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santaclaws01 last won the day on April 21

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  1. Sandeep has stat 7 on Elemental Connection, so you're adding 7 to whatever card you flip to hit the TN.
  2. It's two auras of the same name, so they don't stack. 1 damage.
  3. The marker placement happens as a result of resolving the action, so will be before anything that happens after resolving. Regarding the yokai, generated actions happen after fully resolving the current action and any after resolving effects, so the order would be resolve corrupting essence->flicker place->resolve interact.
  4. A model with flight can be engaged by a model with up we go. It can't walk out of engagement. It can disengage, but the Up We Go model isn't able to attack them with anything to try and stop them.
  5. Except the move in the walk action is just the model moving up to its Mv stat. Through the Brush is a completely different move. You're expanding the restriction beyond what the rule says is restricted.
  6. Those are two completely different clauses. The rule is "This move cannot be used to leave the engagement range of models engaging this model." There is no mention within the walk action rule of it being a restriction based on timing, it is just a restriction of the move that the walk action generates. Through the Brush is not "this move".
  7. Why would you treat the movement as part of the walk action? The movement is from Through the Brush. Through the brush using the phrase "continues its movement" is even spelling out a separation between whatever movement caused it and it's own movement effect.
  8. The dabbler can be engaged, but it can't engage any models. No, the dabbler is engaged. A model is engaged if it within the engagement range of any enemy model. Any model within 2"(and LoS) of Hungering Darkness will be engaged by the Hungering Darkness. However in the case of the Dabbler, the Hungering Darkness would not be engaged and thus could walk away or interact if it wanted to.
  9. Yes, abilities that are based on a models position on the board do not work while buried.
  10. It's a may effect, so talk does nothing if both schemes are revealed.
  11. It's been different with each release for various reasons, so it's anybody's guess.
  12. No, the rider just gains tokens each turn, and then can use those tokens to build in one per token spent when you're at the declare trigger timing step of a duel.
  13. Yes, a model can choose to activate and just take no actions.
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