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Neverborn Heavy Hitters


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There's a discussion going on the Rezzer side about the heavy hitters in their faction and I thought it'd be fun to start it here. 


Where do you go when you need a lot of hitting power? As we have the Teddy himself, Mature Neph, Nekima and so forth. Which is your go to guy and why? And why would you take one over the other? I myself am thinking at the moment the differences between Teddy and Mature and why to take one over the other and could use some help especially there :) 

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I love both of those models...  its a hard choice aesthetically....  but I do like running the mature when i have strats/schemes that require positioning of the enemy to accomplish...wing buffet is great for moving things where they do not want to be....  ( kind of goes well with the article in chronicles actually..) 


Never played with nekima but she looks like an utter nightmare to be against....



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The model that consistently deals the most damage in my neverborn experience is actually Baby Kade.  His Ml:7 and potential damagetrack of 5/6/8 is incredible, especially since he's also Df:7 and just 7 Soulstones. If you want the Sweetbreads trigger to be more reliable, throw on the Depression upgrade for 1ss and he can discard a low crow.

I think he's actually the only model that's killed Perdita for me in M2e.

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That's great, thanks. Do you pair him up with Teddy as they have some synergy or just run him by himself?


Kade and Teddy can work wonders together. With the right placement Teddy can push a model with his Peekaboo trigger, in order for Kade to get use of his Pounce ability.

And if Teddy use Flurry; this can be done twice! That is, five attacks with the minimum damage of 3, which is just nasty.

Kade also have a nice hunting partner in the Doppleganger, who can Kade's knife.

By and large: Kade is a team player, and should not be running around alone.

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Throw in Lilith with the Living Blade Upgrade and you get 2 follow up attacks for each attack of Teddy. All with Ml7 and weak damage 3. And Lilith contributes 1st with So much needed movement tricks for Teddy and is able to block LoS, or at least provide cover. Depression for an Auto sweatbreads on Kade is nice agreed, but in this combination pure overkill.

But beware for Ten Thunders and their misdirection Upgrade. Even under a perfect Setup that might ruin this ping pong tactic.

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I've used him with Teddy a few times, but I honestly think their synergy is rather situational. I mean, sure, I get a 6" push with Teddy, but at the expense of an entire activation of a 7ss enforcer.. that's more than 50% the cost of Teddy. So unless it's a really good opportunity, like giving me a chance to flurry a master thanks to the push, I don't use it.

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Kade is my go-to assassin when running Pandora, and most other NB masters for that matter (Since I run Jakob Lynch a lot I tend to use Illuminated in place of Kade in that crew, as brilliance makes them a 4/6/7 with + to attack and damage.), he's very fast and as was mentioned depression to get auto sweetbreads for a 5/6/8 is bonkers!  Kade is a great combo with Teddy, and not just for a 6" push! As was mentioned Teddy's attack push giving pounces is great, and Kade can use his lure to pull enemies over to Teddy, giving him the opportunity to flurry and even get a free attack after they land next to him.


Mature is monsterous, Hooded is horrifying, but I like taking Mr Graves. He fits into most crews, offers a lot of utility, and has a Ml 6 with 3/4/6. BUT THAT WASN'T THE COVERSATION, WHERE'S THE BLOODSHED! I reach for Nekima lately if I want to bring the beats in a crew. She's a laser guided missile, a winged ICBM, a mobile guillotine, a giant sword with a lady attached. She has that wicked Ml 7 with 4/5/6 track, and some amazing tricks that allow her to just annihilate whatever she comes into contact with. Her kill power is appreciated with Pandora, as well as her horror duels, and Zoraida likes a big monster to obey around.

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In my opinion Teddy e Baby Kade are too expensive; 18 SoulStones for just two pieces, good just for hitting enemy.  "Lure" isn't bad, but I think Neverborn for the same cost in Soulstones can have more complete options. With Pandora I prefer to run a Widow Weaver, an insidious madness and others tricky pieces.
My heavy hitter is Pandora, because she can do "hit and run" (and she hits really hard), and using soulstones she can prevent damage and save herself.
Heavy hitter tend to be "mono-dimensional" in my opinion, so I don't like them in any faction, unless they can do some trick.
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yes Nekima looks like she would absolutely wreck some faces, sadly i do not have her model...actually dont want to deal with that much metal....  im hoping we can see a plastic version sometime soon-ish( which i know its probably still a ways off...)


Haha, I can where see your trepidation about nekima is coming from, mine keeps bending at that thin little leg just from the weight of her wings.

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Haha, I can where see your trepidation about nekima is coming from, mine keeps bending at that thin little leg just from the weight of her wings.


Take a piece of a paperclip and glue it to back her leg.  Creates a nice little brace and is subtle enough most people wont notice even if you show them.


As far as beatsticks, violence has rarely been a problem for my NB crews.  Delivery systems have historically been a much bigger struggle in my games.  Locking a NB crew in a phonebooth with most other crews will result in a phonebooth redecorated in gentle tones of red.


Young Nephilim have always impressed me with their raw damage and their threat range is good, not to mention they're fairly cheap.  Illuminated are a lot more durable and still threat pretty far, but lack the Blood Frenzy trigger and the occaisional ability to gain Fast that makes the Young so dangerous.  Neither have prohibitive point costs to them as well, and often swarms of little guys that can still do considerable damage fair better than a single target that has a higher vulnerability to conditions or getting stuck on meaningless models. 


-That being said, Nekima is a premium model with a premium point cost.  You can't simply put her in a list since her durability isn't that high and her threat range for anything beyond taking a single attack is pretty mediocre.  If you're already running Nephilim heavy, True Mother is probably the best enabler for the grow mechanic.  If you can get her there, her high wound count and healing can make her frustrating to get rid of especially if you can tie up enemy assets so they have to fight her piecemeal.  Her raw damage is solid, but for 13ss it damn well better be, and if you can get a hold of a lot of wounded models the Horror duels from teach them fear can get really good really fast.  Her high cost a lack of native defensive tech means she needs some special considerations to go in lists i.e. you probably want to set aside 3-4 ss just for her damage prevention flips, but her payoff can get be good enough to make it worth it.


-Teddy needs a delivery system, but Impossible to Wound, Terrifying and Regeneration +2 makes him pretty self sufficient when he gets there and he still has good damage.


-Mature Nephilim have some moderate defensive tech in their Terrifying and Armor +1, but you shouldn't count on that to save them.  They threat pretty far and with good positioning can go really far using the Charge Through trigger and Ml 6 with paired is very reliable.  That being said, he always makes me a little sad when I see a large based beat stick from another faction across the table, as they're generally better for the cost. 

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Kade and Teddy is who I tend to use. I don't even think it's terribly expensive as it does give you two models that can potentially put out a lot of damage, and together they actually got a fair amount of maneuvering tricks as well. And they have the ability to really put your opponent under pressure. Been working well for me so far.



I tried the Young in the beta and actually quite like them, but I still don't own the models (nor Tots or Matures), but they will be making an appearance once I eventually get the models.


Nekima looks very promising, but I will not be buying that model before she arrives in plastic. Once she does though, that looks like a lot of fun.

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Good posts. Thanks. So I need to add Kade to my ranks, I am mainly running Lynch as a Neverborn at the moment and he's my only Neverborn master, so Illuminated are quite familiar. It's really good to hear that the Young Neph's aint that bad at all, as I just ordered the Nephilim box, the models are amazing and what I read from their stats I will be able to give them some table time, at some point just for the fun of it, I'll try to run a Nephilim list with Lynch :P 


Nekima is a must buy, but propably in plastic, as the metal one seems to have some issues and I'm not that good at painting the metals, somehow I succeed better with the plastics :)


Also a big up for the mention of Mr. Graves, one of my absolute favourite characters in whole Malifaux!


She's a laser guided missile, a winged ICBM, a mobile guillotine, a giant sword with a lady attached. 


Gave me a good laugh :D

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No shout outs for Lelu? Surely we can't be considering mid teir. Certainly in Mark I his damage output could equal many of those mentioned so far. Granted you pretty much had to take a Lilitu at that time but the two of them were certainly worth it.


He is slow but there are plenty of ways to get him moving across the battlefield at a fair speed and with the possibility of getiing a plus on all duels through Whispers in blood and same oppressive force I see nothing to suggest he has lost any of his usefulness.

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