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official Wyrd card sleeves for fate decks

Sitting Ducky

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I would like for Wyrd to make card sleeves for fate decks, with Malifaux artwork and logos, just like they do for TCGs, like Magic. When I use a standard fate deck I like sleeving the cards. The plastic decks are fine as is, but I feel like I will damage the cards of the regular fate decks when handling and shuffling.

I know that something like this is way far down on the list of things to do for Wyrd, but I would to at least get the Idea out there and see what the community thinks about the idea.

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I bought a pack of Ultra Pro pro fit clear sleeves. Fits the cards snugly with no card movement in the sleeve. They come 100 in a pack and I payed $3.99 a pack. Completely worth it. Here is a link.


And the sleeved cards fit into the A4 9 a page Ultra pro folders sleeves while each card is sleeved individually as well!

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While I'd be all over an official Wyrd card holder, I really don't see the point of card sleeves for Fate decks.

When I played Magic: The Gathering, I'd sleeve my decks because some of those cards were actually worth some money, and the last thing I wanted to do was to damage or degrade them with my terribad shuffling skills. Those days have long sinced passed, but I now kept sleeve my Malifaux Stat cards. Not because they're valuble, but because I want to write wounds/conditions on them with a non-permanent marker.

But Fate Decks are cheap, and many of them are plastic. I have about a dozen fate or poker decks that I use for Malifaux without having really tried. Hell, I've cut up two of them now for use as basing materials. I'm honestly not that fussed about the damage they might take from regular use and when I consider that sleeving them will mean they take up more space in my bag, I'm quite happy to leave them unsleeved.

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I ended up laminating my 1.5 Malifaux cards, and did sleeve my fate deck to reduce wear and tear. If nothing else, I'd rather the sleeves take the hit and get replaced once in a while than have a key card (a Joker or something) accidentally get marked. A pack of 100 sleeves is cheaper than replacing a fate deck as well.

At the time my crew got into the game, it was also quite difficult to find fate decks at the local shop and online (I think we jumped in at a bad point in the print/distribution cycle), so 'just going and buying another' wasn't really an option. That might no longer be the case, but it was a consideration at the time.

Also, as an old school Magic player, I'm just used to shuffling sleeved cards. Worst case scenario, I can always de-sleeve my two Fate decks and sleeve up a 19th EDH deck. >.>

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