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it finally came...Po Boys Terrain crowdfunding live!


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I've been exchanging emails and calling my back as the situation is still not cleared in my case. Theoretically, there's the option of asking for chargeback if you paid using a credit/debit card and didn't receive the goods you'd paid for. Still, in this case it can be a bit more complicated as there's paypal, indigogo's policy etc. Last update I got was that my bank has started an investigation and is attempting to contact Mr Edward Mize and so is paypal. I don't know if anything comes out of it but at least I hope the guy who's now running the thing will be forced to make some kind of statement.


Had a question.  If I go through my credit card company and somehow get my money back and then this turns out to be a legitimate set of circumstances and the terrain actually is real, do you think I'd still get my order?  Does anyone know if the person is notified in these instances where you're getting your money back?

I don't have experience like that but my guess is that you wouldn't get your stuff in that case and I'm pretty sure the seller would be notified.

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From Facebook:


House Keeping Notice:

I have received a couple change of address for delivery in the past. It would be appreciated that anyone else that needs to do so; does it now. Printing labels have already been made and at the moment I have time to make changes. Once the parts are in front of me and being sorted, having to make more changes is added stress my old brain does not need.

If you do not have a change, there is no reason to confirm your address. 





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It sounds like the project has gone well over budget, too. In another response a pre-estate sale was mentioned. What, exactly, this means I do not know, but it is nice to see something may come of this yet.


It was all so exciting when this first began. A whole western town for $100?! Honestly, we probably should've known better, but what if we actually get it now? 

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I'm not on The Facebook. Anyone know who I can/should contact to make sure they have my correct mailing info?




Not sure. Someone asked the question but has yet to receive a reply. I keep a pretty close eye on it, I'll let you know if the question is answered.

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I'm still holding out hope that I get my town set but I also caved into realism and bought a bunch of stuff from Sarissa Precision.  Wow, their stuff is amazing.


If this PO Boys stuff ever works out at least I'll have it as my "traveling" terrain set and then I can have my permanent at home set now too.

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In another response a pre-estate sale was mentioned. What, exactly, this means I do not know, but it is nice to see something may come of this yet. 

From Wikipedia:


"An estate sale or estate liquidation is a sale or auction to dispose of a substantial portion of the materials owned by a person who is recently deceased or who must dispose of his or her personal property to facilitate a move."

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From Wikipedia:


"An estate sale or estate liquidation is a sale or auction to dispose of a substantial portion of the materials owned by a person who is recently deceased or who must dispose of his or her personal property to facilitate a move."


Hah, yes, I know what an estate sale is. I meant I do not know the details as to how large a monetary hole needs to be filled or how it will impact the finalization of the terrain project.


Maybe you could point out what the "pre" indicates in the context of an estate sale, though. Does that just mean it's a smaller sale?

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Hah, yes, I know what an estate sale is. I meant I do not know the details as to how large a monetary hole needs to be filled or how it will impact the finalization of the terrain project.

Maybe you could point out what the "pre" indicates in the context of an estate sale, though. Does that just mean it's a smaller sale?

I'm not 100% sure, but, from what I can gather Estate Sales are most commonly held after someone dies, and pre- means 'before', so my guess is he's not expected to live much longer.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit more - sounds like distressed will be done:



Po Boys Terrain The distressed will be completed before shipped. It was a formal option and will be honored. I have been practicing and feel confident I have the technique down. As stated before the mats are outside of my realm. I do not have the knowledge to work on them. As for shipments that are not complete... in no way would I consider it acceptable to say "too bad." Every effort will be made to prevent such a situation. If something slips thru the cracks you can notify me and will be handled. No order will be shipped until all are ready for shipping. Any extra parts will clue me in there is a problem.



Also regarding shipping from the manufacturer:


 just a matter of transit now. I do not anticipate having to give any more bad news concerning the items. When have accurate date of shipping to backers I will post it.
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