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Beckoners and Illuminated anti-synergy?


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Hey all,

So Beckoners have The Party Never Ends which makes models retain the Under The Influence condition (which as we all know grants the Brilliance characteristic). The Illuminated have Scintillating Cloud and its trigger which makes a cloud marker which grants the Brilliance characteristic, but not the Under The Influence condition.

This seems like a pretty big oversight. When the cloud marker dissipates, the brilliant models lost brilliance even if a beckoner is in proximity. Can/should this be fixed?

Thank you.

~Lil Kalki

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+1 to eternal void. Take multiple illuminated. Shoot a big target that has already activated, placing a marker in base to base and charge in with huggy or more illuminated...chances are the whole argument is moot anyway as if you are using it right the model you have targeted should be off the table anyway......!

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It's worth noting that even with a lesser brilliance giving mechanism, illuminated are incredible value (beckoners are very good as well).

Dear everyone. Illuminated do not need to be better. They cost 7SS.


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pretty much. the illuminated are about the best value the game has to offer. and both HD and lynch can give out under the influence along with beckoners themselves.


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Illuminated are monsters against models without brilliance. I took a triple take when I saw how far they could charge and have a 2" MI range.

Granted I've though their cloud sucked from the very beginning of beta and fought to get it changed, but to no avail.

They are great tanks and damage dealers though, even without brilliance.

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Illuminated are monsters against models without brilliance. I took a triple take when I saw how far they could charge and have a 2" MI range.

Granted I've though their cloud sucked from the very beginning of beta and fought to get it changed, but to no avail.

They are great tanks and damage dealers though, even without brilliance.

They have an awesome charge + melee threat range, a very solid melee 6 attack ignoring brilliance, and incredible resilience with 1 wound per SS cost, Df5, armour +1, regen 1, a weak terrifying and an (0) healing ability that doesn't compete with anything else.

When you factor in the damage bonus against brilliance models, and benefiting from addict, they're just incredible models.

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if only there were a master who could take both in the same crew....oh,wait! :)

I think Joel was making a McCabe Reference as he can take up to 4 Guardsmen or Black Sheep. Meaning he can have Illuminated and Austringers.

They are darkened, not black sheep.... I think Joel was thinking Lucius.....(enter Joel to correct me if I am mistaken....!)

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