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M2E Cycles of models and the new factions.

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So in Malifaux there have been two cycles of models that span every faction and I am bringing this post up to see what other people think will happen to these cycles for Gremlins and the Ten Thunders.

For those who don't know the two cycles are the riders, Pale, Dead, Mechanical, Hooded, Avatar Levi. These are based off of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The other is the Effigy cycle of Brutal, Necrotic, Arcane, Mysterious, Hodgepodge. These are an embodiment of what the factions are in a single model and all are dolls.

What I think will happen is that the Horsemen will not be continued into the other factions I just don't see a pig rider, and dragon rider fitting into the this cycle, plus one of the key things of these models were that they play off of the suits of there faction and ALevi brings them all together. If they added another one it would feel forced as this feels like a complete unit.

The effigys I believe though are a whole different animal and every faction should have one of these models. I personally hope to see a Dragon Effigy and a Bacon Effigy these are the names I give them but I would also like to hear other idea's for names of these models.

I do understand that when 10 Thunders was released they did not get the effigy but I feel it is more of a 2nd wave model to give the cherry on top after people know what the faction is known for.

SO what I want to hear from people is will we get new Horsemen or Effigies and if we do what names will they get.

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