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New(ish) Painter Wanting Feedback


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I've been painting minis on and off since I was in my early teens, but it wasn't until about 2 years ago that I go serious and started doing highlights and washes and stuff.

I just wanted to get people's feedback and/or suggestions. So lets get started. :-)

I was going to start with the earlier work and catch up to now, but my Google Drive is acting up so I'm just throwing up what I've got.


Zoraida is what got me started playing Malifaux, because I really liked her design and I liked the idea of Wyrd's only topless model being a saggy old lady. I've grown tired of pointlessly naked hot chicks (I'm looking at you Reaper).

I'm really happy with her face and skin tone, even though it came out more orange then I wanted. Previous skin tone attempts on other models has been... less than satisfactory. So YAY!

There are a few things I'm not happy with but I had to stop myself from picking at every detail or I'd never finish her.




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Next up is the Convict Gunslinger who I bought to help backup my favorite swamp hag.

I came up with the idea of using the dolls that came with her model on her mercenary models to help add some cohesion to the crew and the idea of a hardened murderer carrying around a doll with him everywhere lead me to thinking of the Convict Gunslinger as Fwank from the "classic" Playstation game Loaded. That's how he ended up with ***** paint and orange pants (anachronism be damned).


Again, I'm pretty damn happy with the skin tone. The darker parts of the scars fades into the rest of him a little more than I wanted, but the highlights pop enough that I think it still reads.

I'm also pretty happy with the ***** paint. I was worried that the black ink wash would take too much color our and make the recesses to dark, but no. It just works.


I also experimented with some of Citadel's new paints, specifically Typhus Corrosion. It's meant to show wear and tear on metal, but given it's added texture and dark brown base I figured it would be a good stand in for mud. After a quick highlighting of a tan-brown I think it did the trick.



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my only suggestion is to take a red or purple wash, and carefully paint a thin layer where the scar meets normal flesh. if you have any flow enhancer if your washes, you could probably just touch the tip of the brush to the scar and let the wash wick down the line. then go back and highlight the scar one color lighter than the lightest skin tone you used.

love the dirty pants. looks great. face paint too. not a huge fan of zoridas hair and cloak fur being the same color. also be careful with brown skirt on wood planks as it can kind of all blend together too much

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Very neat painting. The face paint looks really good. When you're feeling up to it start doing some more targeted shading and highlighting (that could just be after your first wash has dried making sure the bits that would be more shaded get a second coat). Then things will start to pop a bit more.

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The hair and cloak are slightly different colors, but it doesn't read at first glance (or in a photo). I did a standard grey and white with the fur but a Privateer Press Frostbite as the main color for the hair.

I'll fully admit I have a problem wanting to do "realistic" colors which ends up being a lot of muddied colors like browns and a greys. I'm working on the base Nephilim and I'm hoping to get away from that tendency by using brighter purples, blues, and pinks. I just started putting together the new Young and Mature sculpts and man are they crazy detailed... and so tiny.

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Thank you guy so much for all of your feedback so far.

Google Drive is working properly now so I'm going to jump back to the beginning. Here's the first Malifaux figure I did almost a year a go now.

Tuco is a pretty straight forward sculpt with little need for assembling so I did him first to get my feet wet. Before this I'd been doing a few old minis from board games or Reaper minis for DnD games, but nothing that I wanted to really spend time on.


Mostly I just spent time worrying about making his coat look sexy. Once it came to his skin I wanted to do something that would pop out against the brown and black so I opted for a pale purple instead of the red from the concept art. I'm not super happy with it now but it was definitely the best I could do at the time.




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First, may I suggest you build a cheap light box for photographing your minis (even a gallon milk jug with the bottom cut off will improve results). It will definitely improve the presentation and allow for more targeted feedback.

Second, the coat does look sexy however the rest of the model is a bit blah. The abundance of black in the Hat, Hair and the over coats caplet really does destroy the look. I would recommend repainting the Hat in a lightish grey (perhaps even a pastel purple hued grey) retaining a black band and then repainting the over coat caplet the same color as the rest of the coat. You can leave the black on the coats open lapels to provide some contrast but I might look to either a bluish black or a brownish black (Citadel paints have a great mix for either of these).

I would also go back and add a little something to the basing to break up the monotony. It doesn't have to be anything overly garish. For example you could shrink down and print out some period posters, age them a bit with a sepia toned wash and glue it down (or even create your own wanted poster (similar to the one I did for the Back of my Som'er Teeth Jones) in photoshop). I would also recommend using another color for the bases rim to showcase the woodwork (I would suggest a suitably dark brown or red).

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First, may I suggest you build a cheap light box for photographing your minis (even a gallon milk jug with the bottom cut off will improve results).

Do you know of an article or tutorial online that would give me further details about what you mean? Currently I'm just using my phone and the best key and fill light I can muster.

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Oooh these look awesome! I have little advice to offer, so instead compliments!! Really like how these came out.

Not bad. Both models look very well done. I especially like the use of the new Citadel Typhus Corrosion for the muddy pant bottoms (loving the new paints all around myself).

Thankyou! I was wondering how that was done! Might have to investigate this!

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