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Malifaux Board WIP


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To honor 2nd Ed, I have been working on a new Malifaux board. I love my Terraclips, don't get me wrong, but I wanted to try something new...


I have used a pre-cast latex gaming mat, glued down to a 3'x3' sheet of masonite. This will allow modular terrain to be placed on it, while retaining a high level of detail.

I explain how I made this, with detailed photos, here.

I hope this helps someone!

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I was scared, too. I wasn't sure how the latex would take paint. Even after the first few layers of color I put down, I felt as though I could still see "pores" in the latex, that did not have pigment in them. It took many, many layers of washing and airbrushing to achieve this effect. Perhaps other people know a better way to do this...

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i was at a tournament where zuzzy brought a ton of 3x6 sample strips of their mats to give out as a way to drum up interest. everyone in my gaming group gave me theirs and i used it as basing material for a large number of my demons army. the material takes a spray primer pretty good. then add drybrushing and maybe a wash, ad it looks like you did all the hard work.

love the board so far. keep us posted with pics of your terrain and such. looks like a nice multi use board.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Bringing creepy alleyways and unnerving cemeteries to life, one clogged airbrush at a time.

I am a bit behind in updating this blog with my Malifaux board's progress. Consider this post something of an intermediary, as I have much more work to share with you, but I needed some sort of bridge to the (almost) finished board. I digress.


Here you can see some sample terrain, before it had even received primer. Washing and sanding all of those Armorcast pieces took a long time. Nothing like the seven months it took Armorcast to complete my order, but a long time nonetheless.


Both the Wyrd Miniatures Hanging Trees set, as well as the classic Games Workshop Citadel Wood, provided a variety of carrion. I hope little details like these, end up really "selling" the environment and atmosphere I am going for.


Here you can see the undercoloring I added to these cobblestone roads. While these pieces eventually recieved a variety of cool grey and blue drybrush treatments, I started by burying the "minor holy trinity" of orange, green and purple. This grants both color depth, and a hidden complement to any primary colored models that traverse such bumpy paths.

I am working with Vallejo water effects and Hirstarts to convert this GW arcane ruins set, into a fountain. I am a bit stumped though:


What kind of model should I mount on the pillar? I want something suitably gothic and moody to paint-up as weathered stone or bronze, but I seem to be blanking on what exactly to add. A Malifaux, GW or Privateer Press model would make this scenery a bit too "brand loyal" for me. I have been considering using something more neutral, like a chess piece. Maybe a sinister looking queen would fit the setting, almost like a Red Queen meets Mrs. Lovitt.

I would love some suggestions!

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What kind of model should I mount on the pillar? I want something suitably gothic and moody to paint-up as weathered stone or bronze, but I seem to be blanking on what exactly to add. A Malifaux, GW or Privateer Press model would make this scenery a bit too "brand loyal" for me. I have been considering using something more neutral, like a chess piece. Maybe a sinister looking queen would fit the setting, almost like a Red Queen meets Mrs. Lovitt.

I would love some suggestions!

You could always use Lilith's totem the Malifaux Cherub painted as stone and it'd also be a good Doctor Who reference.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you, Omenbringer!

I have seen many Malifaux models, old and new, across the Internet. I have not seen nearly as many Malifaux play spaces. With an environment as atmospheric as what Wyrd has drawn on, it seems like a natural progression for the more hobby-minded player.

Again, I like my Terraclips, but I wanted something that I could set up and tear down with ease.

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Thank you, Daemon. The buildings are by Armorcast, but I cannot recommend ordering from the Armorcast store. I would suggest buying from a 3rd party that has stock.

Out of curiosity, have you had trouble ordering direct from Armorcast? Bad customer service or....?

I would also echo the earlier comments about how nice your set up is!

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RagingRodian: my order took 7 months to be filled, and in that time the company would not respond to emails or phone calls. I called daily, after the first few months. In fairness, the company did answer the phone twice. When I started monitoring their Facebook page, to see if they had simply gone bankrupt, I found an entire community of disgruntled customers who were awaiting orders. And to be honest, because 7 months went by before my order was filled, I would not have had any legal recourse. And finally, the company shorted me on the building sets: the rear wall of each building is actually the second story flooring piece. While it is possible to build the sets with these pieces, to an experienced hobbyist, this comes across as unprofessional corner-cutting.

Again, buy all the Armorcast you want, but do so from a third party vendor, so THEY can deal with Armorcast and not you.

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