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Fistful 'O Fate - Sunday 1st December - MORE SPACES!!


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Thanks the a great day we all really enjoyed it.

As for feedback the venue was great and so was the food, loved that it was central so we had north south east and west attendance what more can i say fantastic venue 40 player run through smoothly ( if my brain was still functioning i would put some more down but i am picking bits of it up off the floor). All in all two thumbs up.

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Well done to Joel for a very well run event. Venue was very good, and I look forward to a return in January for the Masters.

Thanks to my opponents Maria, Hutch & Brookes for 3 very close, enjoyable games (all margins 1 point), and pleased with my overall position (and 2nd Outcast) considering how few competitive games I've played.

So, Outcasts or Guild for 2014?

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Really enjoyed myself today. Nice relaxed atmosphere. Great games, great opponents. Thanks BenH (we finally meet!), Brooks and Rob. Got to play Nico, LadyJ and Somer. Really must learn to play MUCH quicker as I think I played 4,3 and 3 turns. Also really must learn to stop relaxing and enjoying myself and put my concentrating game head on - think I left that somewhere.

Brilliant event - thanks to Lee for stepping in and helping Joel cope and stay sane.

Spooner you were missed but hope you had a good day with your kids.

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Just want to say thanks again, really enjoyed the whole day which is great as I was struggling to enjoy M2e turns out I just needed to get models on the table.

Lots learnt, like which Vik is which. Make sure to read player sheets right 'Plant Evidence' and 'Plant Explosives' are very different.

Feedback wise it's all positive. Everything ran really well. Venue was in a great spot even just getting there you just drop off the M1 and drive straight down. Player sheets where great (despite my misreading, my fault) The timer display was great and the clarity of last turn call outs was great.

Last of all to thank all my opponents Jeremy, Matt and Jimmy (less so Jimmy because of the horrible Nurse) in all seriousness the games where great fun. I'm still amazed at the positive and fair way Malifauxer's have when playing. All three games where hard thought but any disagreements were quickly talked about and agreed by both to get on with the game. I'm guessing it was the same for all as I didn't hear and big rants. So good work all.

I'll shut up now....well one more thing.

Joel, out of interest what do the numbers stand for next to people on the score board I just couldn't fathom what they mean.

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First one is tournament points, second is vp differential...can't remember the 3rd right now...

Cool, thanks. It was the 3rd that through me off track.

Interesting, it's looking like in M2e you need to be winning with larger V.P differences then. I guess just extending the possible V.P by two means it opens up to larger numbers. Just an observation.

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Feedback you asked for: 45 SS is an interesting value, it's not enough to have all the toys (so you have to put some thought into crew selection) but enough to be interesting so a good challenge. Think I prefer 50 as a game and think having both out there is good. I don't think I'd want to see a "standard" value of either but rather have the diversity of both out there.

Difficult one this but I felt a bit confused by the sportsmanship scoring. I sometimes find it difficult to work out what I am measuring. One of my games was not as good as the others, I have no problem with my opponent, how he played or anything and I would be perfectly happy to play them again. However it was not as good a game as the other 2. Should this be taken into account? is it too easy to give eveyone a 3? I quite like the 1-5 ranking where you are meant to give a 3 to give you room to move either way.

I realies the last point is a bit of a ramble and I'm trying not to to offend any of my opponents because you were all fine so please don't be offended.

Edited by Ratboy Stoo
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Following Ratboy Stoo's comments I'd just like to put it out there that I don't like this type of award as its almost impossible to judge, and as Stoo said, a poor game (due to card flips, or whatever) will inevitably taint a potential 'sportsman' game. Unless someone can come up with a foolproof method I'll avoid them at my tournaments.

Don't get me wrong, rewarding good sportmanship and the like in the friendly tournament environment we have is to be encouraged, but I don't know the best way to do it.

P.S. despite being a grumpy opponent sometimes, I once won a sportsman's award!

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Great tournament Joel, extremely well run and a great atmosphere throughout.

As a player who's been to a fair few tournaments in multiple game formats I can safely say that this had one of (if not the) best food pack at a tournament. Free tea and Coffee is a great little addition, and the amount of space and table set ups were brilliant. Clock and regular time updates was great, and 40SS is a nice size game to make you think when picking your masters (unless you just turn up with Lynch)....

Absolutely delighted with 3rd, and just wanted to say thanks to my three opponents (Martin, David, Luke) all were great games in thier own way. Martin apologies if our game was a little slow, positioning of that train really meant I had to think too much about squatters markers. David, loved your nephilim themed army, and sorry to put all my eggs in one Lilith shaped basket. And lastly great to play Luke again, after catching him off guard at the outpost with woke up with a hand, I felt this game was far more enjoyable and tactical between us.

Really looking forward to the masters side events in January, and future Joelfaux's.

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Thanks Joel, I really enjoyed the event… despite my disappointing performance.

This was my first M2E Tournament though and I did learn a lot from it.

Martin apologies if our game was a little slow, positioning of that train really meant I had to think too much about squatters markers.

To be fair, I think we were both quite slow in that game. It's difficult to work things out in terms of position and activation order, when you both have Masters that can take at least one model a turn off the table! Enjoyed the game though and congrats on 3rd place.

If I can remember enough of what happened, I may try and put a report up this week, detailing my thoughts on all the games I played.

Cheers all,


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