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Rathnard's Blog - The Rainbow Challenge


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Hey look, I've started a blog!


This is actually my second blog post (not including the mysterious and positively ancient test post), but the first was not Malifaux related at all so I thought I'd wait until this one before making any sort of announcement on these here forums.

Anyway, in case you haven't yet clicked through, I've put down my initial thoughts and experiences with Jakob Lynch. Let me know what you think!

Edited by Rathnard
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  • 2 weeks later...

I clicked on it and was debating what to post here as it loaded. I got as far as:

"It's not pink enoOH HOLY **** THAT'S BRIGHT"

After my initial wimpy shock, I had a nice read of both posts.

Nice analysis, and I say that as someone that doesn't have much interest in the Z. But I really did like the Jakob one, I should probably get him on the table now!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
That was a pretty nice little rundown.

Thanks Mindshred - it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to say about her. Which probably contributed to it's length. :P

Anyway, new blog post. For me, 2014 is going to be the year of the terribly named Rainbow Challenge. ;)


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  • 11 months later...

Well it's been a few months since I updated this but now that I'm on a bit of a holiday, I managed to get a new blog post up. Hopefully they'll come a little more regularly from now on. Although if this year has taught me anything, it's not to make any promises on that!


With the end of the year comes the end of my Rainbow Challenge, and it didn't go quite as well as I was hoping. :P



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Done for the year, huh? I thought my Levy was pimp'n til I saw yours. I got the top hat on Levy (that you have on Schill) to compliment his pimp cane. You're right about Schill - I find he works best as support or VP denial with a "ragtag elite" crew tacked on top of a small Von Schill hit squad - JD can work the same way. The entire crew doesn't always have to be all freikorps or all tormented to be really good.

Trapper x2 is never a bad thing.

Also, if you're worried about waif hunting, double up on your anchors instead of having fatty double digit anchors - especially if you're forced into a scheme marker heavy game - perferably with some scary pull for deterence - hunters are king probably. Few people actually go after the waifs and there are also some good fatties that your opponent won't want to pull towards them, anyway (Howard). I just play Levy aggressively focusing on VP denial - as Levy you really need to aim to prevent your opponent from racing a 10VP game. If you try to play cagey you will lose Levy's innate advantage. Even if they do kill a waif or two they are investing a lot of time into it so it really isn't too bad of a thing to lose a waif late game provided your positioning is sufficient with the other waifs or a sac-jump. If I take out a key hitter at the expense of a waif, I'll still consider that a win. Do as much denial and disruption as possible as fast and as often as possible. If you want to play Levy defensively, you should just swap him out for JD instead - similar gameplay but in a passive way and your answer to an anti-kill marker-heavy scheme pool. ;)

I like your blog, I'd love to see more battle reports.

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Very nice! I'm glad to see that Von Schill has started to click for you since our disastrous first game (he has for me too).

I love Molly's play style, especially compared to the more ridiculous 'pure' summoners like Nicodem and the Dreamer. She's devastatingly powerful when wielded effectively, but her in-your-face style (and its accompanying restrictions) balances her nicely, in my opinion.

I look forward to discussing Leveticus and his revolting nonsense at length in the near future. ;)

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Thanks for the comments guys!


I'm definitely aware that Levi is good. But even if it's tough to deal with, the Waif thing still doesn't sit right with me. Mind you, like most of my games this year it's only after one game with him. So it's initial impressions only. With more experience my opinion of him may well change, though sadly I wasn't able to devote the time to that this year. 

That said, I'm sure Kadeton will have more than a few things to say about Levi when we next get a chance to chat. ;)


The second game really helped me see how Von Schill can work. So while I don't think he's useless, he's still not a Master that excites me. When it comes down to it I'd much prefer to reach for another Outcast Master.

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I didn't yet have to time read the blog but I just wanted to pop in to have a look at your amazing crews. They did not disappoint! I love the tophat on Von Schill! That's amazing. Also the helmets on the Freikorps look great. I really like your painting and conversions a lot. 

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Thanks Zfiend, I really appreciate that - coming up with odd-ball colour schemes and conversions are one of my favorite bits about the Hobby. ;)


Anyway, here's part two, featuring my thoughts on the last three Masters I managed to play this year - Jack Daw, Misaki and Hamelin;



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Thanks again. :)


The Depleted are my Guilty. Basically as 40mm models it's hard to mistake them as anything else in a Jack Daw crew, and the Depleted models looked pretty guilty of something so I figured they fit the bill. 


Misaki's crew was my "I haven't painted enough pink lately" crew. I'm pretty glad I went in that direction. 

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You're absolutely right about JD. One of the things I think most strongly about the game is that he is a top tiered master that suffers tremendously only from being underplayed.

Regarding your discussion about being more "hitty" - I find polarizing yourself completely to either an aggressive fear heavy crew or a defensive tarpitty crew is the best options - give that a try. The most important thing to remember though is whether you play aggro/defense you are still a control master... you don't just go into a "hitty mode" heehee.

My favorite master too, though I play Levy more. I just can not bring myself to bring a non-summoning master for Recon. If only more people knew about the awesome that is Daw. You play him well and all your opponent says is "omgwtf" haha. You win over the mind battle of opponents and frustrate them - way better than "tit for tat" annnnnnd playing disruption puts you into a better mindset so you never stray from gaining VPs because you're too busy smashing face or summoning, for example.

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You play him well and all your opponent says is "omgwtf" haha.


Heh. I think this usually happens with all the underplayed (generally the unreleased-in-plastic) Masters - I've seen it with Jack, Collodi, Tara, Hamelin, Brewmaster, Ulix, etc. The first time you really see what an unfamiliar Master can do pretty much always results in an OMGWTF moment. ;)

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Heh. I think this usually happens with all the underplayed (generally the unreleased-in-plastic) Masters - I've seen it with Jack, Collodi, Tara, Hamelin, Brewmaster, Ulix, etc. The first time you really see what an unfamiliar Master can do pretty much always results in an OMGWTF moment. ;)

I see what you mean - when I see play or when I play it seems like Levy, Viktorias, Jack (and soon to be Brewy) are the most prone to omgwtf. a Viktorias board wipe is almost enough to ragequit even the toughest wargamers ;)

Other factions are more telling in their abilities - even Neverborn. They all seem to have a certain idea about them. Those damn outcasts though - nothing but a hodgepodge of ridiculousness ;)

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