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New Malifaux Player at Adepticon


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Hey all,

Busily planning out my Adepticon schedule for 2014 and ran into a thornbush on the Saturday - to many awesome events!

My problem is...last year I went to a Blood Bowl tournament, while all of my friends played WHFB. I missed them, and didn't get to join in the camaraderie that comes with playing in a tournament with them.

This year...all I can think about is Malifaux. So I could do that instead of WH, without my friends again...or not. Then I was reading about Malifaux from 2013, and it looks like the Sunday was single elimination. I don't want to sign up for something that I won't be in for most of the day, if I don't make it or get eliminated or whatever.

Saturday night there's another choice - the Story Encounter vs the Dreadball League. Both sound like tons of fun!

Obviously the folks here are biased in a certain direction, but I thought I'd ask for opinions on the various events and see if I could tease out what I should do.

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You could look at it that way, I really see it as a one day event and the Sunday is a championship round. You will note you don't actually sign up/pay extra for Sunday.

Assuming it is the same as 2013, you are still getting a 5 round tournament.

Also remember that Malifaux is running its By Gaslight Achievement league as an all-weekend event... so you presumably still have ample opportunities to play, no?

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I'm not great in "hey...I don't know you, but wanna play?" situations - I love tournaments because it gives two strangers a strong reason to play each other. :)

A Thursday event could change my entire outlook on life.

What are peoples thoughts on the Costume/Story event? Amazing? Worth dropping your last game in another tournament for? (Imma need to organize my entire weekends worth of food on the Wednesday...)

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I'm curious - do you think you'll have it sorted by November 14th, when the Adepticon cart opens? I'm planning my weekend based on the schedule, and some things have tended to sell out so I wanted to get in early...which may mean making decisions based on what's in the schedule, rather than what may be coming the week after!

At the same time...I (accidentally) found refunds easy last year, so it should be fine. :)

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Howdy. I am the one heading up the Wyrd section of AdeptiCon. Let me start by saying that the event list that is up is far from correct. I will contact them again tomorrowto try and get it straightened out. If nothing tomorrow, then there is a big meeting on Sunday and I will get it straight there. Anyway, here is what is happening (detailed rules will be much later as we are still play testing tourney formats for 2.0):

Cake Match 4 hours.*Thursday. Have fun and eat cake. Our annual convention opener.

Team Tournament - Friday - 12 hours 4 rounds 50 teams ( 2.5 hour rounds, two 15 minute breaks, one hour lunch and 30 minutes for registration).* Its a long day but people like the event

Saturday and Sunday - Adepticon GT - 7 rounds over Saturday and Sunday during the day(4 rounds Saturday, 3 sunday).* 64 slots * 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday,* Sunday 10 AM to 4 PM.* (1.5 hours rounds with breaks and registration time)

Story Encounter - Saturday night - 3 rounds 6 hours.* 7 PM to 1 AM - With costume party * (1.5 hours rounds with breaks and registration time). Two events at the same time. One for 1.5 run by Dan (Nilus) Sulin and one for 2.0. This will be the only 1.5 event. But if you are new or prefer 2.0, we got you covered.

---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ----------

BTW: thanks to those who tried to answer questions before I saw this. You guys rock.

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Awesome sauce, will be signing up for all of those, think Joe and I are pairing for the team

it was my first Adepticon last time and i had an absolute blast hardcoring Malifaux for the whole event. Just like here in the UK the US Malifaux crowd are without doubt the friendliest bunch of gamers I've had the pleasure to hang out with in nearly 30 years of playing with toy soldiers. If you are new then you wont regret signing up.

Edited by OldManMyke
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This might be kind of a weird place to ask, but since I'm planning my first trip to adepticon this year, I'm curious if there are any areas setup for just chilling out to paint/work on models?

Obviously the focus is on playing and the vendors so I just can't seem to find any information relating to it...

Thanks to any veterans who can answer!

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