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Looking for a Hannah proxy.


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have you had a look at the guild of harmony models?

Steampunk Alice, Tinkerbell or Henrietta Hyde looks like they might fit the bill dont know about the scale though and they lack the exoskeleton that the artwork has so you probably have to make a scenic base for them with bookshelves or something to make the base feel busy enough


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Hey Wings and Barnaberible, that looks like an excellent proxy! I wonder how hard it would be to replace the figure inside with a female one. Thanks!!!

EDIT: Looks like the bigger question is, how the heck am I going to get a copy for myself. The ones on eBay are the pulse cannon and flame thrower versions :(

EDIT 2: It's interesting how Barker shrunk when he got into the suit LOL

Edited by Grim
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Yeah... There is the teensiest bit of a scaling difference. In terms of replacing him inside the suit, you'd probably be ok if you kept his legs and changed his torso as the torso doesn't connect with anything the way the legs do. His knees are joined to the suit's legs so changing those would be trickier. His hands connect with the suit's arms but in a much more flexible way - the only issue with having a female mini is that they tend to be smaller and she might look a bit silly flailing her arms about to reach the weapons.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have to say it is slightly disheartening to be a new player and not have access to models to play characters from the core rule book, because I didn't know about a Kickstarter months ago, or go to Gen Con last year. And if the other thread with release schedule information is reliable, there is not going to be any published sculpt for a base book character in the foreseeable future :Sad_Puppet2:

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I've also been hunting for a Hannah model if not a proxy but they seem to be a rare breed instead. I assume there has been no mention of an official Hannah model to be made available to the general public? Maybe with a new Plastic Von Schill box or something? Having seen the release schedule up until Jan obviously there isn't going to be one for a while but have there been any rumours regarding this?

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  • 3 months later...

I need a Hannah Proxy for the tournament and the TO won't allow a Friekorps Librarian on  50mm base. The TO wants something that looks like the  Hannah art, even from a different company as long it looks like Hannah. Any suggestions? I am pretty sure Barker Zosa and the Witch Hunter don't look like the Hannah artwork LOL

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Yeah he is a tad pricey, especially considering he may not be allowed at events etc when Hannah eventually see's a release but that doesn't appear to be likely for a while yet. Either way it's an option. You could perhaps try to source one cheaper from another seller or even eBay. He's probably the best proxy I've found so far. I'm also looking for something suitable so If anything else crops up I'll be sure to post it here. 

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