itself should get some of that light?
  9. I remember you from the confrontation english forums. Have a nice time here.
  10. Woo we finally get to see the big boss man of Wyrd. You sure he wasn't wearing a smiley mask in the photos? And the 2nd pic looks edited, the hand with the finger up looks photoshopped.
  11. Received my package 1st thing I step into my office this morning. The package almost didn't get to me. One of my staff signed for it yesterday and left it outside my workplace. Then last night while my dad was leaving he saw this package addressed to me but thought it was empty and almost threw it away. He took a second look and noticed it wasn't opened yet so he brought it up and left in on my desk. Phew! Thanks Nathan and the sponsors and my dad of course hehe.
  12. Hehe yeah some CMONers did thought I'm a girl due to my nick until I made it clear that I'm a 100% guy here (hides hello kitty doll). Ahem..I should have a nick like stupidbull prolly but stupidcow sounds better and has more of a funny aspect to it. I think... Recently I've started painting some freebooter minis (my rotten harvest 2 entry) and also a PP Alexia courtesy of Jubilee.
  13. I like the look on her face rather and I'm not sucker for body parts of minis. Its a pretty dark model and having just photographed one myself not too long ago, I'm not complaining about the pictures being dark. Very nice work you got there.
  14. Its nice to see you have painted different lines of models including a resin kit. Most of mine are Rackham models with some old gw orcs. I do have some dragonlance models which I never got to start on. Hope to see more of your works soon.
  15. I have a 4 level display cabinate in my living room and recently I'm running out of space with only the 1st level available for my minis. The other levels are filled with ermm...stuffed toys and such. There's also 2 air pistol with a bronze medal I got from a shooting contest and loads of items to do with cow/bull (avoids the mention of Hello kitty). I'm considering getting a new smaller one and Ikea sure is my top choice for their price and look.
  16. I love every millimeter of the painting on her. Even when the pics are so big she still look so smooth. Its heavenly.
  17. I haven't seen my package yet, prolly cos I lived thousands of miles away on a small island. I'm sure it'll make a good X'mas present. :fest06:
  18. Nooo dun go. I seriously doubt FF ability to handle this alone. ;P
  19. Nice to see new faces. Yeah this is a nice cosy corner but sometimes its also nice to step into a crowded bar. Its more happening.
  20. What a wierd sad thief! Although it sounds amusing what he did, it must be real annoying for you to lose a model someone bidded on ebay. Hope you don't get a hard time with the bidder.
  21. Thanks for the feedbacks. Noted the point about the green oxidation. The hair however, I have to say that the pic took away all the work that was done on it. There's alot of contrast there as well as on the little details pointed out by Ritual. Also the lipstick which appeared pink to Maestro is actually purple. And the cut on here right cheek is hardly visable. I'll try to see if I can squeeze out a better pic. Yeah my photofu is really as good as none. The base is from microart studio.
  22. Well this is the model that's gonna be my entry for the LGS painting contest. This is my 1st PP model, compliments from Jubilee. The colour scheme is inspired by Automaton's dark elf GD entry which is on CMON now. Sorry if I did a bad job:imsorry: Anyway here's the pic I took. The lighting wasn't ideal sadly and there's some supergule fogging on the base. Painting over it will solve this later. I would love to know what you guys think. Thanks for looking.
  23. I have been painting on & off for a very time, almost 20 years in fact with a break of 4 years at one. In the past, there were no internet and any form of guide/reference is close to zero. No one else in my group of friends shared nor appreciated this hobby so it was really passion that brought me this far. CMON is in fact my biggest motivation and source of reference. Scores started out with 5-6, then moved on to 6-7 and finally broke the 8 barrier only last 2 years or so. With the constant increase in the level of painting I find it rather hard to keep up nowadays. However, don't get too discouraged by the scores but infact study what others have done and try to acheive what others have. However, don't try to do stuffs like insane SENNM, complicated freehands or OSL but get the basics right or you will be killing your passion really soon. If you find yourself stuck at a certain point, eg. couldn't get that blending to be seamless, couldn't get that skintone to look right, stop painting for a few days. Surf the net for inspiration then pick up your brushes again. Pauses in between painting cycles gives you some time to look back at what you have done, what could be improved & to recharge. Lastly, keep painting!
  24. That absolutely rocks. NNM is top notch and I do like the bald look on him. I have to agree with Ritual that the bright colours of the goo and the sewage valve distracts the main model, even though it looks really cool. Thanks for the link regarding the base. Good luck on the contest.
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