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Pandora's "Voices" Upgrade has no use?


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So while I was working on my Pandora crew I had to do a double take at the "Voices" upgrade particularly the ability that Pandora gains. For those who don't know (which I feel are few and far between) the upgrade reads:


Pandora gains the following Ability:


>There Is No Shelter Here: Enemy models within (*) 6 may not reduce damage which was dealt with the Misery ability.


...so what's the point of taking that upgrade besides getting the trigger? The 2E FAQ reads the following...


"Q: Can a model use a Soulstone to prevent damage which may not be reduced?

A: Yes. Damage prevention is different than damage reduction. "


So the FAQ says that the Voices ability doesn't matter because reducing damage is different from preventing damage (which is what Soulstones are used for) so you can still prevent the damage via your master and henchmen. 


And then follow that up with another FAQ that reads...

Q: If a model with Armor is within range of multiple models with the Misery Ability and the model fails a Wp duel, does it suffer 1 damage from each model with the Misery Ability? Or does it suffer “one lump sum” of damage which it would then be able to reduce with Armor?

A: It would suffer 1 damage from each model with the Misery Ability separately. "


So then what's the point of Pandora gaining the ability besides being able to ignore "Peaches" on Somer? Not to mention the upgrade is limited...but I really don't see the point of ever taking the upgrade because it already ignores armor by Misery happening separately at 1 damage at a time, thus avoiding armor.


So unless you're taking the upgrade to get the trigger to Self Loathing and Self Harm...is there some other point that I'm missing or is it a (pretty much) useless ability?





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Perhaps I'm just not seeing the merit of it because it doesn't auto trigger the paralyze and that still doesn't seem interesting to take because the upgrade is half useless. 


I would much prefer to take The Box Opens as the other limited upgrade and get a shooting attack on defense then an upgrade that is very, very situational. 

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So then what's the point of Pandora gaining the ability besides being able to ignore "Peaches" on Somer? Not to mention the upgrade is limited...but I really don't see the point of ever taking the upgrade because it already ignores armor by Misery happening separately at 1 damage at a time, thus avoiding armor.

I know it's incredibly cornercase, but there's also (at least) Molemen. And while I never expect it to be a common ability, I do see it as one that might continue to be utilised. So maybe it's future-proofing?

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I guess you can get the auto paralyze on Pandora, then, but I would rather take Depression on Baby Kade and get a possible buff of damage to 5/6/8 and murder stomp somebody. I'm just wondering why half of the card is useless and I don't see anything in Wave 2 that was very concerning in which I would need to prevent damage done by Misery...


That and you shoehorn yourself into having to take two upgrades on Pandora (one being limited) while I think she has some better options. I would much rather see an errata on the card that gives her Instinctual so that you can use Depression and still Incite (which I think is much needed on her offensively). 


Not trying to dispute the use of the added trigger on Self Harm I'm just really curious as to why half the card is standing at no-use currently.


(also adding Instinctual to the Voices wouldn't be OP due to the fact that Lilith and Marcus get a 1SS upgrade that gives Instinctual +a very good 0 action)

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