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Hoffman M2E: Dual Arcanist?


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Hey, I was just wondering what people would think about Hoffman becoming Dual Arcanist. He already had Arcanist Ties to hire their constructs and considering McMourning is now part guild would it make sense to have him change? Or do you think he should just stay Guild, with or without the ability to hire Arcanist Constructs (probably an upgrade if he keeps it)?

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He might also have worked out who Victor Ramos actually is, and no longer want anything to do with him or his technology.

His whole love/hate relationship is something that I expect to move forward with the story. Where it goes from there I haven't a clue, but if he no longer had any ability to hire arcanist constructs I wouldn't be too surprised. I'm also expecting Ramos to not be able to "borrow" guild stuff any more.

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Unlikely, as the devs have said that "something special" is in store for the Arcanists final Master.

Don't know on that one, it would certainly simplify his older rules allowing him constructs from Arcanists into one symbol on the card, but then it would open up non construct items too. If Hoffman remains true to how he was designed in M1.5 mind you won't see him using much more than constructs really. He wouldn't really be Arcanists "final" master in the same way that McMourning isn't the Guilds "final" master.

Had Hoffman pegged as potentially dual Arcanist/Guild myself.

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Don't know on that one, it would certainly simplify his older rules allowing him constructs from Arcanists into one symbol on the card, but then it would open up non construct items too. If Hoffman remains true to how he was designed in M1.5 mind you won't see him using much more than constructs really. He wouldn't really be Arcanists "final" master in the same way that McMourning isn't the Guilds "final" master.

Had Hoffman pegged as potentially dual Arcanist/Guild myself.

Well, in addition to saying something special was planned for the Arcanists, the devs also said that the Arcanists specifically wouldn't be getting another dual faction Master.

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Don't know on that one, it would certainly simplify his older rules allowing him constructs from Arcanists into one symbol on the card, but then it would open up non construct items too. If Hoffman remains true to how he was designed in M1.5 mind you won't see him using much more than constructs really. He wouldn't really be Arcanists "final" master in the same way that McMourning isn't the Guilds "final" master.

Had Hoffman pegged as potentially dual Arcanist/Guild myself.

Surely McMorning IS the Guilds 7th master. The information we had was that each of the 7 factions would have 7 master options by release (2014).

The 7 guild options will be (in my understanding)

Lady Justice, Perdita, Sonnia Criid, C.Hoffman, Lucius, Lucas McCabe and Douglas McMorning.

I would be hugely surprised if Hoffman became dual faction Arcanist. Whilst he has some links with Ramos in the story, I can't see him chosing to do Arcanist missions unless Ramos has managed to come up with some form of Cure for Ryle. Yes, he has affinity to constructs, and his friendship with Ramos allowed him close contact with several Arcanist Constructs, but he has no links what so ever to the beasts, or the cult of december. Everything he has done so far has been for the forces of Law, and whilst he might not be your normal Guild member, he is much less likely to work for his own agenda (other than his brother) than any other master. If we were really going to get a duel Guild/Arcanist master then from the Story it is much more likely to be Sonnia. And as said, there are several (unknown to us but) interesting possibilities for the 7th Arcanist Master, but we have been told they don't expect it to be duel faction.

Hmm. Maybe Ramos cures Ryle, and he becomes the new Arcanist master...

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For Hoffman I'd expect him to have a rule or upgrade similar to Infiltration from the assorted Ten thunder masters; in his case I'd expect him to have 'Infiltration' M&SU constructs: this crew can hire up to 4 M&SU construct models as if they were dual faction guild. I don't think he'll have anything like Pariah of Iron, since that would give him access to a much wider range of 'un-fluffy' options from Arcanists, Ressers and Outcasts.

Regarding the 7th Arcanist, I could see another elemental spell caster, themed on Earth or Air magic with a corresponding retinue of elemental Gamins and possibly a Golem (atm we have Rasputina and Kaeris covering Fire and Ice, Ramos dabbles with Electrical magic, Marcus is a super druid, Mei Feng could be considered 'Metal/Fire' elementalist, while Collette is a super Illusionist).

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Am I the only one that wants it to be English Ivan? It could be a 'family' style crew, which works off of inter-model synergy, or auras. Small number of models, high cost high reward kinda thing.

When i first saw the model for the Wastrels (The one that looks like an old timey boxer) I thought that was going to be him.

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Hoffman has the same right to be a dual Arcanist as Marcus has to be a dual Resser. Both are chums with a member of the other faction, both can use some models from the other faction, but absolutely no intererest beyond their own particular sphere. Giving him the ability to take any construct would be the obvious move here.

I'd also love to see English Ivan as an official character. The wash house would be a very cool "leage of extraordinary gentlemen" style crew that would give some interesting options to the arcanists as a faction. Dual faction with outcast would be the obvious choice in this case.

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what do you mean about arcanists won´t be dual faction??

Mack has stated that Arcanists won't get another dual faction (apart from Mei Feng), while every other faction has a new one. He's also stated that by the time wave 2 is done, every faction will have exactly 7 masters, counting their duals.

Counting up who we already know about, that leaves us with 1 Outcast, 1 Arcanist, 1 Ten Thunders, and 3 Gremlins unaccounted for, presumably all single-faction, with one of those gremlins being Ulix, who was mentioned on Eric's blog as a pig-focused master.

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