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Bayou of the Wierd and Wacky


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Hey all, I've know been into Malifaux 6 months. What initially drew me in was some the amazing models and painting at my local store. After a 1 v 1 demo of rotten bell vs terror tot I joined the ranks of the Arcanists with Ramos. My decision was based on all my previous painting being 40k so lots of metal and I thought that would be the best place to start, also I enjoyed the idea of lots of spiders :) After awhile I found I wasn't getting my play style out of him, so moved to the Viks. Now I had a problem, I wanted to paint well but had no clue as too how to paint skin/clothes etc. Luckily I have a friend who was able to save the day by giving me a few hours where I simply learnt to paint very thin layers of paint (if you're new to painting this is the best lesson you can learn). When first wave public beta came out I found my love though. A group small and numerous fellas.....the GREMLINS. Now I have found my love in playing and a love for painting. So now I've decided to make a post, my own section of the bayou. Please note this post will contain gremlins...a lot of gremlins.. and maybe a few other models I paint. Hopefully enjoy and please give any comments, suggestions, tips etc as I am nowhere near a standard of painting I would like to be :)post-13631-13911930457941_thumb.jpg also first time posting thread so fingers (anyone get the bad pun?) crossed



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I like your highlights, particularly your red. I think your deck could be a little bit darker to let Ophelia shine even more, but it could be the light on the photo more than the painting.

The piglets looks angry and their bases are splendid, good work :)

cheers mate

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Because of people like you, I don't dare to put my pictures up :)

They look great, mate!!!

Haha! I know this feeling!! But I think most of the time it's being too judgmental about your own work. If you posted yours I'd probably still think the same thing about putting mine up because yours are too nice!! Haha.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

So I'm back :) and better (maybe). Will put pics of what I've been upto within the next week but for now here's my current project.

For some reason can't upload pictures (anyone have any suggestions/ideas about this-for some reason file is not valid) :( so here's link to my twitter which works.


WIP death marshal. C&C welcome

Edited by Lemonconstruct
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