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M2 multiplayer?

Math Mathonwy

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I did it once in 1.5, and it was a lot of fun. Two things that I found really needed to be looked at- Initiative and Deployment. With Initiative we had all three flip their cards, then went from top down, with any ties reflipping between those applicable. So, if someone got Initiative and the others tied, they still had it.

Deployment was tricky, but we settled on doing a triangle.

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Played it quite a lot in V1. The thing we found was that you either wanted a hunter/prey set up, or to force players to split their targets, otherwise if it ended up beign a 2 on 1 situation is wasn't as much fun.

Soemthing like "If you only have 1 stratergy/scheme that targets an enemy it must be the one on your left. a second one must target the player on your right" should stop that happening.

We typically deployed 2 corners and one in the middle of the opposit side. Initative was played that winner went first, and second plavce went second (ties between second and third wouldn't change who won). I would probably chaneg that to winner choses eitehr who starts, or direction, and second chooses the other one. (might need some consideration to give first a better choice than second)

I never got round to playign the rules in the Cronicles, so Can't comment on them.

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For demoing, this would come in handy. Has anyone played a game with 4 players? I had this come up in a Demo last weekend. I did not know how to handle it, so I stuck with just two players.

How would you handle 4 players?

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Been playing three or four players for years in 1.5. Some things need adjusting, but the Multiplayer Rules from the Chronicles address most concerns, to include the central deployment zone and two strats based off of being the monkey in the middle, both of which allot extra soulstones to that player.

Triangle deployment works. So does three out of four corners, leaving the four one a dud. Utilizing terrain becomes very important when a bullet can come from anywhere.

With init, we'd go the fun route on ties. Only the tying players had to reflip, but if that led to new ties, those players reflipped, until we finally had a set order. Doppelganger, and now Tara, made this really interesting.

Be sure to go with the 48" x 48" board recommended for Brawls, unless you want everyone to be within striking range of each other on the first turn. With determination, it can still happen, but usually it's turn two when thing get real. Games tend to be decided or at least a force tends to be decimated by turns three or four. Anything longer tend to be cleanup of stragglers.

Alpha heavy crews can speed up or slow down overall play time, depending on how well they coordinate their actions. Same goes for model heavy crews, like gremlins, who still have another crew's worth of models to activate after everyone else has gone.

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Thank you for all the ideas - we played three player game yesterday and had a blast!

We took 40SS crews so not too big (in M2 points values, that is) and used a 3'x4' playing area. We also aimed the strategies and schemes so that they only worked against the player on the left. For initiative, the highest flipping player would choose who goes first and then we went clockwise.

I had Sonnia, the player to my left had Ophelia and the third crew was lead by Pandora. Frist thing Rami sniped a Witchling Stalker that exploded and put damage and burning on Sonnia and two other Witchlings. I retaliated by blasting with Sonnia killing Rami, Slophauler, two Young LaCroix and wounding Ophelia and Lenny. Yeah... I was insanely lucky with Sonnia in that first blast I cheated attack high enough to cheat severe on the damage flip, and next I got Red Joker on damage.

Pandora was happy.

But yeah, fun was had. Teddy is fricking scary. That Terrifying 13 (All) is nasty stuff when coupled with Smell Fear. It does go down to a concentrated attack, however, which was nice.

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