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Rusty's snares and killjoy

The Godlyness


rusty is standing in los and charge distance of killjoy.


Killjoy activates and is unengaged and has to charge the nearest legal target.


a friendly model is also in los and within killjoys charge range.



Can i declare rusty as my charge target end the charge 3" away and therefore fail the charge (which the rulebook says you cant charge if you cant hit or something to that effect) and then take my 1 action to walk.


Or is rusty not Legal target and i have to charge my friendly model?



i see it both ways. Rusty is in range and can be targeted.



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well see that's where the rules get a little muddled. she can be declared a charge target. nothing is restricting you from doing so. and her snares come into effect after you move your model. otherwise how else would you end up father than three inchs from her? 


lilitu can charge her and be engaged with her but something that has a 2" melee gets "snared".....


Snares: Enemy models cannot end a Charge within a3.


would it be clearer if it said models with a :close Attack Actions of 3" or less can't charge this model?


she is a valid target for killjoy but what happens from their.

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I think that Rusty then isn't a legal target and you need to charge your own model who was a legal target.

Is how we played it. But its just wonky. Cause as is I declare my charge I move my model you then say rusty has snares and can not end my charge so now I have to move back since you Can Not fail a charge.

Or do I get to use my ap and then not attack.

How bout any model that declares a charge agaist this model after moving is pushed untill it is 3" away. Which tjat way you could still charge her but only with careful postioning.

If rusty gained terrifying or some thing that required a duel to Target its not far out to say she is the target but what to do after she is.

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