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Limited Edition Tara, Pandora, ect


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Hi Guys

I'm looking at ordering one or possibly two of the clear plastic boxes available in the sale. I have some concerns about painting them given the nature of the plastic they are made from. Will this cause any issues with scratching or will they be alright?


Edited by MasterDisaster
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Perhaps but I think a few highlights and shading would make the mini details "pop". I'm considering not priming any models and painting Tara, Karine, Pandora, Candy and Baby Cade as I would normally (leaving some transparent pieces) while just highlighting, shading and washing the Void Wretches, Nothing Beast and Sorrows. I guess I'll decide on my plan of attack once I get the minis.

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When the MERCS folks released the clear Kemvar models there were some people that wanted to better define the details (by applying some washes). Similar to Ratty's recommendation, many people that did it applied a clear coat (typically Satin or Gloss as opposed to Matte which tended to "frost" the material) to give the paint something to adhere to.

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ratty, when the office team assembled the first batch, how were the mold lines? could you get away with ignoring them or would you really need to wet sand and then polish with toothpaste.

i'm trying to debate what would be better, clear green sorrows with LED's in the bases, or the dayglow green with wash and highlights.

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